Have Chinese cards mold replica sets gone too far? (3 Viewers)

One more positive thing about the cards molds is that they can be harrased without me caring about loosing or breaking a couple of them.
I will lose respect for anyone buying fake copy RHC chips or any copy of a Paulson or CPC mold. That’s dirtbaggery. Sinking to new lows. I hated the replicas on the cards mold, and now talks of the wear and slippery nature of the Cards Mold proves itself out to just be another cheap Chinese piece of crap. I’ll hate any copy RHC’s even more.
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I will lose respect for anyone buying fake copy RHC chips or any copy of a Paulson or CPC mold. That’s dirtbaggery. Sinking to new lows. I hated the replicas on the cards mold, and now talks of the sear and slippery nature of the Cards Mold proves itself out to just be another cheap Chinese piece of crap. I’ll hate any copy RHC’s even more.
Well, now I know when I wanna burn it down with you, what to do....
I will lose respect for anyone buying fake copy RHC chips or any copy of a Paulson or CPC mold. That’s dirtbaggery. Sinking to new lows. I hated the replicas on the cards mold, and now talks of the sear and slippery nature of the Cards Mold proves itself out to just be another cheap Chinese piece of crap. I’ll hate any copy RHC’s even more.
There is a difference, though.
CPC molds are offered to the public. Paulson, BCC, TRK moulds not anymore.
I would love to make an MGK not because it's cheap in China, but because it's not available anymore anywhere, and I happen to be G(reek).
How about that?
I am sure Paulson would have a pretty good cause and case to complain to eBay about selling TinaHC. they crack down hard on fake Rolex, fake LV etc.

So that leaves us,

we can publicly ostracize the TinaHC designers :)

There’s a place for tribute ceramics, but I don’t really want to be part of the TCPCF.

I would go so far as to ask @Tommy how he feels about the idea of a ceramic fake China Paulson hat and cane mold, and what it’s going to look like for him if his forum becomes the Paulson counterfeit forum.

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I do believe the NAGB stuff kinda started this slippery slope.
At one point we were all proper about things, but some rules needed to be bent or broken, but hey, moar chips, so some people kinda said “ok one time” because these are “forever” chips.
But then it’s not fair to everyone else for one group to bend the rules, so now every group gets to bend the rules, because more chips you know, justifies anything, fuck the world and their business models and fake rules. And it’s going to keep going that way under the current mindset.
Damn, what happened to the community that cares about chippers getting the chips they want?
Personally I think it’s fantastic that people are making cards mold NAGB replicas. If these replica sets happen to get some stray likes and adulation in the process, so be it but I’ve been accused of enjoying the chaos.

Those Gulfport and Bally’s Tina chips look dope.
What this community chooses to care about is frankly hilarious.

- flippers, eh no big deal
- people representing themselves as casinos to GPI, go for it

- people ordering chips that would be no more confused for the real thing than the Dunes China clays being confused for actual Dunes Paulsons….WAIT A GODDAMN MINUTE THIS IS END OF THE WORLD TYPE SHIT.

I ordered a set of PNYs on Cards molds because I can’t afford to get the real thing and I have a fondness for the set.

Anybody wants to ridicule me publicly for it, have at it. Been a while since I got a mod warning anyway, good luck.
I suspect that when the Tina THC/RHC mold chips hit the market the GPI C&D's will soon follow. Granted it won't stop Tina from making them but Tommy will probably have no choice and all evidence of them existing will be wiped from this forum, ie: can you say Boardwalks.

At the basic level the product itself is not the problem but what some people will try and do with the product is. Most people will buy these and only use them for their own enjoyment (myself included) and never try to present them as anything but what they are. But some unsavory folks will always try and exploit the opportunity for profit and try and sell them as legit casino chips to the unsuspecting. That has been going on long before these card mold/Tina chips came on the scene.
That has been going on long before these card mold/Tina chips came on the scene.

And of course this justifies future behavior regarding these.

People been killing each other since the time there was more than 2 people. Guess we should just accept it and quit talking about it, since it’s always been going on.
What this community chooses to care about is frankly hilarious.

