Straight Flush
Le sigh.
I don’t think I’m ever folding here. If he’s got the winner, c’est la poker.
I don’t think I’m ever folding here. If he’s got the winner, c’est la poker.
YupLe sigh.
I don’t think I’m ever folding here. If he’s got the winner, c’est la poker.
V1: check
Hero: bets ~35
V2: calls
V1: raise to 100
Hero: calls
Like @RichMahogany said, I puked first, then called. Like most of the discussion here, I was in between a jam and a call. It felt a tad spewy to jam here (at least thats how I felt in the moment). I'm putting him on JK, QT, draw or air. I'm not putting him on AA, KK, or JJ at this point. We have blockers to AA and KK (obviously not out of the question, but still slim). And the action thus far doesnt seem to jive with those hands. Min raise pre-flop UTG with any of those holdings wouldnt make sense. He did this before with AA but he was in late position. Plus, no re-re-raise pre flop. And this means he would have drilled the flop and the check raise says good hand/draw to me instead of a set. Again, this is based on how he has been playing. He liked to be sneaky, so I could have seen him just calling the flop bet if he had a set. So I make the call based on that, and let a card peel off. It helps a) I have a position on him and b) V2 is visually done with the hand.
on to the turn...
V1: all-in
Hero: ?? (besides puking)
Some live tells: He started to intently stare at me and talking. This wasnt exactly out of character for him, but its worth noting.
Did V2 fold to the flop raise to 100 by V1?
Pot is 559, 288 to call.So V1 min-raises. I dont think that tells us much about his range except that you noted he had min-raised AA earlier so he can still be uncapped here.
Then he checks a flop that would smash his range, planning to X/R and does so into two players = very strong, indicating that he is at the top of his range.
He would probably play a NFD, SD or a hand that doesnt want to be out-drawn by the front door flush like a set this same way. So the action IMHO doesnt help us narrow it down except it is a high equity holding. JJ, QT could play this way. I dont think QThh plays this way.
He jams a blank turn. Is he still trying to win the pot before the FD gets there? Jamming here doesnt seem like the nuts (QThh), but lots of strong holdings like AA, KK, JJ may jam here to shut it down facing the FD.
My math shows pot is $474 and you have $288 to call? So about 1.7:1 odds.
Every time I call here I am beat, and I think at these stakes they have it so I sigh/fold.
So I’d bet my stack that him stopping and staring at the table quietly was a reverse tell - he’s got that straight and he’s got you dead to 4 outs and he wants you to think he’s insecure because he wants you to call.yep sorry, should have called that out.
before I go on with what I did, going to add more tells that progressed...
I went deep into the tank, and I apologized to the table for taking so long. V1 continued his staring and table talk. After a while I told him what I had, which was why I was taking so long on a decision. The moment I did that, he stopped the table talk and started staring at the table instead of me. After a minute or 2 he asked the waitress for some water.
Everything you described says call to me, except maybe the asking for a glass of water, which screams of Hollywooding...
But based on your description it sounds like a call. In addition to the many hands already mentioned, such a loose villain could have all the worse aces, worse two pair, weak flush draws, Qx, TT, really any made hand with a redraw.
My play has been 95% online (55k hands this year) and only two sessions of casino $1/$3 so I am out of my depth here - but I have a really hard time thinking someone could play this aggressively with TPGK, like worse Aces, e.g. A8o or even ATo which adds the str8 draw. Is live poker at these stakes really that poorly played? Online he has it 9.5 times out of 10.
You know, when you’re playing live, one of the factors is a finite number of hands. If you’re only going to be there for 3-4 hours, you’re only going to see a hundred hands. It’s not like online multi-tabling, where you can just sit there and wait for the right hands and right situations. So what you call playing “that poorly,” they might call “playing.”My play has been 95% online (55k hands this year) and only two sessions of casino $1/$3 so I am out of my depth here - but I have a really hard time thinking someone could play this aggressively with TPGK, like worse Aces, e.g. A8o or even ATo which adds the str8 draw. Is live poker at these stakes really that poorly played? Online he has it 9.5 times out of 10.
They will play this way with much less than TPGK in live $1/$2, $1/$3
My play has been 95% online (55k hands this year) and only two sessions of casino $1/$3 so I am out of my depth here - but I have a really hard time thinking someone could play this aggressively with TPGK, like worse Aces, e.g. A8o or even ATo which adds the str8 draw. Is live poker at these stakes really that poorly played? Online he has it 9.5 times out of 10.
Erp! Just read the spoiler. Nice call. Makes sense. He spazzed out to deny equity to your draws, with less of a made hand the he should have had to make that play. I’d actually like his shove a little better if he had AQ or KQ, because though his made hand would have been weaker, at least he’d be blocking more stuff.
What was the river card? Did the other villain give any indication as to what his hand was?