Best Way to Identify Positive/Negative Interactions (3 Viewers)

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I’ve been quiet on the mustard front mainly because of Barrie’s last post. There are plenty of people who flip, albeit less egregiously than the mustards - but it’s a lot harder to call it “flipping” when the sale comes 3-6 months later.

To a certain extent, the Mustard King is being made the scapegoat of a lot of members’ frustrations about flipping in general.

I think I’ve settled on just ignoring the most obvious ones, and trying to research historical prices of chips that I’m interested in so I’m somewhat aware if I’m being flipped.
I’ve been quiet on the mustard front mainly because of Barrie’s last post. There are plenty of people who flip, albeit less egregiously than the mustards - but it’s a lot harder to call it “flipping” when the sale comes 3-6 months later.

To a certain extent, the Mustard King is being made the scapegoat of a lot of members’ frustrations about flipping in general.

I think I’ve settled on just ignoring the most obvious ones, and trying to research historical prices of chips that I’m interested in so I’m somewhat aware if I’m being flipped.
Bad behavior to the hobby. Unless it’s not about the hobby. I was going to add….. there’s a few out there that actively hunt chips they know specific collectors want and try and bend em over for them later. Not sure what that’s called. @Lil Tuna wad telling me that happens.
It’s bullshit.
It’s bullshit.
If it was “bullshit” we wouldn’t be having the conversation. ;) It’s been going on since I’ve been a member here, it’s just greatly increased over the last couple years.
Saying it doesn’t happen (ALOT) is being completely delusional.

Don’t really care what you ass clowns do with your flips and fucking this dude and that dude out of each other’s chips. I’m retired from collecting, non of you have a damn thing I need for any of my sets.
You don’t like what I got to say? GO FUCKING POUND SAND!
How bout that BULLSHIT?
I forgot one key thing when looking at all of this ongoing feedback and pitchforks.


I don't think there's any actual desire to curb current behaviors or provide a tangible history for reference.

But maybe in those “new member” threads, give them a heads up. As much as everyone wants to protect new chippers about chip prices, maybe we need to also warn them that 90% of what they see against flipping are just the same old heads posturing. That way they aren't confused when they're taking advantage of because "community".

This topic is both spent and undying. No mas posts from me, see you out there in the positive ones!
People are always state they want to protect new chippers and they're concerned about new members getting fleeced.

But quite often, these same people openly declare they will now only sell at market prices unless they are actual friends with the buyer.

These two points don't seem very harmonious.
People are always state they want to protect new chippers and they're concerned about new members getting fleeced.

But quite often, these same people openly declare they will now only sell at market prices unless they are actual friends with the buyer.

These two points don't seem very harmonious.
I’m torn on the new chippers thing. On the one hand, I’d hate to see them fall for the “HOW IS THIS EVEN STILL HERE” sort of fluffing that we all make fun of (yet still see on a daily basis.) On the other hand, I’ve got zero effs to give about a person who doesn’t do their research.
People are always state they want to protect new chippers and they're concerned about new members getting fleeced.

But quite often, these same people openly declare they will now only sell at market prices unless they are actual friends with the buyer.

These two points don't seem very harmonious.
I'm going to respond thoughtfully because I feel I fall exactly into this category. Just hear me out here.

I'm all for giving a newcomer a break if there's really something I have that I don't need. However, I feel that it makes me a sucker to give said newcomer a break, and then see them sell at a 30% markup from the price I gave them a month later.

At least with someone I know locally or have chatted with frequently or talked shop with at a meetup, I can get a sense of that person's character and likelihood of flipping or not. If I know they were looking for something and will put it into play, I'm happy to give them a friendly price. Hell, I came very close to doing exactly this on a CDI cash set when I was trying to raise Tiger funds. But ultimately, I decided to hold off once that local newcomer passed on the purchase and decided the optics of selling to anyone at FMV weren't worth the trouble and potential agita involved. I sold off my Jack Detroit set at the end of the day for less than I had into it.

But yeah, otherwise, I'm just not motivated to sell right now. I love what I have. But when a nice set hits the classifieds one day coming from me, you're damn right I'm selling at market value or I'm hooking up a friend. Because I know that either said friend will enjoy the chips, or I sell for what I have into them to Joe Schmo and let that person enjoy the money I left on the table for trying to be nice when they ultimately sell at a markup.

But yes, I don't want someone new here to be duped by the obvious gouging attempts. I don't want to be a sucker either. The two points aren't mutually exclusive.
People are always state they want to protect new chippers and they're concerned about new members getting fleeced.

But quite often, these same people openly declare they will now only sell at market prices unless they are actual friends with the buyer.

