Game: NL Hold'em (80 - 200) - Blinds 0.50/1
Site: Mavens
Table: Mixed 0.50/1.00 6-Max (NL + PLO)
Seat 3, UTG: Hero ($532.75) holding [
Button: Villain ($797.25)
Hero raises to 3
Folds to button
Villain raises to $10.50
Folds back to hero, I call $10.50.
Context: This is a fairly loose/fun Superbowl home game, sitting 6-handed, no rake. Players are overall average to slightly below average NL players. I consider myself quite a bit better than every player at the table, and deep-stacked I am looking for excuses to play hands in many situations. Preflop, it's a loose call, especially out of position. Generally a pretty -EV call but again, due to stack depths and skill advantage, I don't mind playing a few speculative hands here, leaning on my experience to get away cheap or win a big hand. For those pointing out that this is an easy fold - I generally agree with you, but again understanding the dynamics, I think this is an OK call.
** Flop ** [

I decide to check-raise the flop feeling like this solidly smacks my range, and that I can probably get AK to fold here and take it down. Additionally, if villain has a hand like AA/KK, he is kind of handcuffed here and will have to play future streets more passively. My plan if villain smooth calls, since it pretty much caps his range, was to barrel him off of AA/KK (figuring that we were in fact deep stacked enough for this to be a viable strategy). While players understand me as an aggressive player, they rarely see me check-raise, bomb, bomb without at least two pair here so I would be counting on fold equity.
Hero checks
Villain bets $15 into $22 pot.
Hero raises to $41.25
Villain calls
** Turn ** [
] (Pot is $105)
Hero bets $62
Villain thinks for 15 seconds, then calls.
Given my thought process, I decide to bet a healthy amount on the turn, looking to set up a potential river shove/over bet that will be too painful for villain to call off with any single pair. I felt like $62 achieved this purpose. It looks very strong, and could/should be perceived as a value bet given the blank turn. While the turn did bring in a second flush draw, it was about as much of a brick as it could have been. In game, I felt like my opponent was definitely considering folding here. While he did end up calling, I was feeling good about following it up with a potential river bomb. Think about if you are in villains shoes here with AA - are you calling 100%, 75%, 50% or are you leaning towards a fold at this point in the hand knowing a big bet may well be coming on the river? Is this just too ambitious?
** River** [
] (Pot is $230)
The runout more or less bricks out, with backdoor hearts coming in. AKhh or AThh are options for villain here as played, but less likely that the aforementioned overpairs. I hold the Q of hearts so AQhh or KQhh are not in villains holdings. Do we need to be worried about the backdoor? Are we even more confident with our Qh to keep bluffing the river to try and get AA/KK/KQ to fold?
River Action/Thoughts:
At this point, I have a bit of a change of heart. Maybe it's the fact that it feels like it will take $150+ to get villain off top pair here, maybe it's because I am holding out hope that AK or clubs could just check behind here, maybe it's that I didn't like the backdoor hearts, but I decide to check this river.
Pot: $230
Hero Checks
Villain bets $155
Now I'm very confused. I was not expecting a river bet from villain here! Did he back into hearts? Was he slow playing a set and getting value here? Set doesn't seem like it makes much sense. The turn made this the wettest board of all time, feels like he would have just put in the raise there. Did he end up making an ambitious call with AK on the flop/turn and is now turning his hand into a bluff or did he miss clubs? The bet feels odd because it seems like he would check behind AA/KK/KQ at this point. He might even go so far as to check behind a hand like 99/JJ. How many value hands does he have when he absolutely bombs this river after having played the other streets relatively passively? Can I call here? Fold? Check-Raise like a fuckin boss??
Conclusion: I try and think about the bluffs that villain ends up here with and I can only come up with a few busted club draws, maybe a AKcc, AJcc, A5cc but it's a very narrow range. I don't think for example that this villain is 3betting the A5cc very often, even on the button. While the bet is confusing, it could definitely be a bad player betting AA/KK because they just don't know what else to do, not being sure if they are doing it for value or turning it into a bluff. I tank for a long time and finally fold. The villain does not show his hand but tells me on the chat that he had AhKx for a busted gutshot + 2 overs the bluffed the river big when the heart came in! I was pretty impressed with his play actually, although I don't like his call on the turn unless his plan was to bluff on any heart. In hindsight, knowing that AK was still in range, I think I am still OK with my play, opponent just made a strong/gutsy river bluff and I just have to give him credit for outplaying me in that spot. I think on a dry river I end up winning at show down (either because I barrel or because he checks behind) and I end up winning a decent pot.
Thought it was an interesting hand - appreciate everyone playing along!