Best Way to Identify Positive/Negative Interactions (1 Viewer)

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But doesn’t this happen every single time there’s a chip room sale??? Seriously. Or a nagb ? I’ve seen way higher flips on nagb’ s and chip room chips with everyone clambering to buy!

There’s a bit of selective outrage going on. No offense intended. I’m more a believer of silent moderation balanced with freedom of speech. Someone posts blatant line crossing with vulgar images and language. Delete delete delete. I suppose it was easier to delete the thread so as not not let it rekindle after deleting single posts.

Yes. The vision of every forum or web site is that of the creator. The more that join. The more that interact the harder it is to moderate.

I envision a board of users that when someone needs to be dealt with they convene and decide as a community and make a decision vs one man’s decision. But that’s just me. And this isn’t my joynt. All in all PCF is pretty great.
But like anywhere it’s populated with human beings all with different outlooks and personalities. The more you try and overtake the plumbing the easier it gets to plug the drain. (Yep Scotty said this about the excelsior)

Sometimes less is more.

The number looks like 11k members last I looked. Not sure what the mix is and what the real number is (meaning members who are truest active) but even if is 1/3 of that, that’s a lot of personalities to try and manage as a mod or admin.
My point was pretty much the same as Berg’s pot roast analogy. It’s blatant flipping when someone makes a purchase with the SOLE intent of up-charging someone that wants it.
Does it also happen immediately after ChipRoom sales? You bet. Not fond of it there either.

I have no problem with people selling chips for more than they paid…but someone buying stuff for the sole purpose to profit and to screw others here…problem.
My point was pretty much the same as Berg’s pot roast analogy. It’s blatant flipping when someone makes a purchase with the SOLE intent of up-charging someone that wants it.
Does it also happen immediately after ChipRoom sales? You bet. Not fond of it there either.

I have no problem with people selling chips for more than they paid…but someone buying stuff for the sole purpose to profit and to screw others here…problem.
Well that’s the sole intent of every secondary sale after a TCR sale. Including the one where Jim found that people were using alternate accounts to buy up chips over the limits.
I have no problem with people selling chips for more than they paid…but someone buying stuff for the sole purpose to profit and to screw others here…problem.
Agree - This seems to be a hard concept, don’t know why - lol.

Perhaps we should call it “speculating” instead of flipping since people seem to conflate selling for $1 more then paid 10yrs ago with “flipping”.

The definition of speculating: invest in stocks, property, or other ventures in the hope of gain but with the risk of loss.

What is an example of speculating?

speculated; speculating; speculates

For example, a business owner may speculate that a brand-new kind of frozen yogurt will be really popular, so she buys a huge order of it for her ice cream store.

Kinda sounds like flipping to me
Impossible to have a thread on point, task, and generate solutions.

Meanwhile I’ve had another chipper reach out today (only because I sold him chips, same as someone else, but their rack had an issue). Had an exchange that was less than desired. Nothing hugely wrong per se, but just kind of a womp womp upon looking at chips purchased.

Here’s the issue.

The seller can make it right, sure. But the buyer can’t leave neutral feedback - that’s like a scarlet letter. There’s no real way to leave feedback that insinuates - chips had an issue but seller fixed it. And there should be! Because while it doesn’t need to hurt that sellers reputation, it does help if everyone posts tangible, helpful feedback to notice trends.

I’ve had exchanges with extremely well known and high volume sellers that weren’t up to par. Most recent one was buying “like mint” chips, and then had locals laugh at them when they saw them. And this was from a Vendor here. Our current feedback system, or the way we use it, doesn’t allow for true and useful feedback.

Add to that that administration has come out and said, we’re tired of dealing with feedback issues, we won’t be correcting incorrect feedback.

So, whether it’s the actual system or how we utilize it, feedback would appear to be a pretty low having fruit we could go after.
Agree - This seems to be a hard concept, don’t know why - lol.

Perhaps we should call it “speculating” instead of flipping since people seem to conflate selling for $1 more then paid 10yrs ago with “flipping”.

The definition of speculating: invest in stocks, property, or other ventures in the hope of gain but with the risk of loss.

What is an example of speculating?

speculated; speculating; speculates

For example, a business owner may speculate that a brand-new kind of frozen yogurt will be really popular, so she buys a huge order of it for her ice cream store.

