The Redneck Poker Card Database (7 Viewers)

GUILD - After these being mentioned by @JMC9389 over in the "Best Deck Of Plastics" topic... ... I ordered a set out of curiosity.

So... here's the setup...

Modiano branded plastic box. Same box you get your Modiano Platinum set in.... Check.
Italian "Fat Spade".... Check
Cellulose Acetate.... Check
Same Numbering/Lettering Font... Check
Same Face Card Artwork.... Check

Also the finish is very, very, Modiano-ish.

Put a numbered black card face up in front of you, and you literally can't tell the difference, save for one minor detail that you'd have to be looking for to notice. (I'll get to that in a minute)

So yea, I can see where one would think they are actually made by Modiano. Sure as h*ll looks like it on the surface. That's a lot of incriminating evidence. And, it's entirely possible they may still be at least partly guilty of the creation of this deck. However, here's the differences....

Most obvious is the red ink. Modiano (and the old Modiano-stock Desjgn) uses the dark "security red", these don't. This is also apparent in the black suited face cards. The face card design is identical, but the red in the images is lighter & brighter.

Ok, so they used regular red, they were still made by Modiano, right?

Maybe.... couple more niggles....

If they were, it's the heaviest, thickest, & stiffest card stock I've ever seen in a Modiano deck.

Da Vinci are 2.56gr, .0125", & rate a 16 on our flex scale. These are 2.64gr, .0130", & a mere 14 for flex. I resorted to actually sniffing 'em to make sure they weren't PVC & the packaging wasn't lying. In fact, that now makes 'em the stiffest Acetate cards on the list.

And finally, no way these were cut by Modiano, even if they did print 'em. These have the sharpest corner radius of any deck I believe I've ever seen in a "premium" plastic card. Even the lowly Marion Pro has a slightly larger corner radius.

So, at minimum the boxes came from Modiano. At most, they were printed in Italy, cut & packaged in Texas. I'm leaning toward the latter.

Pending further evidence coming to light, that's my story & I'm stickin' to it.

Here is a quote from an Amazon buyer's review - "I actually backed on Kickstarter when these when they were originally made. I loved them then and have used them for well over a year now at our weekly poker game."
If you're a card brand snob & refuse to acknowledge that cards other than your particular brand of choice should even be allowed to exist, you can skip this post.

This post is for the other end of the spectrum. Someone that wants/needs cheap cards that won't break the bank, yet aren't so slick (as cheap plastics usually are) that shuffling is a bigger challenge than keeping an all you can eat buffet stocked with Rosie O'Donnell & Micheal Moore in attendance.

In my case, it's supplying cards for a local charity tourney. Or maybe you're the guy that's hosting the Sunday game day/College dorm room cash game where the flat beer & greasy stale pizza will be in abundance & the cards conspicuously in harm's way. Ditto the home game with the regular one or few usual suspects that can't help but abuse the cards to death.

I basically spilled the beans on this post's contents in another thread 'cause it came up by coincidence. But... here's the jist of it if you didn't see that one....

I buy the cards for a local charity tourney. Now, I deal the final table & always break out a couple of my quality decks for that (90% of the time that means Desjgns). However, for the play up to that point where the players are doing the shuffling & dealing there's two issues there.

First being cost. Spending the money it would take for 4 tables (or more) worth of premium cards isn't in the budget.

Second... Even if it were remotely possible budget-wise, I'm not sure I'd want to be buying that many decks I know are likely to be mistreated & need to be replaced far sooner than would otherwise need be.

Hence, I'm always on the lookout for cards that fit the budget.

My usual modus operandi in this endeavor is anytime I'm ordering on Amazon & don't have a total over $25 to qualify for free shipping. I'll then search for cards & order a cheap deck or set to get me up to 25 bucks or better.

In that process, I've come up with a few options....

First up is a brand called "Slowplay".


You could consider these something of a poor man's heavy-duty Copag poker size jumbo index. If you made a thick & stiff Copag, you'd have a deck of these. Not to mention they're 3 bucks a set cheaper & come with a free cut card per deck. And, unlike the cheap Cartamundi/Ace/Ritz/Royal lot, they have a smooth yet flat finish that's not as slick.

Next up are a group of 3 decks all made by the same (probably Chinese) company. You'll find them listed as CLM Imports, Neasyth, Bird, & Rungood.

Now, while they are all made by the same company, they are all uniquely different as well.

