While I initially thought the OP was asking in good faith (and I still hope that is the case), it seems the OP already has an idea of what value he wants, but keeps the thread going by asking this group (which is essentially his market) to help him extract the best price from the pool of potential buyers (that same group). To be honest, this thread has turned me off a bit because it seems that he is asking us to help maximize his profit. Frankly, that's not our job. It is easy to get data points on
TRK prices. I say offer the entire set as a whole or break it down into a cash set or two and a tourney set or two. In either case, either at a "WTS" fixed price or an auction, and let the market tell you what fair value is.[/QUOTE]
Really sorry if i give this feeling.
I'm really here in a search for the REAL PRICE of the chips and of course of the best breakdown in order to keep these chips alive and played.
I don't want to maximize my profit, i prefer to say that i'm looking not to be fooled.
To be frank when i initially posted i thought i would get an answer between $0.5 or $1 because i didn't know they were that rare.
The answers here and private quite overwhelmed me as i received big offers very soon and my paranoid feeling was telling me that people were going to try to fool me. Somebody even told me that people were going to propose a third of the real value.
Also i started to put my faith in some of you that is why i placed my first auction at the price of $3 that has been offered in private by many and mentionned publically.
Why do i ask the value? Because i don't want to be the fish on the table.
Why do i prefer to breakdown? Because and only for this because i want several people to enjoy the chips.
What am i trying to ransom from you now?

The best breakdown.
Why do i auction? Because as several people made me offers at the same times for the same chips i just want to give a chance to eveybody. I'm not going to make a lotery.
Really sorry if i gave a wrong image. I must have been really clumsy with my behaviour.