Teddy KGB chips from TR King (2 Viewers)

Custom chips are not that far from $3 per chip so I think 3-5$ is not that far fetched. No yr long wait, no art fees etc.

Prob cheaper in the long run and you get MINT TRK obsolete chips.

CPC Rounders are $1.63 to $2.07 per chip (depending on the mold) for the level 2 414 spot. There is a wait, not sure about any art fees, and the spots/colors are dead on balls accurate. (close enough :))
I think it comes down to how bad you want TRKs and not Rounders chips.
Part of me agrees with @BGinGA that breaking up a set of this magnitude would, in some ways, be a bad thing. On the other hand, I can see the argument for wanting the maximum number of people to have a piece of a highly desirable set as well.

Here's how I might consider breaking it up if I were trying to subdivide these into 5 sets to maximize usability given what you're looking to sell. Take it for what it's worth.

cash set #1 (1000 chips, bank of just over $4,000)

100 x $0.25
600 x $1
200 x $5
100 x $25

cash set #2 (1400 chips, bank of just under $20,000)

400 x $1
650 x $5
250 x $25
100 x $100

[3] small tournament sets* (350 chips each, bank of just over T100,000)

120 x $25
100 x $100
80 x $500
50 x $1000

*starting stacks for a T5000 tournament could be something like 12/7/8 with the extra T100 and T1000 used for color-ups and rebuys, respectively.

I should mention that the above breakdown is just my thoughts on how I would break the set into subsets for maximum play-ability, not necessarily the way to maximize your total intake.

However, in this case, I think this would be pretty close to the way I'd break it down to maximize my intake as well. The problem with selling the entire set as one set, as other have pointed out, is that you need to find someone with 10-15k lying around ready to spend on chips. While I'm sure there are some people in that position, there's certainly far less than the number of people willing to spend 1-5k on a (smaller) set of chips. Breaking the cash sets into smaller sets, in my opinion, would be counterproductive as I believe the people who are willing to spend top dollar on these chips would want sets close to the sizes/breakdowns I proposed. As for the tournament sets, I think each of those small sets would work well as a STT set, and obviously you could combine two or three of them into a larger set for a MTT.
bentax has posted a great breakdown. If I'm buying a main set of these, I want at least 1k chips. I want a large ownership position, and that is worth a premium. The smaller tourney sets will then appeal to those who just want a taste.

I recommend you listen to the feedback and take your time with this. You have only one chance to get it right....

Edit: look up the recent Mapes sale thread on PCF. Very good example of getting the most degenerate chip collectors all worked up!
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I think your biggest mistake is trying to include the rack of .25 chips in one of the sets. You should create a few sets of $1-$100 chips that will work for a a 1-2 game, and then auction off the quarters to the highest bidder.
highly appreciated bentax and very relevant

but i was said that in usa you prefer to have breadowns multiple of 20 for cashgame so i don't understand the multiple of 50.

any thoughts?

for ssanel54, surprisengly the quarters are the most wanted now lol

highly appreciated bentax and very relevant

but i was said that in usa you prefer to have breadowns multiple of 20 for cashgame so i don't understand the multiple of 50.

any thoughts?

I think all things equal, many people would prefer even racks (myself included), and short of that, even barrels. However, in this case, it's not always possible and I don't believe that in this case it would be a major issue to anyone. For example, you have 850 $5 chips. If you divide them up, one way or another someone isn't getting an increment of 20. The way I broke it down, one cash set gets full racks, the other set gets a half rack (balanced off by another half rack of $25 chips).

Also, keep in mind my breakdowns were only suggestions/guidelines. They could certainly be tweaked a bit, although I think they're a good starting point and would work pretty well as they stand.
highly appreciated bentax and very relevant

but i was said that in usa you prefer to have breadowns multiple of 20 for cashgame so i don't understand the multiple of 50.

any thoughts?

for ssanel54, surprisengly the quarters are the most wanted now lol


I don't know what people covet the most, but you only have one rack of quarters, so they are the most rare within your set. Plus, anything less than the full rack will make them far less desirable.

If you have a price in mind, why not list all of the cash chips together with a reserve and see how it works out. Let any potential buyers work with each other in breaking up the chips for their own purposes. Might save you a lot of head ache.
just thinking i don't think mtt with these chips is a good idea because several chips will disappear everytime.
I don't know what people covet the most, but you only have one rack of quarters, so they are the most rare within your set. Plus, anything less than the full rack will make them far less desirable.

If you have a price in mind, why not list all of the cash chips together with a reserve and see how it works out. Let any potential buyers work with each other in breaking up the chips for their own purposes. Might save you a lot of head ache.

good idea
Magnifique set NBK! De retour dans les jetons? Je me souviens de tes débuts chez Pokershop, j'avais acheté mes premières Copag et un tapis ;)
Bonne chance pour ta vente. Si j'avais le budget, j'aurais pris direct...

Beautiful set NBK! Back in the chips? I remember your beginnings in Pokershop , I bought my first Copag and cloth )
Good luck with your sale. If I had the budget, I would already have taken ...
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Thank you
Teddy's and some copags are all that remain from this time ;) even my wife disappeared lol
Impressive set. I've been hesitant to post a comment since there is a lot flying around about value. I think these are certainly worth a decent amount, but some of the speculation as to price seems to be extremely aspirational (to put it mildly) to me. At these discussed prices, I'm definitely going to sit this one out. True, they ain't making any more of these, but c'mon. Certainly, the market is what the market is, but I think at times there is irrational exuberance in the market.

