I figured out the Swedish country is probably Sweden but then I got stuck
rhymes with Hiking
I figured out the Swedish country is probably Sweden but then I got stuck
Liking? Dyking? Biking?rhymes with Hiking
Another hand from last nights session. I'm working on going pro, so I want to plug up some leaks.
Seat 1: Fish - Terrible poker player (82.30)
Seat 2: Very Aggressive, NLHE player - (357.05)
Seat 4: Hero (159.30)
Seat 5: Fish (109.75)
Seat 6: Decent LAG (97.75)
Seat 8: LAG (116.65)
Seat 9: Unknown (25.70)
Seat 8 has the dealer button
Seat 9 posts SB
Seat 1 posts BB
Seat 2 raises pot to $1.75
Player notes:
Seat 2 - Action junkie; Will bluff with bottom pair; loves st8 draws; Will bluff all-in
Seat 6 - Overvalues hands; plays made hands hard with no redraw; calling station
Seat 8 - will re-pot preflop when raised; will either shove or fold to aggression; rarely flats; action junkie; slows down when whiffs
Seat 9 - unknown - not a lot of history with this player
Seat 1 - terrible, don't think she's ever had a winning session
Seat 5 - new fish to the game, no notes yet, but plays nearly every hand, seems pretty bad
Action to hero with![]()
Action was to hero.
Hero decides to pot it against this particular player in the hopes to thin the field.
Hero bets $3.
Seat 5 fish - calls
Seats 6, 8, fold
Seat 1 fish (rhymes with Wagon) calls
Seat 2 pots to $12.25
Action to hero?
Hero calls the $12.50
Seat 5 calls
Seat 1 fold.
Seat 2 bets $48.85
Action to hero with![]()
Fold? Against Viking?Fold.
This flop really shows why not raising the hand preflop was the best play. If Hero had limp/called the flop bet would be much smaller now and Hero would have much better implied odds to call even a pot sized flop bet right now.
Fold? Against Viking?
Interesting. I will hint, that's not what I did hereEven blind squirrels find a nut occasionally! If you are sure hitting an Ace on the turn gives you the best hand as well I can stretch to make the call.
you aren’t getting the right price to call and will have to call of the rest of your stack on the turn.
Especially against Viking that will give his money away in many other spots where hero has him in bad shape, not drawing himself.
How drunk to re-pot?I would have liked to see a turn card, but the pot is too big. I'm folding here unless I'm fairly drunk.
Well that's exactly it. I wouldn't think of calling here. It's either re-pot or fold.How drunk to re-pot?