The Official RPC Showcase thread (9 Viewers)

You must be referring to me or that @horseshoez guy. Because we're the only two people I know of who piss on others with any degree of regularity.

I was not involved in this NAGB. Any knowledge I have of these chips is from what others have told me, just like the rest of you. However, unlike others, if something is shared with me in confidence, it remains confidential. I am not a source; neither for the chips, nor for any intel. Please leave me out of this.

Nobody really asked for you to be involved. They simply tagged you and was not deemed necessary for you to reply.

BTW, you’re welcome for two racks of BTP $5’s you were looking for that were required to release the ESPT’s in your possession to a more deserving owner. Least you can say to the person providing you with such beautiful chips is thank you lol
I sure see a whole lot of people bitching about chip prices in this thread. Some people here seem to think that anyone who pulls off a Paulson buy is somehow obligated to distribute their spoils with the masses at prices well below market value. That's delusional. Doing so makes one a sucker, not a hero.

The market is what the market is. But guess what. If you guys really want to change the market prices for chips, you can. Just get more Paulsons made. This hobby has a supply problem, not a demand problem. If you increase the supply, prices will come down. Every NAGB that gets pulled off adds supply to the market. Clearly, and despite the echo chamber to the contrary, this CAN be done. We've now seen numerous NAGBs make their way from GPI to PCF in just the past few years alone. If all you Robin Hood heroes want lower prices for everyone, then maybe you should put your thinking caps on and figure out a way to pull off more Paulson buys instead of just bitching about it whenever someone else actually succeeds.

It's pretty simple. Increased supply = lower prices. Bitching about prices ≠ lower prices. Maybe you guys should be focusing on increasing supply rather than bitching.
Who’s in for the next group buy??
Jesus Christ. It's hard to get any kind of straight answer on this forum these days. Had to read thru 15 pages of mostly bickering and nonsense to get some vague hints about the origins of this set and a few paltry photos.

Why can't you lucky d*ckheads who own some of these chips actually post some f*cking pictures?

F*ck. I miss the days when this was actually a hobby for folks and not a means to make income.

Post some pics you a*sholes!
Jesus Christ. It's hard to get any kind of straight answer on this forum these days. Had to read thru 15 pages of mostly bickering and nonsense to get some vague hints about the origins of this set and a few paltry photos.

Why can't you lucky d*ckheads who own some of these chips actually post some f*cking pictures?

F*ck. I miss the days when this was actually a hobby for folks and not a means to make income.

Post some pics you a*sholes!
Jesus Christ. It's hard to get any kind of straight answer on this forum these days. Had to read thru 15 pages of mostly bickering and nonsense to get some vague hints about the origins of this set and a few paltry photos.

Why can't you lucky dickheads who own some of these chips actually post some fucking pictures?

Fuck. I miss the days when this was actually a hobby for folks and not a means to make income.

Post some pics you assholes!
Yeah the thread title say pr0n; let us plebes have some more pics. Espesh because bovada’s down :(
Jesus Christ. It's hard to get any kind of straight answer on this forum these days. Had to read thru 15 pages of mostly bickering and nonsense to get some vague hints about the origins of this set and a few paltry photos.

Why can't you lucky dickheads who own some of these chips actually post some fucking pictures?

Fuck. I miss the days when this was actually a hobby for folks and not a means to make income.

Post some pics you assholes!

Hot take: the bickering and nonsense IS the pron.
I’m working on a NAGB that will feature a cash set of all white chips with different edge spots each denom, and all blaze chips with different edge spots for the tourney. WHO’S WITH ME?
White chips blaze spots blaze chips white spots I’m in where do we sign up
I’ll stop shitposting after this but can the next NAGBGB be on kickstarter plz. I hear they are blockchaining now so it’s gonna be epic
Tell me you’re a millennial living in your mom’s basement without telling me you’re a millennial living in your mom’s basement.
Triennial living in my grandma’s basement but you were close
I’m from the future we finally figured out how to use blockchain technology. It’s 20222222

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