Don't get me wrong, I love TRKs, and I think there is a value to them, but hell, my Riverside Reno TRK set is (with the exception of 2/3rds of the Bluebirds and a couple stacks of $1s) entirely mint/near mint. Of my 1700 Bluebirds, 5-6 racks are mint and the remainder are only barely slightly used. Yes, some denominations were more expensive than others, but my average per chip price is still not as high as some of the figures being thrown out here.

That said, I do wish the OP luck, and I hope he gets (and suspect he will get) a good price for them.

PS: As far as the issue with not being able to divide the chips by stacks of 20 vs 50, I'd suggest splitting the $5s in such a way that, yes, results in 50, but that way there are 10 spares in case of Murphy.
i agree with the murphy... the guy that steals chips lol
i keep spares myself

But with king crown sold at $3 what is the price of the mythical Teddy, that is the question !
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I sold a few King's Crown at $2.50, but the majority of them sold at $2.
I'd think $3 for King's Crown would be pretty high.
i agree with the murphy... the guy that steals chips lol
i keep spares myself

But with king crown sold at $3 what is the price of the mythical Teddy, that is the question !

I'm not sure, about $3 a piece. When i bought mine, i paid about $2 a piece.
Ah, i bought my set a few month ago, from another forum member actually.
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thx for the very interesting info

then the question is how much are worth the myth and the rarity ;)
Mine were sales from this year too.

I guess we will find out how much more the Rounders TRKs are worth...to somebody.
Mine were sales from this year too.

I guess we will find out how much more the Rounders TRKs are worth...to somebody.

I am kind of curious as to whether people are drawn to these for the rounders connection or the fact that they are mint TRK? or both? I would think a true Rounders fan would be more attracted to ASM/CPC sets with the same colors, edgespots and inlay as the movie.
For me, it's the mint TRK factor (obviously) ;) I couldn't care less about the Rounders aspect.

But I can get mint TRK for significantly less than $3/chip...so I'm definitely going to let the Rounders fans have at these.
Personally, i really liked it for the rounders connection, TRK mold, and the limited production run of them. Only 6,000 total. I'm a collector at heart. So anything that has a "limited" quality to them, always peaks my interest.
That being said, the rounders inlay looks a lot more authentic on other GBs that were run by other forum members.
I am kind of curious as to whether people are drawn to these for the rounders connection or the fact that they are mint TRK? or both? I would think a true Rounders fan would be more attracted to ASM/CPC sets with the same colors, edgespots and inlay as the movie.


But something reedited years after only remains a reedition compared to the "original". But it is true that the CPC could be seen a technically more genuine whereas the TRK may be seen as historically more original. i don't know.
Remeber TRK will never make anymore of these, CPC might make billions. What is the best investment?
If ferrari rebuilt Dinos which would be the most desirable?

I once had 2 black chips FROM THE MOVIE, i paid them $300 i remember. Stolen :(
I agree with Mel. To me, these have zero value as Rounders chips. The Rounders chips were made by ASM/CPC, and can still be purchased in the exact original colors/spots, albeit not on the original Roman mold.

So, what do these have going for them? Simply that they are TRKs, in nice colors/spot patterns, and that they are in mint condition. FYI, there were far more Rounders TRK chips made than just 6000. I know of other sets (although none this big). So, what is this set worth? Well, for me, far less than the figures being thrown around here. Mint TRKs can be routinely found for far less than $3/chip.

While I initially thought the OP was asking in good faith (and I still hope that is the case), it seems the OP already has an idea of what value he wants, but keeps the thread going by asking this group (which is essentially his market) to help him extract the best price from the pool of potential buyers (that same group). To be honest, this thread has turned me off a bit because it seems that he is asking us to help maximize his profit. Frankly, that's not our job. It is easy to get data points on TRK prices. I say offer the entire set as a whole or break it down into a cash set or two and a tourney set or two. In either case, either at a "WTS" fixed price or an auction, and let the market tell you what fair value is.
Within the last year, I bought and sold one rack of mint TRK rounders $5s for $250 and $265 respectively, before shipping cost.

While I initially thought the OP was asking in good faith (and I still hope that is the case), it seems the OP already has an idea of what value he wants, but keeps the thread going by asking this group (which is essentially his market) to help him extract the best price from the pool of potential buyers (that same group). To be honest, this thread has turned me off a bit because it seems that he is asking us to help maximize his profit. Frankly, that's not our job. It is easy to get data points on TRK prices. I say offer the entire set as a whole or break it down into a cash set or two and a tourney set or two. In either case, either at a "WTS" fixed price or an auction, and let the market tell you what fair value is.[/QUOTE]

Really sorry if i give this feeling.
I'm really here in a search for the REAL PRICE of the chips and of course of the best breakdown in order to keep these chips alive and played.
I don't want to maximize my profit, i prefer to say that i'm looking not to be fooled.
To be frank when i initially posted i thought i would get an answer between $0.5 or $1 because i didn't know they were that rare.
The answers here and private quite overwhelmed me as i received big offers very soon and my paranoid feeling was telling me that people were going to try to fool me. Somebody even told me that people were going to propose a third of the real value.
Also i started to put my faith in some of you that is why i placed my first auction at the price of $3 that has been offered in private by many and mentionned publically.
Why do i ask the value? Because i don't want to be the fish on the table.
Why do i prefer to breakdown? Because and only for this because i want several people to enjoy the chips.
What am i trying to ransom from you now? ;) The best breakdown.
Why do i auction? Because as several people made me offers at the same times for the same chips i just want to give a chance to eveybody. I'm not going to make a lotery.

Really sorry if i gave a wrong image. I must have been really clumsy with my behaviour.
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