First up is Bird 888 also listed on Amazon under the "Neasyth" brand.

2 Deck Set:
4 Deck Set:


Pretty much the same as the Slowplay cards listed above, except that they're thinner & softer (Yet still stiffer than a Copag). Also, they're the only set of the 4 that doesn't come with free cut cards. They are however the cheapest set of the lot at $8.99/set or $16.99 for a 4 deck set. Unless you're an Amazon Prime member you'll need to buy 3 sets to get the cost down to $4.33/deck. However, at that cost they are actually cheaper than most of the slippery as eels glossy finish lot. You can actually shuffle & deal these things with relatively reasonable ease. So, if cheap is what you're looking for & have cut cards already, these might be right up your alley. Bang-for-buck-wise, these are a winner.

Now, if you want something that feels more expensive with some texture to 'em....

I'm going to call these CLM Texas Hold'Em. Reason being, there is apparently absolutely no one wishing to claim credit (or take the blame) for making 'em. Either on the boxes, the Jokers, or the Ace of Spades. The only thing on the boxes are the words, "Texas Hold'Em - 100% plastic - Jumbo Index - Poker Size"... that's it. However, they are "by" CLM Imports according to Amazon.

Amazon Link:


If you compare the backs & face card design of these with the Bird 888 above, & then compare the boxes with the Rungood below (also Rungood & Bird share the same Joker & Ace of Spade design as well) you'll see the relationship between all 3.

These are the thickest & stiffest of the lot. In fact, they now top the stiffness list with a flex rating of only 11 degrees. Beating out Faded Spade by a full degree. No small feat there. But, with a thickness of 0.0135" of PVC, you can understand the stoutness. Durability, is not likely to be an issue. :D

Now, in spite of my aversion to stiff cards, I will say that these things deal out like a dream. Reason being they have a similar "coarse" texture to the new Dal Negro stock Desjgns on the backs, yet have a smooth (gloss) face finish. That combination makes dealing just a single card off the top of the deck reliably a no-brainer. Unlike Faded Spade that make separating the top card from it's neighbor harder than taking away my dog's favorite toy.

If you need cheap cards that can take a beating, these have your name written all over 'em. And, a free cut card in each box too.

& finally, my actual favorite of all 4.... Rungood

Regular Index:
Jumbo Index:


If you want cheap cards that don't look like you've got cheap cards, here's your out.

These have the look & feel of more expensive decks. Well, on the backs at least. The back design certainly has a more expensive look. & while the faces are the same smooth (flat) finish of the above Bird 888 & Slowplay, the backs have a matte finish that's damn close to being able to call it "linen". It's not quite there, but, no where near "smooth" either. Like the above no-names, this makes 'em actually pleasurable to deal out. They are on the stiff side shuffling-wise though, being right between Faded Spade & Bullets in flex.

& these also have a free cut card in each box as well.

There you have it.... if you're so tight in the wallet you squeak when you walk, or you need to buy more than a couple sets without resorting to armed robbery, and, you don't want the shuffling process to occasionally resemble a re-creation of Mount St. Helens, there's a few choices for you.
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Dunno what you've done to the OP since I last checked it, but the summary chart formatting is now all out of whack, rendering it nearly unreadable.
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Errr.... crap. OK, I'll fix it.... thanks for the heads-up.

I thought I could use the Courier (fixed width) font & make the spacing work by playing with using a period the same color as the background for spacing.

It looks fine on my screen, but apparently that's Browser/OS dependent so I'll have to go back to using the "code" tags for formatting.
Ordered a set up of the CLM cards just to see and shuffle them for myself. I can't believe that there is a card stiffer than the Faded Spades.
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Dunno what you've done to the OP since I last checked it, but the summary chart formatting is now all out of whack, rendering it nearly unreadable.

Reverted back to the original formatting. Thanks again for pointing it out. Was trying to get rid of the Codebox scroll bar... obviously, I failed :D

Probably a font substitution issue with some browsers and/or OSs.

Ordered a set up of the CLM cards just to see and shuffle them for myself. I can't believe that there is a card stiffer than the Faded Spades.

You & me both. :D

It's not huge, but hold one card in each hand & flex 'em with your fingers. There is a bit of a difference.
If you're a card brand snob & refuse to acknowledge that cards other than your particular brand of choice should even be allowed to exist, you can skip this post.

