The Official RPC Showcase thread (43 Viewers)

I agree with this 100%. I sold 30+ racks of the Chicken Coops chips at an average price of $9/chip and just before sending them out had at least 5 instances where a buyer asked me to re-send them elsewhere because they had sold/traded them already. I knew this would happen but I was genuinely surprised that people didn't care to be courteous enough to at least wait until they had the chips in hand. Make as much money from them as you want, I have no problem with that.

My qualms are solely based on the lack of transparency (not sharing how many chips were produced or whether we were all paying the same price), which was more upsetting after hearing that others got the chips for 50% of the price that I did, at least. It was my decision to purchase them anyway and I own that. But the Jim's of the world probably wouldn't let you pay 3x the price he was selling to everybody else.

Making a profit is all good by me, especially if you worked for it and did what others cannot do. But you can go f*ck yourself if you charge me significantly more than you charge everyone else because I don't know any better. I won't publicly share the organizer(s) name, but it's very telling when they message you on WhatsApp to guilt you for sharing how much you paid compared to everybody else.

Squeeze every bit of value out of them as you can because if you won't, someone else will. Just don't try to f*ck me and then expect me to keep quiet about it once I find out. #MeToo
I’d out anyone who treated me like that. Pieces of shit. I agree that you may have set your self up for it with previous purchases but don’t blame you for it. I blame the piece of crap vulture who did it to you. Would like to know so I don’t ever do any business with the likes of shit bags that operate like that
So now tell me how the seller of such goods is condescending. They typically kiss your ass.
I’d out anyone who treated me like that. Pieces of shit. I agree that you may have set your self up for it with previous purchases but don’t blame you for it. I blame the piece of crap vulture who did it to you. Would like to know so I don’t ever do any business with the likes of shit bags that operate like that

Plenty of shit bags reside within this forum. Where does one start? Create a thread dedicated to listing them perhaps? Lol call it the new SHITBAG list lol
I think I told you to auction them lol

With regards to those chickens I was dibsing for friends that were keen. But then I got an anonymous pm throwing money at me. It definitely felt dirty, but I couldn't say no to that much cash.

I think it was easier for all of us to do the right thing and be generous with one another when prices were $1-$3. But the hobby is different now and some of the funds being thrown around start getting into weeks and months worth of salary.
Send me 100k for the Westworlds, and I'll send it back....

Test me....plz..... Plz..........plz ....
Don’t get me wrong. A few times I’ve paid big money for those stupid boat chips and got out unharmed. I keep one rack around to remind me. I’ll never buy nor support scam chips. But that’s just me.
Are golden nugget $2s fairplay? :cool

I love scam (heist) chips. Forbidden fruit always tastes the sweetest...... ;)
Last time there was a NAGB wasn’t there multiple boat chips? Should we expect a tourney set etc and more?
If the organizer / funder charged different people different amounts for the same chips, that's a good thing. It's called price discrimination, and it basically means "charge everyone whatever you think they're willing to pay". Businesses do this all the time. And it's economically beneficial for society at large, because it means that more stuff gets made and put into more people's hands at prices they can afford.

The problem is almost nobody wants to think that they've been on the receiving end of price discrimination. So businesses have to disguise it, and they have lots of ways to do so that are socially acceptable.

If you've ever bought the luxury edition of a car, congratulations, you got screwed over by price discrimination - and you did so willingly, happily, enthusiastically. The manufacturer spent $500 putting in leather seats and you paid $5000 extra for it. Their goal wasn't to make a profit on the leather; their goal was to charge you more for the car because you can afford it and the leather was just an excuse. The extra money they made by charging you more means that they can more easily afford to charge other people less. Which means they sell more cars to more people, and more people get to buy cars that they can afford - they just have to skip the leather seats. It's beneficial for everyone! You, the car companies, and the poor folks who just need a car. The only catch is that everyone has to avoid pointing out this whole arrangement, or you'll get annoyed that you overpaid so much for the leather seats.

