Best Way to Identify Positive/Negative Interactions (2 Viewers)

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When I started getting serious about buying chips, I spent a lot of time searching old ads to see if the seller's price was on par or within a reasonable range of recent comp sales. Not everyone has the time and is willing to read through all of the old threads.

What about rather than a "positive/negative interactions thread", maybe some sort of a "historical sales/comp database/list" where members can see previous prices paid for certain chips.
I was going to suggest something very similar, but this would be a huge undertaking.
The only thing I would like to see rule-wise is considering a way to cut down on "thread-fluffing", something that has been discussed a few times this past week. "Nice price", "great seller", "if someone doesn't buy these in x amount of time I will", etc. can be true sentiments, but if that is the case that person's price, reputation, feedback, etc. should speak for itself. A newbie coming by and seeing those posts when they don't truly apply can actively be deceiving, and no one can state anything to the contrary as it would be "thread-crapping".
That’s such a valid point, so very often I saw friends of the OP commenting on nice price, it will sell fast etc when the price is often priced much over market price

Most funny thing is that they will change it to an auction after a few days when they can’t sell it but still get zero bid after the auction ended as well.

And you can bet that the listing will surface back again after a few months so they can try to catch a newcomer off guard who got mislead thinking it’s a good deal
The only reason I stepped into this shitshow today was because I’m a little tired of the double standard that exists here.
Now now, no reason to start bringing up inconvenient truths like that. :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:

Apparently long-term investing is fine, because how else would premium sets keep popping up time and again in mint condition? I’ve always been more of a player than a collector, so I’d prefer that cool sets go where they get put into play.

Collectors hinder players, and raise prices.

Flippers hinder collectors and players, and raise prices.
I flipped a set once. I just completed my dream set. I needed 1 barrel to complete it, and it was for sale. The buyer sold it to someone else after promising it to me. I was pissed and offered up the whole set for sale for a high price, not expecting it to sell. The plan was to raise the price every 30 minutes until it was absurd. I was offered my initial price, and after calling 4 local PCF’ers asking what to do, I sold it

I’m a flipper …I know it. I still feel bad about it.
@krafticus not a flipper, your intention was to build a set and presumably put it into play. That makes you a playah! :cool
I hope whatever measures are adopted, some grace is given to new members who are learning.

I remember early on I dibbed a sale post for some likely below-market chips. I was new, didn't know what I was doing, saw something that looked interesting to me that was affordable. Someone else later came in and were interested in the chips for sentimental reasons, so I gave up my dibs. In PM, I asked if the person who ended up with the chips if was anything like a "finder's fee" for releasing dibs on something, and he very kindly explained it's not how it works here but people help each other by tagging each other when listings come up that might interest someone else, so I adopted that practice too.

If I had asked publicly about a "finder's fee" concept, or if the user who I released dibs to were less kind and understanding, maybe I would have been criticized to oblivion and scared off the board.

(Also within the first month or so of membership I remember asking about selling something for more than I bought for, and I got a pretty harsh PM about how I'd be ruining the hobby. Fortunately, I got other PMs, from sellers I was buying from who cut me a break on some prices since I was new, actively encouraging me that if I were to sell, I should do it at market value, so I can reinvest any profits towards the sets I really want to keep. So there's a wide gamut here.)
You can put any spin you want on it, it is price gouging which is what the other guy is accused of. I can point out many many cases where flips were and are disguised as auctions then people use the market value argument. Let’s call this what it is.
Don't you love when people are so stuck on one side of an argument that they pull out the let's agree to disagree philosophy? So hanging on to chips for years and then selling them at market value is the same as buying and flipping for 400% markup in the same thread? Is that what you're calling hypocrisy? If so, we can agree to disagree all day long, but that won't change the fact that you're wrong. You're wrong because you're argument is based on a false set of facts. One of these is flipping, the other is not.