Kinda sounds like flipping to me
Meh …. No speculating on chips. That’s flipping. Buying chips you don’t collect solely to resell at a profit, in some cases beating others to them who may need them for a set is simple douchbagery
Meh …. No speculating on chips. That’s flipping. Buying chips you don’t collect solely to resell at a profit, in some cases beating others to them who may need them for a set is simple douchbagery
Tomato / Tomato :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:
Tomato / Tomato :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:
Bad behavior to the hobby. Unless it’s not about the hobby. I was going to add….. there’s a few out there that actively hunt chips they know specific collectors want and try and bend em over for them later. Not sure what that’s called. @Lil Tuna wad telling me that happens.
Bad behavior to the hobby. Unless it’s not about the hobby. I was going to add….. there’s a few out there that actively hunt chips they know specific collectors want and try and bend em over for them later. Not sure what that’s called. @Lil Tuna wad telling me that happens.
This method is in a certain vendor’s mission statement!
Bad behavior to the hobby. Unless it’s not about the hobby. I was going to add….. there’s a few out there that actively hunt chips they know specific collectors want and try and bend em over for them later. Not sure what that’s called. @Lil Tuna wad telling me that happens.
Oh, 100%. We’re in violent agreement on flipping. i was just saying it in a different way - lol.

Speculating generally has negative long term consequences, regardless of the market.

As an outsider, collecting a specific chip set and learning more and more about the community and what kind of people exist in it, I find flipping strange. I've been part of MMOs where people have basically lived in communism and it has worked. People share everything and they don't take what they don't need. I enjoyed being a part of that, however, I always felt like one bad actor and the party would be ruined for everyone. Being a small, tight knit group that was pretty easy to keep the bad actors out. I don't know how on earth you police a community this big and keep the bad actors out from ruining an otherwise good thing.

I feel like dibs threads invite bad actors. If chips are listed under "market rate" bad actors can prevent legitimate "worthy buyers" from participating in a communal action. Auctions are similarly less than ideal as people who want to participate can't if they can't pay "market rate" even if the seller would intend to sell as such. Personally, the only middle ground I see is people making for sale posts and letting people show interest or not for 24-48 hours or something and then the OP selects the seller they deem most appropriate. In cases where people have clearly misvalued something, they should select the best candidate if they are being communal or select to repost at a different price or an action as they see fit.

Personally, I buy the chip set that I do (and I clearly make no secret what I like) because I like it. If some day my fortunes change and I end up selling it, it will because I need the money to feed my kids, not because I'm flipping. I will also ask more than I paid for the chips, because I think as a set they are worth more than the parts. As for someone buying a set and asking more for the parts the same day, it is incredible poor taste. Hold them for 6 months and then decide to sell them for more, then sure, they're yours's do what you will with them. But man, same day, same month flipping. Seriously, it's a little bit sad what people will sell their integrity for.
As an outsider, collecting a specific chip set and learning more and more about the community and what kind of people exist in it, I find flipping strange. I've been part of MMOs where people have basically lived in communism and it has worked. People share everything and they don't take what they don't need. I enjoyed being a part of that, however, I always felt like one bad actor and the party would be ruined for everyone. Being a small, tight knit group that was pretty easy to keep the bad actors out. I don't know how on earth you police a community this big and keep the bad actors out from ruining an otherwise good thing.

I feel like dibs threads invite bad actors. If chips are listed under "market rate" bad actors can prevent legitimate "worthy buyers" from participating in a communal action. Auctions are similarly less than ideal as people who want to participate can't if they can't pay "market rate" even if the seller would intend to sell as such. Personally, the only middle ground I see is people making for sale posts and letting people show interest or not for 24-48 hours or something and then the OP selects the seller they deem most appropriate. In cases where people have clearly misvalued something, they should select the best candidate if they are being communal or select to repost at a different price or an action as they see fit.

