Do you think Robbi Jade Lew cheated? Poll (5 Viewers)

Did she cheat?

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BTW Fake News! The day before he bet $296k with absolute Dog Sh*t for a hand of K5 off!
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Article clearly starts with "Aldstien made the biggest bet of his life on 09/29" total BS!

Media always trying to "fluff" the facts!

I think the "biggest bet of his life" was likely in reference to him staking his entire reputation on his read that she was cheating and publicly calling her out for it. Not on the amount of money he put into the pot.

As far as the K5o hand shown here, this is actually a good spot for a big bluff. He's making this play because of the board texture and Andy's ability to make good folds. Garrett balances his range here with nutted hands as well, which makes it extremely difficult to play against him when he's shoving in these spots. He knows what Andy has here.
In either scenario the most likely explanation for giving money back is that it was an irrational, spur-of-moment decision made with a lot of stress/adrenaline pumping. Possibly also some inebriation and fatigue.
None of this adds up to me. But then again I am not Robbi.

I have played lots of drunk/tired/adrenaline filled poker and never thought of giving back a 5-10k win.

People get mad at losing all the time in poker. The winner's don't just give the money back lol.

Part of what makes this story so interesting is that Robbi is a girl and none of the highly logical male poker players understand her.
I think it would be pretty funny if the reason Robbi made the call is that she thought Rip was trying to signal something to her in the hand. They were clearly colluding with each other at the table (I don't think anyone disputes this, as it's pretty obvious from the video footage). But it would be pretty damn funny if he was trying to mouth sweet nothings to her and she thought he was trying to tell her to call, so she did, or if he was trying to tell her he folded a T or something like that.
I think it would be pretty funny if the reason Robbi made the call is that she thought Rip was trying to signal something to her in the hand. They were clearly colluding with each other at the table (I don't think anyone disputes this, as it's pretty obvious from the video footage). But it would be pretty damn funny if he was trying to mouth sweet nothings to her and she thought he was trying to tell her to call, so she did, or if he was trying to tell her he folded a T or something like that.

this theory goes well with my earlier "she's too dumb to cheat" statement - too dumb to cheat properly.
Part of what makes this story so interesting is that Robbi is a girl and none of the highly logical male poker players understand her.

This is definitely an important aspect that doesn't receive enough attention (or rather it receives the wrong attention). My experiences running and dealing weekly ladies-only tournaments at a casino in WA every week in my early 20s tells me that I should have the opinion that "all bets are off" with respect to what she was thinking during the hand. Although I choose to write that off as a function of inexperience rather than gender.
She really seemed to me as to flirt with him, at the time I think she was more interested in a possible relationship with him than winning money. She seemed to really want his attention.
While not dispositive on the issue, they are both married.
She really seemed to me as to flirt with him, at the time I think she was more interested in a possible relationship with him than winning money. She seemed to really want his attention.
My take on this is that’s just how she communicates. She’s a beautiful woman who’s used to using her smile to manipulate men.
While not dispositive on the issue, they are both married.
I knew she was; my dad had a saying when I was growing up, you can’t plug a hole with a ring.

She openly talks about manipulation and a smile, I don’t think nature gave her such… large brains, it’s likely there isn’t much ‘real’ about her, and I would include her smile and word…
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Striking! That’s the word I was looking for earlier, when I went with “beautiful.” Everybody has their own tastes and opinions when it comes to beauty and her look can be polarizing, but whether she’s your cup of tea or not, you’d probably agree she’s striking.
You mean like her face looks like someone was striking her over and over?

He’s kind of the male version of her. Just way too interested in appearance. This photo is a bad choice for him, but basically he loves showing off his muscles under his company brand clothes.

After seeing photos of him from just a few years ago, I think it's pretty clear that he is going through a mid-life crisis and decided HGH and testosterone therapy were the cures.
catching up on Nick vertucci on 'Only Friends' With Berkey.

Very Interesting.

Couple of takeaways so far (have more to watch)

I have a little more respect for Vertucci after watching it. I'm understanding more of their (HCL) take on the situation, in general that nothings perfect and doing the best they can, vulnerabilities are there but taking steps to remedy.

I also really like Berkeys take on it too. But Berkey can extrapolate hypotheticals all day long but at some point you have to dial back or you'll just go down into a vortex of 'what ifs'
Are HCL doing what they can? probably, but they could probably do more immediately.
Including ::Cough:: ::Cough:: my idea of delaying the card info feed so its not in real time.

