So, a while back, I had sent some fun 3D stuff to
@Ben8257 and
@FordPickup92 as a gift. Turns out they were on vacation that week. When they got back, Ben wrote a novel on the showcase thread, calling out every box, padded envelope, and letter they received. I thought to myself, "Well shit, that's a lot of stuff in only a week! At least I'm not that far gone..."
I came back home from my 5 day spring vacation and this was waiting for me...
First up,
@justincarothers graciously offered to send me this replacement for a broken chip. I love the Palms on the CM chips and this makes the set whole!
@Himewad needs to stop with these awesome GBs because my wallet can't take it anymore. These circus/
BTP/Joker buttons/chips are so much fun!!!
@Tommy decides to post some secondary
PNY $25 ORHC chips. These finish out my ORHC set perfectly! Also, I finally get to own some
PNY chips... Ok, I finally get it. They're awesome.
And, finally ...
@derekdd23 ... Thank you so much for letting me into your Zen GB... I've always wanted a Matsui set and now I have one. I didn't even know that when you got them shipped from the factory, the cases came with a little Matsui sticker holding them together on the side!
... Still not at the level of Ben/Brie, but I definitely need some kind of intervention.