I've recorded names and requests. If you've already posted in the thread and want to convey any more information, shoot me a PM please. Otherwise I'll shoot you a PM at some point. I've not seen nor heard of any complaints about this thread turning into my board game classified ad for the last 10 posts, but I don't want to push it.
I'm in no great rush on any of these transactions. We had just a crap ton of extra expenses in my household in the last 2 years, but I found a nice 0% credit card for 21 months for balance transfers for what is left from that nonsense, so I've got some financial breathing room and some time. These funds will help to make a few payments on that, but please don't take 20 months to finish deciding.
@THRA5H3R, after prepping for my turkey fry tomorrow, I'm going to find a box and get to packing up your requests.
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