Dear Bergosaurus Rex,
I am taking a cute English girl that I met recently on a date this weekend. I live in the suburbs of one of the greatest cities in the world, Chicago. Any suggestions for a good place to go to impress this British Babe?
Monty Python
Dear Windy City Wanker,
I'm going to exercise the age-old practice of parroting back to you what I read just to ensure that we have mutual understanding. Then I'll try (likely in vain) to help you. Here we go....
"I am enslaved to a semi-attractive woman with a weird accent that will never, ever pork me this weekend. I live in the forlorn outskirts of one of the most violent cities in the world, going back to Athens and Ancient Greece. Any suggestions for a good place to go that will maximize my opportunity to bang this broad whilst minimizing the likelihood that I'm going to get a cap in my ass. Thanks. Sincerely, Inigo Montoya."
Assuming that's correct (and it's a safe assumption because, let's face it, I wrote it), then you have a couple of options:
1) Wrigley Field. Chances to get laid - low. Chances to get shot - low. Also, it's best if you don't go when they're playing baseball. British chicks hate baseball.
2) Sears Tower. Chances to get laid - negligible. Chances to get shot - low. Chances to get vertigo, throw up on the arrogant limey girl, and have a good story to tell - very high.
3) South Side of Chicago. Chances to get laid - virtually nil. Chances to get shot - exceptionally high. Chance that you confuse where you are with Detroit circa 2009 - assured.
4) The Chop House. Chances to get laid - very high, if you hire the prostitute from the restaurant's bar after your meal. Chances to get shot - nil. Opportunity to chew and screw for a $60 flank steak that was perfectly prepared - priceless.
Best of luck to you. (P.S. If anyone wants odds-to-bang, let me know and we can do props).
- Al Capone's Vault