Do you think Robbi Jade Lew cheated? Poll (7 Viewers)

Did she cheat?

  • Yes

  • No

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I’d be willing to bet that when you reach a certain level of dumbness, those tests are ineffective.
That’s surely true. Also, for what it’s worth the federal government polygraphs employees every 5 minutes and yet the most damaging spies in our nations history have breezed through that process undetected. Mostly I think they weed out people who are nervous they drank too much at the weekend tailgate or smoked weed once in college but didn’t inhale.
Robbi fails a lie detector test.
-- Detractors: we told you she cheated.
-- Proponents: it means nothing.

Robbi passes a lie detector test.
-- Proponents: we told you she was innocent!
-- Detractors: it means nothing.

She's in a no-win situation. Best to just crawl under a rock somewhere.
Junk science, but Robbi apparently passed a lie detector...

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View attachment 1005887
I’ve heard from some reliable sources that the guy who gave the lie detector test once got a speeding ticket and his brother in law declared bankruptcy back in 1992. Seems pretty suspicious, bunch of crooks and slimey low life’s sounds like to me.
Without knowing the questions asked, the results are not relevant. But assuming the right questions were asked and the examiner was unbiased, it's a significant development.

That is to say, she doesn't seem smart enough to beat a lie detector... ;)
They list the three pertinent questions .
Robbi fails a lie detector test.
-- Detractors: we told you she cheated.
-- Proponents: it means nothing.

Robbi passes a lie detector test.
-- Proponents: we told you she was innocent!
-- Detractors: it means nothing.

She's in a no-win situation. Best to just crawl under a rock somewhere.
I’m pretty sure getting famous was the whole point here, so more attention is better I guess?
Without knowing the questions asked, the results are not relevant. But assuming the right questions were asked and the examiner was unbiased, it's a significant development.

That is to say, she doesn't seem smart enough to beat a lie detector... ;)
As I understand it, you're more likely to get an inconsistent result, or unknown than a positive or negative result, the images you've posted seem to be too cleanly a 'No'. Also the photo is low quality, who smiles for a poly photo?

The 'No' is great for Hustler Casino Live stream

Regardless of fame or cheating, who wants to be around or play with her?
I have it on good authority (anonymous internet post) that Rip was present and mouthed answers during the test, and that the test administrator was distracted via HJ during the grading of the test.
It was a ZJ, also administered by RIP. An HJ wouldn’t not be enough to change grading on something this important to our society.
Aside from the inherent flaws/limitations of a polygraph test, without a full video and objective witnessing (and SME review) of the administration of that test, I view the results with the same skepticism as the closed door (!!!) vote counting of the second recall attempt of LA County DA gascon (that fuc&ing POS).
Robbi fails a lie detector test.
-- Detractors: we told you she cheated.
-- Proponents: it means nothing.

Robbi passes a lie detector test.
-- Proponents: we told you she was innocent!
-- Detractors: it means nothing.

She's in a no-win situation. Best to just crawl under a rock somewhere.
I was on Team It Means Nothing either way.
I’d be willing to bet that when you reach a certain level of dumbness, those tests are ineffective.

There’s a local official in my community who is spectacularly dumb—gets re-elected because people find him affable. But he makes stuff up *all the time.* Again, everyone knows not to believe anything he says and just rolls their eyes.

Thing his, he actually believes his own lies. It’s a feature of his stupidity. I have no doubt he could pass a lie detector even while obviously lying.
There’s a local official in my community who is spectacularly dumb—gets re-elected because people find him affable. But he makes stuff up *all the time.* Again, everyone knows not to believe anything he says and just rolls their eyes.

Thing his, he actually believes his own lies. It’s a feature of his stupidity. I have no doubt he could pass a lie detector even while obviously lying.
Why does the guy who controls the mics need access to hole cards to decide when to mute mics and irrelevant conversation?

The only people who need access to hole cards are the commentators, who can see them on delay when they do their commentary.
3 of at least 37 questions are shown. No doubt early question are to get a baseline reading, but I'd be interested in seeing all of the questions asked.
I get that, it'd be interesting, sure. I'm not sure it's fair to say that the results are not relevant without seeing those baseline questions though. The results are based on the 3 main questions.
The Behavioral Panel supports the lie detector test results. It's a long video but each gives their final analysis towards the end. Curious if anybody has seen a transcript of Lew's dialogue during the hand?

And...this guy breaks down Lew's body language, thumpers, and whether the dealer was involved somehow. Thus far I think people that are positive she cheated can't imagine how a woman, in a mostly male dominant game, managed to somehow beat a world renowned pro.
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Why does the guy who controls the mics need access to hole cards to decide when to mute mics and irrelevant conversation?

The only people who need access to hole cards are the commentators, who can see them on delay when they do their commentary.
I could be mistaken, but I think the digital card data needs to be manually fed into the stream recording graphics by  somebody who has access to both (who presumably is in the control room). I don't think that transfer happens automatically.

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