Personally I don't like friendly no-limit cash games. They become unfriendly very easy. Different objectives, at least in my opinion.
Friendly no-limit cash games can get unfriendly quickly after a couple of hours and some drinking. No-limit by it's nature is boom or bust hence it being prevalent in tournaments. I love the game, but not for playing a cash game with friends.
We play a 3 raise $5 spread limit dealer's choice as a cash game. That way there is some limit to what can be lost, $20 a betting round is plenty big for this group. Including a lot of different games at a low level keeps a lot of action while limiting overall losses. We want the players to come back next week, which is way more important than winning money on any given night. Most folks are +/- $50 a night, which for this group is reasonable and keeps them coming back.
It all depends on your players. If some aren't coming back because of losses then that needs to be addressed, if some aren't coming because of a lack of action, or because it's too small then address that. Home cash games have to be tailored a bit with rules, limits, buyins etc to retain the player base or the game will fade away. Many good home games disappear because the stakes get to high, most folks just want to have a good time with friends, if they are serious about winning money in poker they will go to a card room or casino.