SOLD Snapper Sunday Sale (2 Viewers)

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Wow, that was fast! 10,000 chips in less than a minute. I will ship all of the orders by tomorrow. I am heading to Florida on Tuesday for my annual Golf Trip and won't return until Sunday. Any orders during that time frame will be filled when I return

Thanks, Jim
10,000 in less than a minute? Fair play, I love how degen we are.
Less boxes for Jim to have to pack up
PCF when TCR does a small (10K) sale


Enjoy the trip Jim

And no long would it take to fill a 500K chips order @GPI ;)
I believe pcf could pro hit that quite easy . Problem is some like simple and some like complex edges, and colors. So be weird. Have to do a mirco cash set , cash set, high roller set and tournament set just to make most happy with colors / edges. Sad thing is we don't even need a inlay or hotstamp. Lol
Nobody really answered this question back when it was posted. Has anyone used Magic Eraser sheets? Seems like they would be good for chips? Whatabout the generic versions of magic eraser?
I've used the Magic Eraser sheets on some other paulsons that needed to be cleaned up. They were not that dirty at all so it didn't take much effort. However, those sheets are pretty thin and easily crumbled. If you really had to put in the elbow grease then I don't think they would be a good option for these chips that really need work. You would want the thicker pads.
well i only got 200 so at least 26. guess i should have got 400 but wasn't thinking about buying any to flip for profit just got what i wanted.
I only bought 200 as well, same thought process as well.
A few minutes. Fewer strokes with decent, twisting pressure over the hats. I also had the powder TSP delivered today. And brushes. Praise science!
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