This post is for the other end of the spectrum. Someone that wants/needs cheap cards that won't break the bank, yet aren't so slick (as cheap plastics usually are) that shuffling is a bigger challenge than keeping an all you can eat buffet stocked with Rosie O'Donnell & Micheal Moore in attendance.

In my case, it's supplying cards for a local charity tourney. Or the guy that's hosting the Sunday game day/College dorm room cash game where the flat beer & stale pizza will be in abundance & the cards conspicuously in harm's way. Ditto the home game with the regular one or few usual suspects that can't help but abuse the cards to death.

I basically spilled the beans on this post's contents in another thread 'cause it came up by coincidence. But... here's the jist of it if you didn't see that one....

I buy the cards for a local charity tourney. Now, I deal the final table & always break out a couple of my quality decks for that (90% of the time that means Desjgns). However, for the play up to that point where the players are doing the shuffling & dealing there's two issues there.

First being cost. Spending the money it would take for 4 tables (or more) worth of premium cards isn't in the budget.

Second... Even if it were remotely possible budget-wise, I'm not sure I'd want to be buying that many decks I know are likely to be mistreated & need to be replaced far sooner than would otherwise need be.

Hence, I'm always on the lookout for cards that fit the budget.

My usual modus operandi in this endeavor is anytime I'm ordering on Amazon & don't have a total over $25 to qualify for free shipping. I'll then search for cards & order a cheap deck or set to get me up to 25 bucks or better.

In that process, I've come up with a few options....

First up is a brand called "Slowplay".


You could consider these something of a poor man's heavy-duty Copag poker size jumbo index. If you made a thick & stiff Copag, you'd have a deck of these. Not to mention they're 3 bucks a set cheaper & come with a free cut card per deck. And, unlike the cheap Caramundi/Ace/Ritz/Royal lot, they have a smooth yet flat finish that's not as slick.

Next up are a group of 3 decks all made by the same (probably Chinese) company. You'll find them listed as CLM Imports, Neasyth, Bird, & Rungood.

Now, while they are all made by the same company, they are all uniquely different as well.

First up is Bird 888 also listed on Amazon under the "Neasyth" brand.


Pretty much the same as the Slowplay cards listed above, except that they're thinner & softer (Yet still stiffer than a Copag). Also, they're the only set of the 4 that doesn't come with free cut cards. They are however the cheapest set of the lot at $8.99/set. However, unless you're an Amazon Prime member you'll need to buy 3 sets to get the cost down to $4.50/deck. At that cost they are right on par with the cheapest plastic cards you can get without the slippery as eels glossy finish. You can actually shuffle & deal these things with relatively reasonable ease. So, if cheap is what you're looking for & have cut cards already, these might be right up your alley.

Now, if you want something that feels more expensive with some texture to 'em....

I'm going to call these CLM Texas Hold'Em. Reason being, there is apparently absolutely no one wishing to claim credit for making 'em. Either on the boxes, the Jokers, or the Ace of Spades. The only thing on the boxes are the words, "Texas Hold'Em - 100% plastic - Jumbo Index - Poker Size"... that's it. However, they are "by" CLM Imports according to Amazon.

Amazon Link:


If you compare the backs & face card design of these with the Bird 888 above, & then compare the boxes with the Rungood below (also Rungood & Bird share the same Joker & Ace of Spade design as well) you'll see the relationship between all 3.

These are the thickest & stiffest of the lot. In fact, they now top the stiffness list with a flex rating of only 11 degrees. Beating out Faded Spade by a full degree. No small feat there. But, with a thickness of 0.0135" of PVC, you can understand the stoutness. Durability, is not likely to be an issue. :D

Now, in spite of my aversion to stiff cards, I will say that these things deal out like a dream. Reason being they have a similar "coarse" texture to the new Dal Negro stock Desjgns on the backs, yet have a smooth face finish. That combination makes dealing just a single card off the top of the deck reliably a no-brainer. Unlike Faded Spade that make separating the top card from it's neighbor harder than taking away my dog's favorite toy.

If you need cheap cards that can take a beating, these have your name written all over 'em. And, a free cut card in each box too.

& finally, my actual favorite of all 4.... Rungood

Regular Index:
Jumbo Index:


If you want cheap cards that don't look like you've got cheap cards, here's your out.

