What are you listening to? (4 Viewers)

I only had the chance to see MBV once, on the reunion tour, in San Francisco. It was as loud, distorted, fuzzy, and amazing as I expected. I even had this EP on vinyl and sold it in a moment of need and have regretted it ever since.

My brother stole my copy of the vinyl, the fucker!!!
liz phair. first two albums were completely perfect and the third, for all its faults, landed somehow on tom hanks' three albums on a desert island list soon after castaway came out.

one track from each of the first two:

I apologize if you guys aren't digging this, but I am not done widst my 80's

ok...1978....but 80's when I listened to it.

Listening to this band A LOT again lately. Always loved them but I think they get better with age like wine.
Been around for over 30 years...

I picked this song because I am practicing it now to play a drum cover of it and put it on youtube. Once I start getting videos going of miscellaneous songs, Ill start a drum cover thread here...
This song will be a challenge though. Has a lot of quick fills

Then I think Ill do this one after right away. This one I can do right now easily... quite the cardio workout though!!... check out this guy doing his own cover of it

the best song off maybe the best album from last year which is pretty much slit your wrists music, but it's about as unpretentious and sincere as any music can be i think. this song is about mark kozelek's cousin who died by the spontaneous combustion of a flammable aerosol can in the trash as she was taking the can to the street.

I treated my staff at work to this on this fine morning

I listened to Reign in Blood and Seasons in the Abyss over the weekend.

I guess I was in a bit of a dark mood as I also listened to some Deicide (I will refrain from posting a video) and Death...

These albums have a few years between them and the sound of each is very different. Chuck Schuldiner was the only constant member of Death as he was always refining and changing the music he wanted to make. He was definitely one of the biggest influences in death metal.


I've been checking out the Wild Feathers album today. Likes it.

Their influences are pretty obv but it's a decent album imo.
One of the greatest hip-hop albums of all time:

One play through takes me from my door to the parking garage at Foxwoods.

For the casuals it contains one of the greatest hip-hop songs of all time:

My first time ever watching the video for it right now and its pretty lol
i'm pretty lazy about keeping up with what is coming out when so i just realized a new alabama shakes record came out last month (and that apparently tracks had been released and had been leaking for a while before that) and i was just blown away listening to this live track. fucking amazing that this is a really popular album right now. i'm glad so many people are listening to such amazing music.

and a live track from one of my favorite eras of wilco featuring probably my favorite living guitarist, nels cline. sick guitar fills in this thing. he's ridiculous.

among the songs that trend closest to pop of anything zappa did and as much as i adore the insane stuff and the hundreds of hours of amazing live stuff, i can still put this on and smile.

i know it was really utilized in service of the larger narrative of the album, but i can't help but think there was a part of frank that had a bit of a romantic feeling about kids blasting louie louie in a garage.

I like some nick cave...some is difficult to listen to....too abrasive.
RIP BB. i was lucky to see him a few times. once was in a raucous thunderstorm in alabama at an outdoor venue. no lightning so he played through and it was incredible. i went on a string for about 5 years where i was trying to see all the older blues and roots musicians before they passed and i got to almost everyone. i won't lie and say BB was my favorite among those i saw, but he was very near the top. he definitely had the juice running through him even if his body wouldn't let him show it at his age.

he sat during his shows over the last several years due to his health, but the below clip from 1974 shows the joy he found in playing.

Stop the presses! My fav band just released another solid album.
Tightest punk rock band ever.. Just check out tracks 1 and 3. especially 3. Wow.
A must have for punk rawk fans!

That sounds like it has moved more towards hard rock/metal than punk. I've been listening to punk since the early '80s, and this doesn't fit my punk rock based brain.
Stop the presses! My fav band just released another solid album.
Tightest punk rock band ever.. Just check out tracks 1 and 3. especially 3. Wow.
A must have for punk rawk fans!

spike, i don't really see how you can rail incessantly about the terrible quality of currently popular music and then enjoy this, which is at least as - and arguably more - grounded in traditional radio pop music than, say, beyonce or nicki minaj.

of course, that isn't to say there's anything wrong with strung out even if they're not my cup of tea. it's just curious to me that it stands out as different to you in some intrinsic way from the current top 40.
You have me super confused? Im basing my views on talent. S.O has given over 20 years of albums and touring and they are tight as fuck live.
Their newest albums are very well mastered and produced yes. But this is Socal skate punk.. lyrical depth and high energy. S.O is not radio friendly.

And Chicken R, I am not a big fan of 70s and 80s punk. People have said S.O is metal based but I woldnt say much. 90% skate punk and 10% metal IMO.
I just really love the melodies and energy the most.
You have me super confused? Im basing my views on talent. S.O has given over 20 years of albums and touring and they are tight as fuck live.
Their newest albums are very well mastered and produced yes. But this is Socal skate punk.. lyrical depth and high energy. S.O is not radio friendly.

their older stuff might not have been at the time it was released. at this point the above and basically their entire catalog would fit just fine on top 40 stations right alongside blink 182, etc.

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