I was contacted by this weasel after I had posted a want ad for the mustard solids. At first I thought this was another nice chipper trying to help out. Didn't take long for me to find out otherwise. This guy is a flipper, and, a bit shady in how he approached me. That's nothing like person X buying from a group buy for $2 a chip, then several years pass and those and chips are selling for $10 a chip. Person A decides to sell his chips to purchase something new and post his chips in the classifieds for $8 a chip. That's still a hefty increase in price, yet still less than market, where is the flipper mentality in this transaction? In reality, he's probably done someone a huge favor by offering chips that are cheaper than market pricing.
I hope whatever measures are adopted, some grace is given to new members who are learning.

I remember early on I dibbed a sale post for some likely below-market chips. I was new, didn't know what I was doing, saw something that looked interesting to me that was affordable. Someone else later came in and were interested in the chips for sentimental reasons, so I gave up my dibs. In PM, I asked if the person who ended up with the chips if was anything like a "finder's fee" for releasing dibs on something, and he very kindly explained it's not how it works here but people help each other by tagging each other when listings come up that might interest someone else, so I adopted that practice too.

If I had asked publicly about a "finder's fee" concept, or if the user who I released dibs to were less kind and understanding, maybe I would have been criticized to oblivion and scared off the board.

(Also within the first month or so of membership I remember asking about selling something for more than I bought for, and I got a pretty harsh PM about how I'd be ruining the hobby. Fortunately, I got other PMs, from sellers I was buying from who cut me a break on some prices since I was new, actively encouraging me that if I were to sell, I should do it at market value, so I can reinvest any profits towards the sets I really want to keep. So there's a wide gamut here.)
I think if you had just put it out there like “hey guys, new here so if it’s no just tell me but are there finders fees if you connect someone to chips they need or how does it work? Any advice would be appreciated - thanks”….you wouldn’t have gotten any negative replies.

There isn’t that level of naivetivity (sp?) with flippers. They know exactly what they’re doing and are completely unapologetic about it.
I also think people should be able to sell chips for whatever they like.
But when it’s abundantly clear that a member who was lucky enough to get a great deal, purchased those chips with the sole intent of profiting from other members that weren’t so lucky….it deserves to be called out.
While it is never possible to entirely identify someone’s intent, some of the recent classifieds have been pretty blatant.
But doesn’t this happen every single time there’s a chip room sale??? Seriously. Or a nagb ? I’ve seen way higher flips on nagb’ s and chip room chips with everyone clambering to buy!

There’s a bit of selective outrage going on. No offense intended. I’m more a believer of silent moderation balanced with freedom of speech. Someone posts blatant line crossing with vulgar images and language. Delete delete delete. I suppose it was easier to delete the thread so as not not let it rekindle after deleting single posts.

Yes. The vision of every forum or web site is that of the creator. The more that join. The more that interact the harder it is to moderate.

I envision a board of users that when someone needs to be dealt with they convene and decide as a community and make a decision vs one man’s decision. But that’s just me. And this isn’t my joynt. All in all PCF is pretty great.
But like anywhere it’s populated with human beings all with different outlooks and personalities. The more you try and overtake the plumbing the easier it gets to plug the drain. (Yep Scotty said this about the excelsior)

Sometimes less is more.

The number looks like 11k members last I looked. Not sure what the mix is and what the real number is (meaning members who are truest active) but even if is 1/3 of that, that’s a lot of personalities to try and manage as a mod or admin.
I was going to suggest something very similar, but this would be a huge undertaking.
They do that! It’s called eBay. The classifieds forum add on would have to be changed to be compatible with another add on written for xenforo to track or make sales history searchable. Xenforo is the software platform that is the forum. At xenforo there is a forum like this one where coders sell addons to the base software like folks here sell chips.

