Hand Analysis - Before it Airs (5 Viewers)

“I understand, it's an old, archaic system, and the employers use it as a substitute for paying a fair wage. So to those who say it's a bad system, and therefore I'm not going to tip, you're just a cheap a-hole. If the system were changed, then your food bill would be 15-20% higher anyway, so just realize that and pay your fair share. ”
To be clear, I'd much rather have my costs be 15-20% higher and not even have to deal/worry about tipping.
Minimum wage in Canada is now absolute. No reductions if you happen to work in an industry with tipping. No reductions for training. Any employer that tries these shenanigans will be in contravention of labour laws.
To be clear, I'd much rather have my costs be 15-20% higher and not even have to deal/worry about tipping.
The issue with this is the good servers would get considerably less. The government however, gets much more.

I’ve never understood why they don’t just drop the tax rate on lower income people to next to nothing rather than increase min wages. Well… I do understand, because non wage increases are better for govt than they are for employees.

Wait.. isn’t this about a poker hand?
“I understand, it's an old, archaic system, and the employers use it as a substitute for paying a fair wage. So to those who say it's a bad system, and therefore I'm not going to tip, you're just a cheap a-hole. If the system were changed, then your food bill would be 15-20% higher anyway, so just realize that and pay your fair share. ”

I tip min 15% when I go out but the idea that people who tip less than 15% are cheap assholes is unfair.

What is a “fair” wage for servers? $30/h? If it was congruent with other countries with similar gdp per capita where tipping isn’t common it would be peanuts. it’s not uncommon for the diners to make less than the wait staff, but they should feel obliged to give them charity?

If, like you said, half the patrons account for 90% of the tips, then if the half who are cheap skates suddenly tipped as others did, the waiters would be making nearly double. Is $50/h high enough? Are manual labourers earning $10/h still being cheap skates if they choose to only donate 10% of their bill?
If you can't afford to leave a reasonable tip, then you can't afford to eat at a restaurant that provides table service. There are plenty of other places to eat where you order at the counter and don't need to worry about tipping. The tip is part of the cost of dining out. Factor it into the budget, or don't go.

The cheap a-hole comment was directed at the person who runs up a big bill, has drinks, usually asks for service above and beyond, if the server is female usually flirts with her inappropriately, then leaves a $5 or a couple of ones, and laughs about it all the way out the door. Trust me when I say there are a lot more of these jerks than you may realize. You would know this if you have ever waited tables. Or to the person who just feels it shouldn't be their job to pay for the service they received and always leaves nothing.
To be clear, I'd much rather have my costs be 15-20% higher and not even have to deal/worry about tipping.
So would I, but that's not the system we have in the US. Some restaurants have tried it, and the customers look at their prices, compare them to the place they went last week, and some of them complain or don't come back. A lot of people aren't smart enough to realize it comes out the same in the end. Unless they're the jerk who doesn't tip.
The issue with this is the good servers would get considerably less. The government however, gets much more.

I’ve never understood why they don’t just drop the tax rate on lower income people to next to nothing rather than increase min wages. Well… I do understand, because non wage increases are better for govt than they are for employees.

Wait.. isn’t this about a poker hand?
Not sure about Canada, but in the US the tax rate is zero up to around 50K or so for a small family. As an example, I prepared a return this month for a young couple with one child. They had $64,000 in gross income. After the standard deduction and the child care credit, their income tax liability was $2400. That's an effective tax rate of under 4%. I suspect if they had $10K less in income it would have been very close to zero.
The good servers
If you can't afford to leave a reasonable tip, then you can't afford to eat at a restaurant that provides table service. There are plenty of other places to eat where you order at the counter and don't need to worry about tipping. The tip is part of the cost of dining out. Factor it into the budget, or don't go.

The cheap a-hole comment was directed at the person who runs up a big bill, has drinks, usually asks for service above and beyond, if the server is female usually flirts with her inappropriately, then leaves a $5 or a couple of ones, and laughs about it all the way out the door. Trust me when I say there are a lot more of these jerks than you may realize. You would know this if you have ever waited tables. Or to the person who just feels it shouldn't be their job to pay for the service they received and always leaves nothing.

The behaviour you described is bad across the board even if there was a reasonable tip. Ive worked in this environment and know many who do, and that’s a very rare type of customer IME. Much more often the shitty tipper is a middle aged guy at a group event he clearly didn’t want to attend. They owe you/me nothing.
it’s a bizarre cultish attitude to expect 15 or 20% tips IMO.

