4 of a Kind
You must be referring to me or that @horseshoez guy. Because we're the only two people I know of who piss on others with any degree of regularity.
I was not involved in this NAGB. Any knowledge I have of these chips is from what others have told me, just like the rest of you. However, unlike others, if something is shared with me in confidence, it remains confidential. I am not a source; neither for the chips, nor for any intel. Please leave me out of this.
Nobody really asked for you to be involved. They simply tagged you and was not deemed necessary for you to reply.
BTW, you’re welcome for two racks of BTP $5’s you were looking for that were required to release the ESPT’s in your possession to a more deserving owner. Least you can say to the person providing you with such beautiful chips is thank you lol