Controversial Chip & Poker Opinions (9 Viewers)

I'd be surprised if anyone on these forums would be cool with pre-dealt turns and rivers. Which thread is this?
I'd be surprised if anyone on these forums would be cool with pre-dealt turns and rivers. Which thread is this?
We do it on multi board circus games that have a possibility of running out of cards and having to reshuffle a new stub.
I'd be surprised if anyone on these forums would be cool with pre-dealt turns and rivers. Which thread is this?
I've seen it dealt that way routinely in Scarney. I hate it. There is absolutely no need, and it gives card-markers (or someone that has the visual acuity to identify an accidentally marked card) a distinctive edge. Since most the deck is delt out and exposed by the end of the hand, it would take almost no time to identify every smudge in the deck and win incessantly.
The Sacramento Card Room aka "Cocaine Giraffe's" are insanely overrated.
Once I found out they weren’t leaded clay, I found them less interesting. I’ll admit that I kind of love the awful inlay. But my bottom line is that since somebody vacuumed up all of them, they pretty much don’t exist, so who cares?
Do people actually play 4 chip 8 chip or are you just tilting me further and further? Because if a later street is capped, you’d be pushing out what, 64 chips?
$1.25/$2.50 5/10 chip game... lots of colors! Long live the quarter!

Everyone buy in for $50 and pick a color!! Haha

Who could seriously hate on beautiful quarters
Once I found out they weren’t leaded clay, I found them less interesting. I’ll admit that I kind of love the awful inlay. But my bottom line is that since somebody vacuumed up all of them, they pretty much don’t exist, so who cares?
I guess it’s pretty unsurprising he got bored after a couple years after having basically anything a chipper could desire but it’s it’s stunning how many remarkable chip sets have just disappeared out of the PCF showcase classifieds circulations.
I guess it’s pretty unsurprising he got bored after a couple years after having basically anything a chipper could desire but it’s it’s stunning how many remarkable chip sets have just disappeared out of the PCF showcase classifieds circulations.

It's gross.

I find it absolutely wild that a single individual can have such a damaging effect on a hobby.

Not many hobbies out there where one guy can basically create a monopoly on ownership, and be so catastrophic on pricing.
Folding poker tables and using dice chips should go hand in hand. Expensive poker chips should never be allowed to be used on a folding table. Add that only paper playing cards should be used on a folding table.


I'm kidding..I have nothing against a folding table...
Not many hobbies out there where one guy can basically create a monopoly on ownership, and be so catastrophic on pricing.
Who is this person? Are they still an active member on here?

Is there a reason we should not use their name?

Asking, because the modern history of chipping is as fascinating to me as any of the other aspects.

Heroes, Villains... etc.
Who is this person? Are they still an active member on here?

Is there a reason we should not use their name?

Asking, because the modern history of chipping is as fascinating to me as any of the other aspects.

Heroes, Villains... etc.

You must be new around these here parts, pardner


I was always amazed at how people would tag him any time good chips were listed for sale. Not that it mattered anyway since he had bots and/or employees on the prowl, but who the hell roots for the giant vacuum? (Aside from auction sellers or course.). Strange days.
Those that wanted to bury their face where John Candy’s hand was on Steve Martin.
Controversial chipping opinion:

One person cannot, and did not, affect chip pricing. If I had a dozen sport gold Camaros, and somebody offered 1.5 million each for them, the price of sport gold Camaros may enjoy a modest temporary bump in pricing, but they will settle back to the market demand. They certainly will not affect the price of red Mustangs.

I think it's easy to villainize one man who had the resources, but his timing of purchases matched the post-recession recovery, where people had much more money for discretionary spending. The net result was an increase in chip prices, table prices, and basically all discretionary products. A few years later, we had people with so much still left in their caches that many quit/did not return to work (I still don't know how that works, but it was a thing).

Eventually, inflation corrected everything. People were looking for someone to blame for the increase of the price of gas and eggs. You can blame a President or Windwalker, but the true culprit is a little more complex. So complex that it is easier to blame one guy than it is to attend an economics lecture.
Controversial chipping opinion:

One person cannot, and did not, affect chip pricing. If I had a dozen sport gold Camaros, and somebody offered 1.5 million each for them, the price of sport gold Camaros may enjoy a modest temporary bump in pricing, but they will settle back to the market demand. They certainly will not affect the price of red Mustangs.

I think it's easy to villainize one man who had the resources, but his timing of purchases matched the post-recession recovery, where people had much more money for discretionary spending. The net result was an increase in chip prices, table prices, and basically all discretionary products. A few years later, we had people with so much still left in their caches that many quit/did not return to work (I still don't know how that works, but it was a thing).

