So what do we think the other two were calling the turn with? Middling diamonds? Maybe. Two pair or a set of 5s, hoping for a boat? I'd say that's maybe more likely. An A? Certainly. So yes, there's some risk. I agree that you shouldn't get called by many crappier hands here, but that doesn't mean you won't. Home game 4-handed. And you can't get a call if you don't bet. And what is the risk? I'll say again, it would have been a pretty weak move not to bet the river with an A. And the flop too, for that matter. Hell, the BB probably should have raised pre with an A.He sounds how I usually sound. I just think in this case the value is so slim it's worth passing on to avoid the risk of a check raise.
All I can say is that there's only one card in the deck that beats us, and the way this hand has played, it shouldn't be in somebody's hand.