Something that I also think that hasn't been brought up that counters what Berkey is saying about the integrity of the system and if they (customers) should that be ok with playing on the stream.
I'd say the stream, even in the current state (with recent updated security measures) is still 100 times safer and more secure than playing a non streamed game.
Just for the very fact that streamed games are sound and video recorded. To cheat it would have to be extremely sophisticated and be open to scrutiny.
A live unstreamed cash game would only need 2 players cheating with a basic signal system to cheat. With no video or audio to review later.
Does Berkey feel more comfortable playing a high stakes unstreamed game than a HCL game? sounds like that's what he saying.

Anyway... did I mention my great idea to delay the hole card info for 10 minutes solves almost ALL the issues of security?
catching up on Nick vertucci on 'Only Friends' With Berkey.

Very Interesting.

Couple of takeaways so far (have more to watch)

I have a little more respect for Vertucci after watching it. I'm understanding more of their (HCL) take on the situation, in general that nothings perfect and doing the best they can, vulnerabilities are there but taking steps to remedy.

I also really like Berkeys take on it too. But Berkey can extrapolate hypotheticals all day long but at some point you have to dial back or you'll just go down into a vortex of 'what ifs'
Are HCL doing what they can? probably, but they could probably do more immediately.
Including ::Cough:: ::Cough:: my idea of delaying the card info feed so its not in real time.

Something that I also think that hasn't been brought up that counters what Berkey is saying about the integrity of the system and if they (customers) should that be ok with playing on the stream.
I'd say the stream, even in the current state (with recent updated security measures) is still 100 times safer and more secure than playing a non streamed game.
Just for the very fact that streamed games are sound and video recorded. To cheat it would have to be extremely sophisticated and be open to scrutiny.
A live unstreamed cash game would only need 2 players cheating with a basic signal system to cheat. With no video or audio to review later.
Does Berkey feel more comfortable playing a high stakes unstreamed game than a HCL game? sounds like that's what he saying.

Anyway... did I mention my great idea to delay the hole card info for 10 minutes solves almost ALL the issues of security?

For clarity I think we should add what some would call 'state the obvious', I would say define the term - Streaming.

Craig streamed his game, and regardless of time delay streaming or non streaming was no risker from a cheating stand point. There may be risk associated with outside sources knowing money was onsite.

Streaming with the context of RFID Cards is what you are talking about when including assertions of risk. RFID Cards have electronic chips inside the card so that a reader at the table can transmit the player's cards for viewing pleasure. This is a subtle but defining point when you say 'Streaming' you are adding it in.
For clarity I think we should add what some would call 'state the obvious', I would say define the term - Streaming.

Craig streamed his game, and regardless of time delay streaming or non streaming was no risker from a cheating stand point. There may be risk associated with outside sources knowing money was onsite.

Streaming with the context of RFID Cards is what you are talking about when including assertions of risk. RFID Cards have electronic chips inside the card so that a reader at the table can transmit the player's cards for viewing pleasure. This is a subtle but defining point when you say 'Streaming' you are adding it in.

I was thinking about this during my dog walk.

Having real time card info is obviously a big factor but combine that with video and audio scrutiny, you have to have some dialed in cheat system and massive balls to pull it off.
Also the trust you’d have to have with your accomplices, based on what I’ve seen so far.would you pick Robbi as your Bonnie ?
I was thinking about this during my dog walk.

Having real time card info is obviously a big factor but combine that with video and audio scrutiny, you have to have some dialed in cheat system and massive balls to pull it off.
Also the trust you’d have to have with your accomplices, based on what I’ve seen so far.would you pick Robbi as your Bonnie ?
Somebody backed Robbi in this game.
Don’t go trying to make sense of things.
Somebody backed Robbi in this game.
Don’t go trying to make sense of things.

I’d definitely lean towards saying they had a pre-game chat about soft play and collusion to try and take on the big boy table
Alls I know is that J4 has ruined the 72 game, and more importantly, the theme of my custom CPC set.

Guess it's time for another custom set...

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I've been mocking up "Flat Tire Poker Club" set designs in the CPC mockup tool in honor of her call.

Note: If you don't know what a "Flat Tire" is, then I vote that you are not eligible to vote in the debate about whether or not she cheated.

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