My Journey As A Professional Poker Player (69 Viewers)

Well, I was thinking maybe the pushed pot pic was after the other player had been felted and left the table, so he wasn't rubbing it in their face (or maybe he doesn't see it that way). But I was curious of his opinions.

And I've never seen others take chip stack pics at a casino. Wondering if others do it too.

No one was felted in those pics. But it was a nice pot

Had KQT8 on a rainbow T52 flop against a LAG who raises pre constantly and c-bets frequently

He had raised pre again, myself and one other caller

I check-call flop bet from HJ, the CO does the same, Villain on button

Turn another Ten putting two diamonds on board. I lead $300, CO calls. Villain folds

River a beautiful 8, giving me the nuts. But also completes the flush

I bet $300 again and he thinks for awhile but makes the call, squeezed some juice out of him

Was targeting another Ten there
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As Negreneau has taught us, everything you do at the poker table conveys information. Unless you are a professional blogger, I would think taking pics of chip stacks conveys that you are happy with this pot or this chipstack, i.e. the money is important to you or (if they are not a regular in the game) they might thinks it's @Anthony Martino's first score...

EDIT: I was only asking how you take the pics, not criticizing you for doing so. I'm glad you send them... Nice to see those monster stacks. I was just wondering how/when you do it and whether it sends a negative vibe to the table...
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More and more are starting to allow photo taking. Much the same way that cell phone use was once banned at the table, now it's more common to see a player on their phone than sipping a drink.

At some point the casinos have to accept that pics are free advertising on social media, and the player that "doesn't want to be photographed" needs to be respected, but they are in the minority.

Phone usage in between hands or when you don't have a live hand currently should be fine. Anything more than that and you have a new Mike Postle brewing potentially.
As Negreneau has taught us, everything you do at the poker table conveys information. Unless you are a professional blogger, I would think taking pics of chip stacks conveys that you are happy with this pot or this chipstack, i.e. the money is important to you or (if they are not a regular in the game) they might thinks it's @Anthony Martino's first score...

EDIT: I was only asking hownyiubtake the oicsz not criticizing you for doing so. I'm glad you send them... Nice to see those monster stacks. I was just wondering how/when you do it and whether it sends a negative vibe to the table...
I was Anthony's first score. Everyone needs to keep treating him like a fish. It's good for his bankroll, and we get to giggle at more ridiculous-beat posts.
More and more are starting to allow photo taking. Much the same way that cell phone use was once banned at the table, now it's more common to see a player on their phone than sipping a drink.

At some point the casinos have to accept that pics are free advertising on social media, and the player that "doesn't want to be photographed" needs to be respected, but they are in the minority.


Some of my pics by number of views




A little 4-8 O8 meetup game. @courage @JacNoK @SeekTheGrail @abunchofbannedmembers......


If you can't take pics without people knowing what you are doing then @k9dr would have been arrested/assaulted a long time ago.....
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One more month will mark the 1 year anniversary since I left my job to play PLO full-time

At the end of Sep 2019 I was burnt out, managing a trucking company and working 70 hrs/week.

Exhausted and angry all the time, work following me home, I needed a change My wife said "go play poker" and here we are almost a year later.

Despite a shutdown for months due to Covid, despite having just learned PLO before I dove in.

Now I work 30-40 hrs/week and have a work/life balance I didn't have before, and I'm persuing other interests and revenue streams in my free time.

Screenshot_20200830-111714_Poker Income.jpg
One more month will mark the 1 year anniversary since I left my job to play PLO full-time

At the end of Sep 2019 I was burnt out, managing a trucking company and working 70 hrs/week.

Exhausted and angry all the time, work following me home, I needed a change My wife said "go play poker" and here we are almost a year later.

Despite a shutdown for months due to Covid, despite having just learned PLO before I dove in.

Now I work 30-40 hrs/week and have a work/life balance I didn't have before, and I'm persuing other interests and revenue streams in my free time.

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Big ups to the wife in all this.
More and more are starting to allow photo taking. Much the same way that cell phone use was once banned at the table, now it's more common to see a player on their phone than sipping a drink.

At some point the casinos have to accept that pics are free advertising on social media, and the player that "doesn't want to be photographed" needs to be respected, but they are in the minority.
I've been chided a couple times at my local room for taking chip pics, but they've never been super strict about it unless you're really obvious.

However, it looks like they're relaxing that rule. There's a vlogger who plays in the same room (Kyle Fischl), and he recently got permission to video hands at the table and use them in his vlog.
I think 3 guys were in cahoots so I got out of dodge before they got me today, left up a grand.

One straddles to 10, everyone calls, straddler makes it 50, we're all calling until last guy who makes it $255 and straddler cold calls. Pushes everyone out (third guy didn't get involved in this one)

They show up with T862 one suit and AKQ9 no suits respectively

They go once with everyone at the table but twice with each other and just smelled super fishy when the guy is calling the 10, letting his buddy make it 50 and then repopping to 255 with T862 one suit

I did lose $430 of my profit when I flopped top set on a TJK two heart board and was up against a guy with AQxx hearts. Flop checked around, I pot the blank turn for $325, he just calls with $100 behind and river is 9 hearts but he was ahead the whole way
Were they regulars to that room or others you go to? Did you inform the floorperson of your suspicions?
This is interesting. Can you stop them from doing so? Obviously unethical and horrible, I’m questioning how easy it is to prove and can they be punished for something that’s gonna be hard to prove.

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