These two points don't seem very harmonious.
I think there’s a lot of fleecing new members. Not super egregious but the veterans know how to offload to new members at good profit to themselves.
We have two choices

1) just ridicule the obvious flippers - they’ll get the message and others will obviously see that the flipper is what they are

2) or, we do absolutely nothing and don’t name names in any threads and the mods are diligent about thread tapping and everyone can shut the absolute fucking fuck up about chips being too fucking goddamn expensive.
And by flippers, I don’t people that buy and hold, since this activity is difficult to discern from buying with intent to use and then selling at market prevailing price.

I mean people that do with KingWithTheAxe did.
He held for 5 days while trying to buy.

Totes different. You just don't get it, man....
I'm going to respond thoughtfully because I feel I fall exactly into this category. Just hear me out here.

I'm all for giving a newcomer a break if there's really something I have that I don't need. However, I feel that it makes me a sucker to give said newcomer a break, and then see them sell at a 30% markup from the price I gave them a month later.

At least with someone I know locally or have chatted with frequently or talked shop with at a meetup, I can get a sense of that person's character and likelihood of flipping or not. If I know they were looking for something and will put it into play, I'm happy to give them a friendly price. Hell, I came very close to doing exactly this on a CDI cash set when I was trying to raise Tiger funds. But ultimately, I decided to hold off once that local newcomer passed on the purchase and decided the optics of selling to anyone at FMV weren't worth the trouble and potential agita involved. I sold off my Jack Detroit set at the end of the day for less than I had into it.

But yeah, otherwise, I'm just not motivated to sell right now. I love what I have. But when a nice set hits the classifieds one day coming from me, you're damn right I'm selling at market value or I'm hooking up a friend. Because I know that either said friend will enjoy the chips, or I sell for what I have into them to Joe Schmo and let that person enjoy the money I left on the table for trying to be nice when they ultimately sell at a markup.

But yes, I don't want someone new here to be duped by the obvious gouging attempts. I don't want to be a sucker either. The two points aren't mutually exclusive.

I can agree with some of your sentiments.

Feeling sympathy for newcomers getting gouged and not wanting to be a sucker aren't mutually exclusive. But they're not exactly congruent either - if one was inclined to actually go against the grain.

I'm not claiming I'm out there being Robin Hood giving deals to the chip poor. Not even close.

People saying they're concerned about new chippers and not actually doing anything is the equivalent of the useless 'thoughts and prayers' every politician spouts whenever there's some kind of tragedy. It's completely meaningless.

If people are not ever willing to give a stranger any kind of break, then they probably shouldn't be pissed if others are selling at full market price either. Why should they be suckers?
It’s ok @BarrieJ3. You can say my name. I ain’t skeered.

I bought the $5 chips from @Budha. And @Budha gave me a great price. I’ve overpaid for lots of other chips, including chips in that set. I bought all of the chips in the set to keep and play. I’ve had the chips for a while. I’ve played the chips. I didn’t buy the chips to make a profit.

Now, months later, I want and need to sell my hot stamp. My reasons for doing so, beyond what I disclosed in the thread, aren’t anyone’s business. Part of my initial asking price was what I paid for chips, and part of it was the hours I spent tracking shit down. There’s value in something that turnkey beyond the sum of the chips, and split pricing sort of needs to add up to the whole.

I’ve cut plenty of people good deals, helped people complete sets, and I’ve done both at times to my own detriment. I’ve given plenty of shit away, to new chippers and old. My reputation for dealing fair with people should speak for itself.

This time, I needed to get market price for a sale, and I still ended up selling below my asking price. Instead of posting a thread “calling me out” or whatever the hell anyone wants to call it, you might have sent me a PM and asked why first. That probably would have been more effective than putting me on blast to all of PCF. Or maybe you could just give someone with a multi-year history of being fair and above board the benefit of the fucking doubt.

So, if anyone doesn’t want to deal with me in the future, I guess that sucks, but oh well. Just apply that rule consistently to everyone, and please sell your chips for what you paid. Or be a hypocrite about it. Whatever makes you happy.
Haha didn’t see all this.

Booyah got doubled Booyah’d lol

Generally I sell below my cost or at my cost to the PCF community. When I want to make a little profit for whatever reason, or idc about sale price, I send it to auction. Auction to me says … hey i’m a flipper today…

But problem with selling at cost is the dibs model. The hyper users get rewarded a bit too much. Or not haha sometimes you overpay.

I’m my own worse enemy. Sold cars for 20 years. I hate negotiating in my personal life for the most part so I trust chips are priced fair. And buy with far too little hw.

Generally agree building a turn key set takes some work @BamaT8ter but this was doubling the price on me in less than 6 months on chips you didn’t have to work hard for lol. It’s just the same 2 racks. However you did offer me a discount once you showed me condition of stamps.

Is what it is.

PCAs go for $100 a chip now. I’m sure they didn’t 2 years ago.
I bought the chips from @Budha in June 2022. I did not hit him up and ask for a hook up. I posted a thread asking what was out there, and he messaged me and offered me chips. I kept them, built a set with them, and I played them.