I’ve never understood why they don’t just drop the tax rate on lower income people to next to nothing rather than increase min wages. Well… I do understand, because non wage increases are better for govt than they are for employees.

More red tape means more bloated gov/union jobs they can gift to their friends and family. Win win!
This thread needs to be cleaned up. Time to take the tip debating to another thread.
I agree. But the thread is kinda done anyways. Awesome hand. Even better that it was for the stakes it was, and the opponent it was against.
Not sure what else we can discuss on it though ;)
I tip. All the time. Looks like this,

In Greece tips are included in the price, by law.
And many waiters are either partners in the business or family members. Rarely do we do more than round up to the next 5E increment (use coins to round up to first paper banknote which is 5E).
Only in upper scale restaurants should you tip something like up to 5-10% (inversely proportional to the bill), if the service is exceptional.

Bartenders might be offended to be tipped. They think they are therapists; some of them are indeed.

For the record, though, Aristotelis Onassis always tipped 100% of the bill anyway. :)
Look both ways when crossing the street

That’s all the tip you guys will get from me
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Hero image is tightish-aggressive, but with a penchant for ill-timed donkey bluffs.
I obviously haven't seen this session, and I don't know if you meant this image was just for this session, but your first mistake in this hand could be assuming this was your image.

I've seen you play and although you've tightened up with @Senzrock's help, I wouldn't categorize you as TAG (but I have seen alot of ill-timed donkey bluffs).

Not trying to mean, just trying to give you a fair assessment.
You are probably right that you might have a 5 or 6 here. But if that's the case maybe you need to reconsider your own percieved image, because opening UTG and calling a pretty huge 3bet OOP with 45/56/67 might not fit with the description of a tight player, even if they are suited IMO.

On the subject of tipping, paying low wages makes sense because it controls costs when a restaurant is slow, but the staff gets compensated when they are busy. It may seem like pauper wages (and it is), but if tipping were not allowed, I'll bet most restaurants are adding more than 20% to the bill because they have to pay the wage overhead even if the restaurant is not busy.

Tipped 2 flags.
Playing live in a casino, I have also over-tioped when pushed a pot that required a suckout to get there.
opening UTG and calling a pretty huge 3bet OOP with 45/56/67 might not fit with the description of a tight player, even if they are suited IMO

Unless your name is Garrett Adelstein and known to have balls of steel both pre and post-flop, then do as you please lol
Unless your name is Garrett Adelstein and known to have balls of steel both pre and post-flop, then do as you please lol
I'm not even sure that Garrett calls a three bet with low suited connectors out of position.
I obviously haven't seen this session, and I don't know if you meant this image was just for this session, but your first mistake in this hand could be assuming this was your image.
Not trying to mean, just trying to give you a fair assessment.

Playing live in a casino, I have also over-tioped when pushed a pot that required a suckout to get there.

Because they compress 13 hours of play into 3 hours, it’s harder to assess image from what’s on screen. I used “tight-ish” for a reason. But I hear you! And no offense taken.
Brutallllllll - audibly laughing/cheering at that river 7 :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:

Super interesting breakdown - out of my league just reading it - thanks for sharing!
Wow crazy hand Krish, would you have called an all in on the turn? That’s probably the only way Bryn could’ve won.
Wow crazy hand Krish, would you have called an all in on the turn? That’s probably the only way Bryn could’ve won.
No, I was ready to fold if he pushed. I had basically made that bet with the idea that I was freerolling, I bet exactly enough so that I had my buy-in for the day remaining. I was trying to represent the 6, assuming he had an overpair. More of my thoughts above, obviously.

Never imagined he had the 6.
Here’s a fun hand I was in, coming up on the current season of HSP. Thought you could play along, will leave enough time for comments / strategy.

Hero is UTG. It is the 2nd-last hand of the day. Currently sitting at about $495K, having started the day at $250k. Blinds are 500/1000 with a $1k BB ante. Looks down and sees (I may have the suits wrong).


Hero does a standard raise to $3k. Hero image is tightish-aggressive, but with a penchant for ill-timed donkey bluffs.

HJ (TAG, killer player, but down today almost $500k) calls.

Button (TAG, known for tournament play and well-timed bluffs ) ponders, and raises to $20,000. Villain on button has $475k behind. Button is up from a $300k starting stack.

Blinds fold. Pot is now $28,500.