These have the look & feel of more expensive decks. Well, on the backs at least. The back design certainly has a more expensive look. & while the faces are the same smooth finish of the above, the backs have a matte finish that's damn close to being able to call it "linen". It's not quite there, but, no where near "smooth" either. Like the above no-names, this makes 'em actually pleasurable to deal out. They are on the stiff side shuffling-wise though, being right between Faded Spade & Bullets in flex.

& these also have a free cut card in each box as well.

There you have it.... if you're so tight in the wallet you squeak when you walk, or you need to buy more than a couple sets without resorting to armed robbery, and, you don't want the shuffling process to occasionally resemble a recreation of Mount St. Helens, there's a few choices for you.
I 've actually used Slowplays over a period of a few weeks.

Excellent aesthetics and I didn't mind the flex and finish at all.

The big issue was the bleeding over of the colors from the back onto the card faces and eventual fading, which seem to be more prevalent with PVCs
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Excellent updates. And don't forget, if you only need one or two setups at a time, check the Amazon Warehouse for one-off deals. Here's a two deck Copag 1546 setup for $8 delivered (bridge size, jumbo index) -->

There are almost always available deals on Copag, KEM, Da Vinci, Modiano. The decks are often still sealed.

Excellent updates. And don't forget, if you only need one or two setups at a time, check the Amazon Warehouse for one-off deals. Here's a two deck Copag 1546 setup for $8 delivered (bridge size, jumbo index) -->

There are almost always available deals on Copag, KEM, Da Vinci, Modiano. The decks are often still sealed.

View attachment 413242
Says the item will come repackaged. What imperfections did yours have, if any?
I 've actually used Slowplays over a period of a few weeks.

Excellent aesthetics and I didn't mind the flex and finish at all.

The big issue was the bleeding over of the colors from the back onto the card faces and eventual fading, which seem to be more prevalent with PVCs

I actually really like the looks of 'em as well. The back design is rather simple, yet really striking & unique looking. & the bright vibrant color certainly makes a bold statement.
Says the item will come repackaged. What imperfections did yours have, if any?
No more threadjacking, but...

It's usually just the package that is damaged or opened (free return if something is wrong with the cards). I've yet to have any issue with cards. Below is an example of a Da Vinci setup (two decks, poker size, jumbo index) that I received this week (total cost = $8.75 delivered). Box damaged/taped closed, plastic card storage case lid dinged, both decks unopened/perfect, undamaged cut cards included. (FYI, I believe Modanio makes these Da Vinci's.)

Da Vinci setup.jpg
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Ordered a set up of the CLM cards just to see and shuffle them for myself. I can't believe that there is a card stiffer than the Faded Spades.
Got them in today already. They have a little more flex than I thought they would, but I have to say they're one of the weirdest cards I've ever felt. It's like they had really good potential with making a good card with a textured diamond-back pattern on the back of the card, and then found out they ran out of budget to finish the job on the card face. The faces are glossy and feel totally different from the back. They shuffled well, though?
Got them in today already. They have a little more flex than I thought they would, but I have to say they're one of the weirdest cards I've ever felt. It's like they had really good potential with making a good card with a textured diamond-back pattern on the back of the card, and then found out they ran out of budget to finish the job on the card face. The faces are glossy and feel totally different from the back. They shuffled well, though?
Pics please....
...It's like they had really good potential with making a good card with a textured diamond-back pattern on the back of the card, and then found out they ran out of budget to finish the job on the card face. The faces are glossy and feel totally different from the back. They shuffled well, though?

LOL... one extreme to the complete other on one card. :D

They shuffle well enough, sure, just kinda stiff for my liking shuffling-wise.

I do the corner riffle (not to mention, I'm old too), which is why I prefer soft flex cards for shuffling. Although, that's something of a moot point now with me being a recent Shuffletech owner.

The mis-matched faces/backs is something in this case I believe actually works though in dealing them out. The course texture of the backs gives your thumb some "grip" on the back as you push the card off the deck, while the glossy face lets that top card slide off the deck without grabbing onto the card below it. Which is my biggest gripe with Faded Spade.

Faded Spade seem to stick like two pieces of sandpaper face to face.

Rungood are similar in that regard, albeit less extreme. Rather than Coarse/Glossy, they're a Matte/Smooth. In fact, the backs only just barely don't make the true "Linen" category IMO. They're also somewhat softer as well. So they shuffle easier, & deal out well also. I was actually impressed with 'em looks & feel-wise, given the pricepoint.
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Everyone has different preferences & "tolerance" (if you will) for stiffness.