If the organizers were really smart, they'd have bought way more chips than they lined up early sales for. The first batches get sold to the heavy spenders for stupid prices because a) they can afford it and b) they'll pay it. Then wait a while. Let the market settle down. Then start selling off the rest of the inventory to many more people at significantly lower prices. Ta Da! Price discrimination! People who can pay a lot, pay a lot - but they get the premium feel-good of having the shiny new toys first. But later on, people who can only pay a little, pay a little - they miss out on the prestige, but they eventually get the chips they want anyway, at prices they can afford. The seller makes the greatest amount of money, which is a bigger incentive to go get more chips made. Everyone wins.

... but only if nobody points out how the whole thing works, because then the people who paid more because they could afford to might start to feel like they got cheated somehow, even though they willingly paid that price.

Price discrimination benefits everyone, but it only works if you pretend it's not happening.
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Last time there was a NAGB wasn’t there multiple boat chips? Should we expect a tourney set etc and more?
I see two-and-a-half tourney sets, two cash sets, and two extra chips here already.

I hope the organizers can keep pulling off this kind of caper again and again; maybe eventually they'll hit on a design I like. :)
…meanwhile people are standing in line with toilet paper and their pan handles waiting to wipe the asses of a select few, one of which lives directly North of my location :ROFL: :ROFLMAO: Keep your mouths open boys, but you’re only gonna be asked to bend over when it really matters lmfao
Knowing who the organizer was @Lemonzest and his previous actions with the Sunset Beach chips, I'm hesitant to believe your theory that he's actually preparing to offer affordable RPC to the masses at generous rates.
I'm not saying that's what he's doing. I have no idea what his intentions are.

I'm saying that's what he could have done.
This analogy is so stupid it hurts. Anybody with the slightest idea of what I'm about on PCF can attest to the actual thousands of dollars I've contributed via direct donation to the InThisTogether fund or via giveaways, both public and in the form of Chicken Coop sample sets, not to mention the quick profits I knowingly gave away to the likes of certain members via Chicken Coop sales.

If the Jesus Christ of car salesman really wanted to secure additional funding in the interest of affording to sell the rest of the inventory to "many more people at significantly lower prices" they could have simply asked me to pitch in so they could order more chips. They probably could've asked a lot of people to do it. This way they still get to make their much deserved profit but there are plenty of affordable chips to go around and nobody gets f*cked.

Knowing who the organizer was @Lemonzest and his previous actions with the Sunset Beach chips, I'm hesitant to believe your theory that he's actually preparing to offer affordable RPC to the masses at generous rates. But only time will tell. He still hasn't released that next batch of Sunset Beach chips but it's only been a few years. I can hold my breath a little bit longer!
I guess @Lemonzest has done it again boys. My personal guesses was that Tom or Travis pulled it off.
Are golden nugget $2s fairplay? :cool

I love scam (heist) chips. Forbidden fruit always tastes the sweetest...... ;)
Yep. Absolutely fair game. However the seller of that first rack has more than made up for it even though I got caught up in that auction and paid a ridiculous price, @casinochipper22 had no idea that they would be that available later and is an upright guy. However those were real casino chips not fantasy chips. And casino chips are available to the public in unlimited quantities. Want them at face go harvest otherwise pay someone to.
You continue to amaze me.

With how slow you are. It's insane.
Oh my lord. I'm laughing so hard.

I had a surgery today. But I like to think I’m not typically slow. Ymmv
I hope you have a good recovery! Whatever it was. I'll be joining you soon. January 3rd at 10am, PCF is gonna get 48 hours of post surgery Kifer. All high and sloppy.
I think it is fewer primary actors, buying approx 100K chips, and selling most all of those off privately to folks at nosebleed prices, yes.


$20 man you got more money than brains.

If these are so top secret then why share pron. why doesn’t someone really set up a gpi gb for once. In the end it’s because of that comment above they can order 100k charge x10 and walk away with enough to pay off everything they own and laugh about it. It’s not for the hobby or there awesome grail set , it’s for resale. It’s why all these chips are neon colors with bright edges. This was never about a true set it was purely for resell to compliment other sets. Change my mind on that one.

If we see rpc at 2 -3 even 4-5 on forum for sale I’ll believe this Cali set was for the members if they show up for 20$ then you got your Awnser and I hope nobody buys them.

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