Fun one. Well, me up $245K, buh-bye, I'm out of there and probably never playing again, LOL. But if I was properly rolled for these stakes or something, I'd probably fold. Good player raising into 2 other TAGs...he could have a good hand here. Is it worth $17K to set mine? And that's if HJ doesn't go nuts and re-raise...then you are just pure burning $17K.
Wow just watched that part of the episode. OMG so sick. You just won a $980K pot...daFUQQQQQQQ!!!! LOL. Got Dwan and Garrett chirping at you!

Frankly dude, that's gotta be a high water mark. So sick.
Fun one. Well, me up $245K, buh-bye, I'm out of there and probably never playing again, LOL. But if I was properly rolled for these stakes or something, I'd probably fold. Good player raising into 2 other TAGs...he could have a good hand here. Is it worth $17K to set mine? And that's if HJ doesn't go nuts and re-raise...then you are just pure burning $17K.

After watching the hand today, I realized I had the opening sequence misremembered. There was a straddle, so I had made it $7k as a raise, and he made it $20k. I think I made the call because I already had $7k in the pot and we were both so deep.
Anybody else think that Persson's premature call against GMan was a bit of an angle shoot?
Final conclusion:

Here’s a fun hand I was in, coming up on the current season of HSP. Thought you could play along, will leave enough time for comments / strategy.

Hero is UTG. It is the 2nd-last hand of the day. Currently sitting at about $495K, having started the day at $250k. Blinds are 500/1000 with a $1k BB ante. Looks down and sees (I may have the suits wrong).


Hero does a standard raise to $3k. Hero image is tightish-aggressive, but with a penchant for ill-timed donkey bluffs.

HJ (TAG, killer player, but down today almost $500k) calls.

Button (TAG, known for tournament play and well-timed bluffs ) ponders, and raises to $20,000. Villain on button has $475k behind. Button is up from a $300k starting stack.

Blinds fold. Pot is now $28,500.

It's the 2nd-last hand of the night, and hero has seen BTN 3-bet with a wide range on the button. Could have a suited Ace, a smaller pocket pair, maybe even suited connectors. Hero calls the $20,000.

HJ folds.

Pot is now $45,500.

Flop is :5c::6d::6s:.

Hero checks. Short of flopping a set, we're pretty OK about this board. Villain has a wide range, and the board texture has missed flush draws on suited broadways, and we have the blockers to dangerous suited connectors like 67s. It's possible we're up against 10s or a larger pair, but this is worth playing in flow (thanks, @Senzrock) and our plan is to call most bets here. Our expectation here is a 50-66% size bet, which would be standard for the villain's continuation bet sizing we’ve seen all day. We plan to call most bets in this range and see a turn.

Villain bets out $35,000.

Hero calls. Pot is now $115,500.

Turn is :5h:.

Hero checks. Nothing has changed on our read here. Given our UTG raise (which usually tends to be with premium hands, and occasional suited connectors for balance), the texture of the board, and then our call after the flop, villain has got to be wondering if we might have a medium pocket pair, or perhaps, if he’s unlucky, a suited connector like 67s.

Villain bets $75,000.

Pot is now $190,500.

Hero tanks for a bit. The bet size is curious, and we get the distinct impression he wants a fold. But it also provides us with an opportunity — I’m now putting him on either AKs, 8s, 9s or 10s. Jacks through Aces seems less likely. I’ve eliminated full-houses, and I feel like I’ve played it where us having a suited connector with a 5 or 6 is a possibility.

Hero raises to $200,000. (“FOLD, FOLD FOLD!!!”)

Villain tanks for a bit, and just calls. The pot is now $515,500.

The river strips off the deck.


Hero shoves for about $230k+ more.

Villain insta-calls and turns over his cards. Pot is now ~$980k. He and Hero are on opposite ends of the very long table, and hero can’t hear / see what he has exactly. He thinks he sees a pair of 6s.

Villain’s cards are brought into view by dealer.

Hero quickly turns over his 7s. Villain is extremely gracious and exits stage right.

Thanks for playing along! This hand should air on May 9th.

I'm super late to this party, but fwiw I likely fold preflop to this large of a reraise. I'm not a fan of playing smallish pairs OOP against very skilled opponents like this.

As played on the flop we can't fold just yet. The turn might make villain think Ax is good here, but you are certainly capable of showing up with a 6 or 5 in your hand here, it should favor your range more than his reraising range. You may be able to get him off a higher pair that is beating you like you said.

The river, bingo bango bongo! Crazy that he shows up with the junky 96 s00ted here, but good for you.

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