Dear Bergy,
I recently bought a house in the middle of BFE. There are these 2 wild cats that live under the back porch (plus a third cat that wanders in occasionally only when confirmed busto looking for a few scraps of food.) I am not a fan of cats seeing as I am violently allergic to them, but apparently when you live in BFE having cats around to keep mice and other small rodents away is a good thing, and they live outside, so hey what the hell right?
Well, it seems that one of said familial felines just spawned several kittens, and she is quite protective of them - who would have thought? Now I'm spending a fortune on cat food, and I am told that bludgeoning kittens is frowned upon in polite society. What do I do???
Gone Catty
Dear Feline Fancier,
I had to look up "BFE". Apparently it stands for "Bum Fuck, Egypt". It can also stand for "Bacterial Filtration Efficiency" and "Big Fuckin' Enema", but I don't think that's what you're referring to when you say "...we moved".
So, you live in Bum Fuck, Egypt. First, let me congratulate you on your home purchase. Owning a home is a great accomplishment. Without real estate, you'd basically be a serf, and you'd thus be beholden to the regent in the local castle, as the castle offers you protection from the unwashed hordes to the (insert location here). You'd spend your days collecting cow dung or picking poppies or whatever the fuck Bum Fuck, Egypt's biggest export is. And on day in the future, probably not too far away, you'd catch something like dysentery or chorea and you'd drop dead. Given your height, it would be a great fall, so people would have to prepare and hopefully get out of your way, but you'd be stone dead nevertheless. Unless, of course, the castle has a 12th level Cleric that can resurrect on your ass and bring you back to life, because you were an outstanding poppy picker.
So anyway, you don't have to worry about that, because you're not a serf. No sir, you'd not beholden to anyone at all. You're on your land, in your home, and you are the master of your own 21st century castle. All you have to do is:
- Attend town meetings to ensure they don't exercise eminent domain or create a public easement on your property, in both cases taking varying portions of your land
- Make sure your town and state real estate tax payments are up to date or they'll take your land
- Make sure you pay the mortgage company or they'll take your land
- Make sure you pay your insurance company or they'll take your land
- Obey any town, municipal, county, state, or federal laws regarding your house and your land
- Make constant improvements to your home and property to avoid decay or damage due to any number of ecological or climatological causes
Other than basically have to work to pay off your house and keep your land, it's ALL YOURS BUDDY! CONGRATS!
Now, I know what you're thinking....Shit, I was better off in 13th century Europe living as a serf. But the 13th century serf didn't have access to pencillin or other antibiotics, and most of them died due to simple infectious diseases like smallpox and mumps and such. You know, basically all diseases that are making a comeback because some small minded religious zealots believe that immunizations will turn their children into vegetables. I got news for you, all you anti-vaxxers retards....X-Boxes and PlayStations are turning your already lazy and malcontent rugrats into vegetables....and you don't see anyone trying to inject your child with a "Madden 25" CD, do you?
So, in essence, you have it alot better now than 13th century serfs.
Sorry - re-reading this and realizing I haven't even scratched the surface of your question.
You can't bludgeon the kittens. Only monsters and non-immunized 13th century serfs that have turned into zombies because of a disease we cured 4 millennia ago will dare to bludgeon a kitten.
You also can't feed the littler fuckers. They're going to breed with other cats (probably their brethren), and they'll create more kittens, who will grow up and breed with other cats (also of relation) and so on and so forth. Incidentally, this is how the states of West Virginia, Kentucky, and Alabama were initially populated.
Anyway, you can't feed 'em either. Let Darwin take over - the strong will survive and forage to find food, and the meek weren't helping you kill mice anyway, and they'll perish. Let the natural order of things take hold and all will be fine.
P.S. Congrats on the house again, you mindless poor bastard serf.
With warm wishes for your new home,
- Ted Turner (owner, State of Montana)