For me personally, I actually dislike the texture of the Dal Negro stock decks more than the stiffness. But, that's a personal thing.

Also, based on what I'm feeling flex-wise, the current "flex scale" isn't what I would consider linear. Maybe I should explain that to alleviate your anxiety a bit....

We currently have a "scale" that ranges from 12 to 20. And. let's call 12 "stiff", & 20 "soft". Based on simple linear math, that would put "medium" at 16, right?

Well.... not quite.

If I had to call a number "medium" based on the list as it currently sits, I'd put that number at 14 or maybe 14.5.

In other words, the difference between Faded Spade(12) & Fournier(15) is actually greater than the difference between Fournier & Kem(19). even though the numerical difference of the former is only 3 as opposed to a difference of 4.

Also, how you shuffle, & how much of it, matters as well.

If you shuffle & deal every hand, you're more likely to notice a difference between Kem & Modiano Platinum than someone who only shuffles once every 10 hands.

Also, doing the "corner riffle" will magnify the difference in flex more than the common "bridge" riffle, as you're flexing much less real estate.

I just got my Desjgn decks and you are quite right about the how the flex scale isn't linear. The flex on the Desjgns don't feel too far off from the Modiano PAs, despite their chart scores.

On the other hand, I find both decks to have a less "papery" feel than the Modianos. The Desjgns are close though.

I also bought a deck of Da Vinci Persianos and the feel is just not on the same level as the other two.
Yea, once you get past 16 it becomes harder to tell the difference in flex between any two decks. The difference is there, just less of it.

There was a few times in testing I thought something different than the results. With a few of the softer decks it literally came down to holding just a single card in each hand and flexing them with my fingers to compare & even swapping hands back & forth to make sure my right-handed dominance wasn't playing a factor.

In the end though I had to come down on the side of the tester being right over my previously potentially biased thoughts. Funny how that works in us stupid humans. :D
Done it....

A Copag, is a Copag, is a Copag. Only difference between 1546, Unique, Export, TxHE, etc, are the back designs.

Next time I'm getting something off Amazon I'll try to remember to grab a set of Ice. Wish they made a Jumbo index.

EDIT: In the meantime, for the specs on Ice.... See Marion Pro.

If I had to place a bet, I'd say: Marion Pro = Jumbo Index ICE

Ace of spade design (other than the internal logo) is identical
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Done it....

A Copag, is a Copag, is a Copag. Only difference between 1546, Unique, Export, TxHE, etc, are the back designs.

Next time I'm getting something off Amazon I'll try to remember to grab a set of Ice. Wish they made a Jumbo index.

EDIT: In the meantime, for the specs on Ice.... See Marion Pro.

If I had to place a bet, I'd say: Marion Pro = Jumbo Index ICE

Ace of spade design (other than the internal logo) is identical

Wow! I was 99.99% sure that the Uniques felt quite different from the 1546s. They felt like a more linen finish, TBH.

Don't suppose you have any Copag EPOCs on hand to test?

Thanks a lot for the info on the Marions. Saves me the trouble of buyin em to try!
While I don't have a deck of the EPOC's.....

As I sit here with a 1546 & a Unique in each hand....

Yea... OK.... maybe you can say the Uniques have a slightly different feeling finish to 'em. But, if I wasn't holding one of each at the same time I'd never know it. It's that slight. & you certainly can't tell any difference in lookin' at 'em.

If you wanted to classify the Uniques as a "matte" finish I guess I'd have a hard time arguing the point. But, in terms of thickness, weight, & flex they're no different than any other Copag I've got, & the difference is so minor I wouldn't bother really noting it.

Noted on the EPOC's... I'll stick 'em on the future purchase list.
Since you mentioned EPOC's. I've noticed there's a slight linen-feel finish to the newer ones (or at least not as smooth) to the older ones. By newer, I mean the EPOC's with the Current/New Copag Logo vs. the older Knight and Horse style Copag Logo. That could also be that they are a decade old... but they were really slippery from day one. I just received the newer ones as a birthday gift.
I've haven't done any extensive testing with flex, etc... but I agree, a Copag is a Copag. They feel like 1546s but a bit smoother to me.
They look good, but almost everyone I play with hates using them.

