Lots of good responses, but I especially like this one, because it starts to get at the question of "what on earth is villain actually raising here that makes sense?"I'd say V is raising his 2 pair (78s)
Also T9s, some Ax hands.
His sets and pairs probably just like a call.
Here we like to fold.
I generally agree that we are beat here on the flop once we get raised, but being behind of course is not in itself a good reason to fold. If we put villain on an 8x for example (98s, T8s, 86s etc), then we have 6 clean outs twice. Putting that hand into the hand calculator, shows us having 22% equity. We have to call $1389 into a pot of $5771 or 24%. That means we would actually be getting (more or less) correct odds to call with AK. If we are against a hand like TT or JJ, our equity jumps up to 24%.
Now could we be in worse shape? Definitely. But those hands are much less likely. I agree with @jebu that most sets just call this flop in position so I am actually ruling most of those out, especially since I think it is only 88 and 77 anyway - very unlikely again. 87s makes a ton of sense for a hand that takes this line and raises the flop. I think we have to put all 87s' in villains range for sure.
Another important question - can we actually be ahead here? I think this is possible as well, though unlikely. I think T9s makes for a very nice min-raise here, hoping to get us off of exactly AK, AQ type of hands. Maybe It even gets us to fold underpairs as well. It would be a good play with T9s to be honest. I still think, given the player, this is less likely, but if we give him 87s, we have to also give him T9s.
All this to say that... if we think most of his sets (and it's hard to hit a set) are just calling the flop, his raising range that is actually ahead of AK in terms of equity, is very very narrow. In the past, this would have been an automatic fold for me. And for good reason. Even if I can make the argument that I have enough equity to call here, is it really worth it? I have no problem with a fold, I think that is kind of the default play here. For me though, I have been trying to spend more time practicing hand reading, especially at the lower stakes where I feel confident enough about making speculative calls to see how that hand reading works out for me. My thinking is, this will allow me to become a stronger hand reader, and overall tournament player at the higher stakes.
My plan here is to call the weird flop raise (and it did strike me as weird right away I have to say), and re-evaluate on the turn (folding many turns but hoping to either hit an A/K or have villain check behind which could give me a lot of information).
What do people think about that plan? Insane? Just not worth it? Something that actually sounds interesting?