Personally, I buy the chip set that I do (and I clearly make no secret what I like) because I like it. If some day my fortunes change and I end up selling it, it will because I need the money to feed my kids, not because I'm flipping. I will also ask more than I paid for the chips, because I think as a set they are worth more than the parts. As for someone buying a set and asking more for the parts the same day, it is incredible poor taste. Hold them for 6 months and then decide to sell them for more, then sure, they're yours's do what you will with them. But man, same day, same month flipping. Seriously, it's a little bit sad what people will sell their integrity for.
The argument there then is that somehow you’re doing it that way to facilitate offers behind the scenes for max profit. Saw it many times in shit show threads. Haha. I guess poker players are too suspicious! The bigger the crowd the more you’ll hear.
The argument there then is that somehow you’re doing it that way to facilitate offers behind the scenes for max profit. Saw it many times in shit show threads. Haha. I guess poker players are too suspicious! The bigger the crowd the more you’ll hear.
That's a fair point, but I ask how is that different than posting an auction? Clearly more in the shadows and more shady, but if the goal is max profit, then wouldn't an auction do better than offers when buyers don't know where they stand with others? Are people really privately bidding 2x, 3x, whatever over ask when they wouldn't publicly? Clearly if there is only 1 bidder the auction format doesn't work, but if there is only one bidder does the private deals work either?
Thank you so much for taking what I said so succinctly and telling me it really wasn't what I was talking about. I'm making notes to NEVER play cards with you since you know me better than I do.
He does come off like a smart guy, but I wouldn’t worry about his game. He’s easily beaten by a straight flush.
He does come off like a smart guy, but I wouldn’t worry about his game. He’s easily beaten by a straight flush.
Pfft, I literally get those every other hand, so, like you know 25% of the time... I'll own him!
As an outsider, collecting a specific chip set and learning more and more about the community and what kind of people exist in it, I find flipping strange. I've been part of MMOs where people have basically lived in communism and it has worked. People share everything and they don't take what they don't need. I enjoyed being a part of that, however, I always felt like one bad actor and the party would be ruined for everyone. Being a small, tight knit group that was pretty easy to keep the bad actors out. I don't know how on earth you police a community this big and keep the bad actors out from ruining an otherwise good thing.

I feel like dibs threads invite bad actors. If chips are listed under "market rate" bad actors can prevent legitimate "worthy buyers" from participating in a communal action. Auctions are similarly less than ideal as people who want to participate can't if they can't pay "market rate" even if the seller would intend to sell as such. Personally, the only middle ground I see is people making for sale posts and letting people show interest or not for 24-48 hours or something and then the OP selects the seller they deem most appropriate. In cases where people have clearly misvalued something, they should select the best candidate if they are being communal or select to repost at a different price or an action as they see fit.

Personally, I buy the chip set that I do (and I clearly make no secret what I like) because I like it. If some day my fortunes change and I end up selling it, it will because I need the money to feed my kids, not because I'm flipping. I will also ask more than I paid for the chips, because I think as a set they are worth more than the parts. As for someone buying a set and asking more for the parts the same day, it is incredible poor taste. Hold them for 6 months and then decide to sell them for more, then sure, they're yours's do what you will with them. But man, same day, same month flipping. Seriously, it's a little bit sad what people will sell their integrity for.
Current feedback system of just positive, negative, and neutral feedback is not sufficient. We need more nuance. Perhaps a scoring system thst includes communication, packing, speed of payment, would you deal again, etc.

Over the years I've had transactions with very prominent members. I eventually got what was advertised but the transactions left a poor taste in my mouth.

One transaction was a trade. I paid for my shipping cost immediately and shipped my end of the trade immediately. The other guy didn't ship for nearly a month and didn't pay his shipping for several weeks. And this dude was very nonchalant about the whole thing. Oh, the country he was in had this issue and that. He needed time to transfer funds. A lot of excuses. Maybe I'll try next weekend, etc. Plus, when his shipment finally arrived it was poorly packed. Barrels wrapped loosely in paper towels with scotch tape. Luckily the chips weren't damaged but I was like seriously WTF. This dude had been on PCF for several years and on CT prior.
One software solution that can easily rectify several 'problems' (disappearing sale thread prices, fluff and/or threadcrap comments):

-- make the sales thread original post (OP) uneditable. If the seller wants to modify their initial offer, it can be done so via subsequent thread posts. The OP remains unchanged.

-- make all non-seller posts to sale threads a simple drop-down selection of a few predetermined choices. No free-form text responses.

@Tommy could likely implement these two changes rather quickly, with very little (if any) negative downside.
Rules apply, except when they don’t.

We can’t threadcrap or derail, except looking at Mustards last thread, apparently we can now?

We can’t profit from chips, except when we can. And you will all subjectively pick what that details.

People can have wanted ads for years for chips that are you in your closet that won’t be used, except for trade bait.

I used to tote the “community” cross across my back to the point of being banned. It became a lot easier to coexist peacefully when I realized that everyone here doublespeak’s and community exists almost exclusively in 1) non classifieds and 2) transactions between irl friends and cliques.
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