Eventually, inflation corrected everything. People were looking for someone to blame for the increase of the price of gas and eggs. You can blame a President or Windwalker, but the true culprit is a little more complex. So complex that it is easier to blame one guy than it is to attend an economics lecture.
Uh Huh Sure GIF
Controversial chipping opinion:

One person cannot, and did not, affect chip pricing. If I had a dozen sport gold Camaros, and somebody offered 1.5 million each for them, the price of sport gold Camaros may enjoy a modest temporary bump in pricing, but they will settle back to the market demand. They certainly will not affect the price of red Mustangs.

I think it's easy to villainize one man who had the resources, but his timing of purchases matched the post-recession recovery, where people had much more money for discretionary spending. The net result was an increase in chip prices, table prices, and basically all discretionary products. A few years later, we had people with so much still left in their caches that many quit/did not return to work (I still don't know how that works, but it was a thing).

Eventually, inflation corrected everything. People were looking for someone to blame for the increase of the price of gas and eggs. You can blame a President or Windwalker, but the true culprit is a little more complex. So complex that it is easier to blame one guy than it is to attend an economics lecture.
Do you think that one person affected the price of the cocaine giraffes?
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Controversial chipping opinion:

One person cannot, and did not, affect chip pricing. If I had a dozen sport gold Camaros, and somebody offered 1.5 million each for them, the price of sport gold Camaros may enjoy a modest temporary bump in pricing, but they will settle back to the market demand. They certainly will not affect the price of red Mustangs.

I think it's easy to villainize one man who had the resources, but his timing of purchases matched the post-recession recovery, where people had much more money for discretionary spending. The net result was an increase in chip prices, table prices, and basically all discretionary products. A few years later, we had people with so much still left in their caches that many quit/did not return to work (I still don't know how that works, but it was a thing).

Eventually, inflation corrected everything. People were looking for someone to blame for the increase of the price of gas and eggs. You can blame a President or Windwalker, but the true culprit is a little more complex. So complex that it is easier to blame one guy than it is to attend an economics lecture.
Controversial chipping opinion:

One person cannot, and did not, affect chip pricing. If I had a dozen sport gold Camaros, and somebody offered 1.5 million each for them, the price of sport gold Camaros may enjoy a modest temporary bump in pricing, but they will settle back to the market demand. They certainly will not affect the price of red Mustangs.

I think it's easy to villainize one man who had the resources, but his timing of purchases matched the post-recession recovery, where people had much more money for discretionary spending. The net result was an increase in chip prices, table prices, and basically all discretionary products. A few years later, we had people with so much still left in their caches that many quit/did not return to work (I still don't know how that works, but it was a thing).

Eventually, inflation corrected everything. People were looking for someone to blame for the increase of the price of gas and eggs. You can blame a President or Windwalker, but the true culprit is a little more complex. So complex that it is easier to blame one guy than it is to attend an economics lecture.
The timing of when I got into chipping was too close to the height of Krish’s activities so it’s hard for me to have any perspective on his effect on prices but what about his effect on what chips are available?

There’s a limited amount of the most desirable product and no one making more of it. Hoards can be found but they’re few and far between
The timing of when I got into chipping was too close to the height of Krish’s activities so it’s hard for me to have any perspective on his effect on prices but what about his effect on what chips are available?

There’s a limited amount of the most desirable product and no one making more of it. Hoards can be found but they’re few and far between
With a nod to @Poker Zombie above, it’s difficult to say exactly how much he affected anything particularly. He came along at a time where this site (and the hobby presumably) had experienced significant growth, along with economic factors and the whole Covid effect. I think we were all becoming more and more aware that the good stuff was being scooped up more quickly, for higher prices, and was not coming back into circulation as much as it had in the past. So anything Krish might have caused or accelerated was happening anyway, to a certain extent.
All those changes had felt gradual though. Then all of a sudden, watching him run rampant through the hobby in such an open and notorious manner, it became crystal clear cemented in (at least in my mind) that certain chips (most notably nm-mint leaded Paulson THCs) just weren’t really available anymore unless money was no object.
The Boat and Tiger NAGB chips did a lot of damage to wallets too, the profits there were pretty enormous. But all the secret club stuff really began with the Wynn Charity chips.
Sorry. That’s just my opinion.
No, I was laughing because it actually made me laugh. That was my first experience with controversy here and it happened before I arrived. I just remember reading some comments and somebody flipped out on somebody else (whose name may or may not rhyme with shmainman shmail) and I had to start doing searches to figure out what the heck people were so upset about.

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