I sold the set because my collection had gotten too big. Not that it’s anyone’s business, but I sold for market because I just changed jobs and I’m going to go a long stretch without a paycheck.

So, sorry if anyone feels abused. I didn’t buy chips to turn a profit. I bought chips I wanted to play. I sold them because I needed the money. If that makes me a bad guy you don’t want to deal with anymore, life’s a mfer sometimes.
There's a reason listing threads or naming names doesn't work. Objective statements and evidence, even when made carefully with caveats, are never going to be taken as such. There will always be human emotion, and those listed will respond accordingly.

The point is not to point fingers or hang someone out to dry. For new chippers it's to provide a price point history and understanding of the market since everything is done via PM or not actually sold at what threads are listed at. For ongoing chippers, it's to avoid this exact scenario where a seller may regret selling the chips to someone they didn't know would, not flip, but sell at 100% increase in cost in a short time.

None of this is a personal indictment on someone, as mentioned I'm happy to grab a beer or hang out at a meetup. But a chipper being a "good guy" doesn't give them a pass for doubling my chip cost in 6 months.

I personally do not hook people up so that they can sell my chips for double in 6 months because - they've overpaid for other chips.
I personally do not hook people up so that they can sell my chips for double in 6 months because - they didn't buy them to make a profit.
I personally do not hook people up so that they can sell my chips for double in 6 months because - they've cut people deals and given plenty of shit away.
I personally do not hook people up so that they can sell my chips for double in 6 months because - their collection had gotten too big.

Lastly, I don't sell any chips to PCFers who outbid other PCFers on chips, only to list them for double the purchase cost within two weeks.

apply that rule consistently to everyone
I couldn't agree more with this. I don't mind people charging anything they want for chips, I'm just asking people to make up their minds about it and apply it consistently to everyone. Everyone wants to bring out the pitchforks for reallygoodusername and worried about mustards, this is literally the exact complaint about bidding against each other and listing here without providing value. But where's that same energy? Why do we pitchfork some people and are silent when others do it?

I'm not attacking anyone. I, like the many posts in this and the previous 30+ page thread, grow weary of helping only to be a shmuck.

At the end of the day, as I've repeatedly said, PCF can be different things to different people. I have nothing against @BamaT8ter. I don't think you did anything wrong in the slightest, as I've repeatedly said. In the very specific realm of "poker chip purchases and sales", would I engage with you? For me it's 100% no. It's neither personal nor an indictment. And I agree with you, people should be consistent.
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It’s ok @BarrieJ3. You can say my name. I ain’t skeered.

I bought the $5 chips from @Budha. And @Budha gave me a great price. I’ve overpaid for lots of other chips, including chips in that set. I bought all of the chips in the set to keep and play. I’ve had the chips for a while. I’ve played the chips. I didn’t buy the chips to make a profit.

Now, months later, I want and need to sell my hot stamp. My reasons for doing so, beyond what I disclosed in the thread, aren’t anyone’s business. Part of my initial asking price was what I paid for chips, and part of it was the hours I spent tracking shit down. There’s value in something that turnkey beyond the sum of the chips, and split pricing sort of needs to add up to the whole.

I’ve cut plenty of people good deals, helped people complete sets, and I’ve done both at times to my own detriment. I’ve given plenty of shit away, to new chippers and old. My reputation for dealing fair with people should speak for itself.

This time, I needed to get market price for a sale, and I still ended up selling below my asking price. Instead of posting a thread “calling me out” or whatever the hell anyone wants to call it, you might have sent me a PM and asked why first. That probably would have been more effective than putting me on blast to all of PCF. Or maybe you could just give someone with a multi-year history of being fair and above board the benefit of the fucking doubt.

So, if anyone doesn’t want to deal with me in the future, I guess that sucks, but oh well. Just apply that rule consistently to everyone, and please sell your chips for what you paid. Or be a hypocrite about it. Whatever makes you happy.
I've been friends with @BamaT8ter for a while and I wouldn'd define him as a flipper..... meh flip vs. market value..... tough distinction. This is why, while I disagree with a 5x flip 10 minutes after purchase, I still agree with @Tommy position as admin on people can sell their stuff for how much they want. While I did post in the mustard threads I also have to agree that when the pile on happens here (alot) these threads morph into some nasty things and derail fast, I almost forgot that @KingWithTheAxe trade thread was a trade thread after a while.

As usual, when everyone's up in arms, other threads develop like this one and others up to BS sale and wanted ads designed to ridicule the "offender" (for lack of a better term at the moment) outright, its gets pretty mean spirited. Threads get removed and immediately more threads are posted. Damn Internet!

You'll never determine intent, you can only suspect... but I think we should hire an expert to tell us EXACTLY what's on a chip seller mind to consult on every deal...
When asked he had this to say!
mind probe.gif
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