Want separate folders in your conversations. That’s an add on. Classifieds. That’s an add on. Auctions. That’s an add on. And so on.
Does anyone here remember that PCA secondary 1’s sold for $49 a rack originally. Or that Gopherbluesman GCR’s were .80 each in the group by? A new person on the forum seeing these facts if they look close enough would think there is nothing wrong with trying to make a quick buck. Most here have done it not so blatantly but in some form. So everyone take a good look in the mirror before burning someone at the stake. I know what I’ve seen in my total time between the blue wall and here. How much were the Wynn tourney chips again? Yeah, I thought so…
Or every single NAGB chip ever.
These things are tricky. There are many reasons why many of us don’t say anything to save others potential grief… mainly because of the shitstorms which always erupt. There are too many community disincentives to saying anything.
Person A decides to sell his chips to purchase something new and post his chips in the classifieds for $8 a chip. That's still a hefty increase in price, yet still less than market,
That is not at all the scenario you are responding to, so let's change it back:

Person A holds onto the chips for several years and then sells them at the market price of $10. Referring to the definition of "flipper" given several times in this thread: What is Person A contributing to the transaction? Several years of safe-keeping?

where is the flipper mentality in this transaction?
You will find it in the $8 difference between $2 and $10.
That's not flipping.

I don't think anyone here has a problem with someone buying chips, hanging onto them, and then eventually selling them for the prevailing market price. That's fairly normal commerce.

Here's what I've got a huge fuckin' problem with, and so should everyone else who isn't here just for the money - I'll use an analogy to make it simpler.

You're at the grocery store and you need a pot roast quickly for dinner. You don't have time to go anywhere else but your local store. You get there and there is one pot roast left. You walk over to it and someone notices you walking over to it and rushes in and picks it up before you do and says "Oh, you want this? List price is $19.11 but give me $25.00 and it's yours".

They add no value to the transaction. They don't even want the pot roast - but they know that you want the pot roast, and even though it's readily available for purchase, they inject themselves into the process to turn a quick buck as a middleman.

That's what flipping is. Or, call it extremely short term chip investing if you want. They buy chips that they don't want and never intend on using with the express and sole purpose of flipping it off to someone that would've bought them if they hadn't gotten there first, but now they're charging a 50%, 100%, 200% premium for no additional service or purpose whatsoever.

Hey, if you're cool with that, let me know what chips you're after and I'll see if I can find them and buy them before you do and then sell them to you at a 500% markup. Via la wheeeee!

well except the nagb stuff. That’s a flip from inception. Period.

Love the pot roast. There’s a few pot roast grabbers here for sure!!
That is not at all the scenario you are responding to, so let's change it back:

Person A holds onto the chips for several years and then sells them at the market price of $10. Referring to the definition of "flipper" given several times in this thread: What is Person A contributing to the transaction? Several years of safe-keeping?

You will find it in the $8 difference between $2 and $10.
Thank you so much for taking what I said so succinctly and telling me it really wasn't what I was talking about. I'm making notes to NEVER play cards with you since you know me better than I do.
@Tommy has consistently said that he doesn’t care what prices people ask for their chips and that he doesn’t want thread crapping in sales, so that’s the reality here.
That said, if somebody wants to circulate an external “bad actors / bad flippers” newsletter, sure please include me.
There is one now.... :eek:
When you sell something put a post at the end before you close it detailing the amount sold for and to who.
Or at least quit deleting the prices and items when sold.
Something like this would help someone do a search on sold items before they buy something if they had questions.

Right. I seen a post today that removed the prices and put sold or pending WHY? LEAVE THE DARN PRICE!
New members get an official welcome message and they also have a period of time before they are allowed to participate in the classifieds (unless they become a supporting member). Maybe a notice could be added to the PCF welcome message letting them know the marketplace is caveat emptor, and the search function is readily available and should be used to check out prior sales before committing to a purchase?

It just seems to me that the chip prices fluctuate so greatly depending on so many factors that there is much more value (and ultimately education/protection) in having someone run a search and do the work than just handing them some random sales links. I for one have learned so much on this site purely from accidently running across some great thread when searching for completely different information.
For Sale: $255.33 each, I bought all @Josh Kifer had for $3 each but knew y'all would want one, hell I don't even like pitchforks!
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