We are playing in our weekly $40 rebuy tournament that runs Wednesday nights. Two tables, we have all 15 players in still, now nearing the end of the one-hour rebuy period. Generally play is fairly loose during the rebuy period, as are probably most of the rebuy tournaments you all play for friendly stakes. To give a sense of the payouts, 1st: $510, 2nd: $280, 3rd: 170. There is also a points structure for the league.
Hand: 8-handed table, blinds at: 40/80 with a $10 Ante.
UTG: Folds
UTG+1: Folds
Villain (Tight Player): Raises to 240 ($23,015)
HJ: Folds
CO: Folds
BTN: Folds
SB Hero: 
BB: Tight Player ($19,652)
Hero raises to $1100 (out of position, with a hand like AK, I tend to lean on going larger rather than smaller. I don't mind having to fold to a large 4bet here if I really need to. Anything less than 800 here I think is a mistake as we give good odds to any two suited connectors and have to play out of position. I want to make villain pay here for dominated Ax and maybe force him to fold a few small pairs that are ahead of us.
BB: folds
Villain: Calls $1100
Flop ($2360 in the middle):

Hero (SB): Bets $1041
Villain (MP): Raises to $2400
Hero (SB: Calls $1359
Pot: $7160
Hero (SB): Checks
Villain (MP): Checks behind
(pot still $7160)
Hero (SB): Leads for $2200 into $7160
Villain (MP): Raises pretty quickly to $9300
Hero: ????