The Copag Class line, specifically the Legacy Cards, felt similar to other Copags but with a little bit more of a linen finish. I was using at a friend's house, so I couldn't test them side by side to other Copags. They felt nicer than my old 1546s, but not enough to buy a set


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Here's a comparison of the Ace of Spade design.... ICE on left, Marion Pro on right....


Both are made by the same Taiwanese outfit that makes Ritz/Royal.

Ritz are simply the Jumbo Index version of the cheap plain PVC Royals.

So, check the finish on your ICEs... if the backs are smooth, while the faces have kind of a "matte" finish feel, then Marion Pro/Ice are the same deal where MP are just a Jumbo Index version of ICE.
There's news up here in the backwoods mountains of the frozen northeastern wilderness....

First off is while the rest of you are dealing with the hysteria of the Woohoohan flu, I decided I should have a health issue of my own to participate in. So as I sit here waiting to give birth to a Katahdin-size kidney stone, let's see if this post can make any sense whatsoever while I'm chock full of enough pain meds to put Nikki Sixx into low earth orbit.

The first bit of news is that I now have a new deck to add to the list. And also, I'll have another deck coming as soon as my Polish brother @surfik & I can figure out how to smuggle 'em out of East Poland over here to West Poland. Our 1st attempt may have been thwarted. Either the bribes weren't enough or didn't get to the proper scoundrels, but, we'll figure something out. The Stasi's got nuthin' on this bunch we're doing battle with.

Next up is that in checking on my list, I noticed that I can't edit it anymore. Seems there's a time limit on that of a month or something. So, this will necessitate the birth of Redneck Poker Card Database 2.0.

In order to prevent this issue in the future, our wise & glorious supreme leader, @Tommy, has graciously granted permission to put it in the Resources section. So, for those of you that have been saying that's where it should be {cough, @BGinGA, cough}, you'll now get your wish. As soon as I can get back in command of my faculties I'll put it in there.

For the moment however, the magnificent @T_Chan has shipped a deck of the new SunFly Lucky Dragons up to the bunker to be put through the 'ol super secret card lab for torture & interrogation testing & review. & since I promised I'd do that ASAP, let's see what's what, shall we?....

The very 1st thought I had was the same one I had when I was a teenager & trying get my Catholic School girlfriend's bra open, "Why do they make these things so hard to get into?"

Once I finally got 'em open, first thing out of the box was a free cut card, always a nice touch & little bonus. Points for that.

Feel & finish is excellent. Exactly the same glorious linen finish you'd expect to find on any premium playing card.

Back design is certainly unique. Incorporating the dragon image from the poker chips of the same name. I like it, they really look fantastic.

The faces are another matter....

I'm all for unique/different fonts & pip designs. Variety is good. Desjgn, NTP, & Faded Spade are all designs that I love for their uniqueness. Conformity, like political correctness, is boring.

That said however, what they've done with the suit pips, while definitely very unique & interesting, can make for distinguishing between a spade & a club or a heart & a diamond on a face card at a distance a bit of a challenge for those of us in the north side of 50 set.


In a jumbo index version this would likely be less of an issue, & I'd definitely see myself ordering a set or few.

Now, the moment you've all been waiting for... Screw my opioid-induced opinions, what do the implements of destruction say about 'em?

Well, for tonnage they come in at an average of 2.55 grams.

The Fat Meter says they're 0.0125" thick.

& the Flex-O-Meter of Doom gives 'em a score of 15.

Now, either it's the drugs talkin', or these numbers are starting to ring some very familiar bells. Pardon me a second while I take a sniff....

..... yep, smells like toilet plumbing to me. So these land squarely on top of Bike Prestige/Fournier 2818 on the list.

So, if you're a Prestige or Fournier fan, these will be right up your alley as well.

Blindfolded, you can't tell the difference.

If/when they come out with a jumbo index.... I'm in.

As stated above, as soon as I give birth & come back down to Earth, I'll get list 2.0 up in the Resources section & add these to it. & stay tuned for a possible Polish addition to it as well, as soon as Surfik & I get our smuggling skills up to par.

Now, while I'm up here, maybe I should swing by the space station & see if I can strike up a poker game.

EDIT: Results now in new database:
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Adresing bra issue it takes time and practice. After my second year on Warsaw School of Economics I become proficient so I could do it blindfolded, one hand during dance. To make it clear... I was blindfolded.
Regarding catholic school girls... Just unzip her jumpers....

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