- flippers, eh no big deal
- people representing themselves as casinos to GPI, go for it

- people ordering chips that would be no more confused for the real thing than the Dunes China clays being confused for actual Dunes Paulsons….WAIT A GODDAMN MINUTE THIS IS END OF THE WORLD TYPE SHIT.

I ordered a set of PNYs on Cards molds because I can’t afford to get the real thing and I have a fondness for the set.

Anybody wants to ridicule me publicly for it, have at it. Been a while since I got a mod warning anyway, good luck.
They just want to strip you naked down to your racks of cards mold chips and have you take the long walk of shame to the Red Keep. Not sure if that counts as ridicule.
And of course this justifies future behavior regarding these.

People been killing each other since the time there was more than 2 people. Guess we should just accept it and quit talking about it, since it’s always been going on.
Yep people been complaining for all that time and the killing hadn’t stopped.
Does anyone actually have a pic of a prototype pic? Is this even real? Great troll if not!

I would be less worried about PCF use and more about the release to wider audience by all Chinese chip makers. At the price point targetting low denoms becomes profitable. Very high chance these are used to create fraudulent chips.

Could be some wide spread repercussions. Whoever thought this was a good idea is not smart. I do get a chuckle that it isn't even for a THC mold.

Only upside is super authentic looking WSOP replicas that look nice and play well for a few games.
What this community chooses to care about is frankly hilarious.

- flippers, eh no big deal
- people representing themselves as casinos to GPI, go for it

- people ordering chips that would be no more confused for the real thing than the Dunes China clays being confused for actual Dunes Paulsons….WAIT A GODDAMN MINUTE THIS IS END OF THE WORLD TYPE SHIT.

I ordered a set of PNYs on Cards molds because I can’t afford to get the real thing and I have a fondness for the set.

Anybody wants to ridicule me publicly for it, have at it. Been a while since I got a mod warning anyway, good luck.

The cards mold is just another ceramic mold, I don’t really see any problems with that, but if PCF becomes the place where we have a group of people actually infringing on GPIs very important top hat and cane trademark that’s very different.

I think the NAGB people were ridiculed for quite a long time, didn’t really change anything but I don’t think it’s cut and dry that PCF community applauded the behavior or the actions. It’s at least debated still obviously.
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Everyone realizes that the cards mold chips are fucking ceramic right? They’re not even clay. Put them in a rack and they stand out pretty quick. Handle them and it’s intuitively obvious.

Yet peolle we’re ok green lighting a NAGB set that was so close to the real WSOP secondary limit sets that it would’ve been really difficult to tell from a rack and probably impossible in a stack while shuffling as they were actual GPI clays.

I wonder how much of this is people with clay set equivalents who paid too much worrying about their downside if they sell with knockoffs satisfying some of the buying demand.

Outside of that, some of y’all are just taking this shit way too seriously.
Does anyone actually have a pic of a prototype pic? Is this even real? Great troll if not!

I would be less worried about PCF use and more about the release to wider audience by all Chinese chip makers. At the price point targetting low denoms becomes profitable. Very high chance these are used to create fraudulent chips.

Could be some wide spread repercussions. Whoever thought this was a good idea is not smart. I do get a chuckle that it isn't even for a THC mold.

Only upside is super authentic looking WSOP replicas that look nice and play well for a few games.
This is what I check with tina and released the info last month, probably where & when people start mentioning about the New TinaHC mold

I had not seen any of the actual mold yet so it might not be a total duplicate of the THC/RHC

Everyone realizes that the cards mold chips are fucking ceramic right? They’re not even clay. Put them in a rack and they stand out pretty quick. Handle them and it’s intuitively obvious.
Can't disagree more. New CM chips feel and look very similar to RHC as it stands. Casinos have enough variation in chips (different runs, promo chips, etc.) that I doubt a dealer would bat an eye to a RHC CM chip mixed in.

Sure, a PCF chipper would question if the chip was real, but mixed in at a live Casino setting I'd think it would get a pass.
Can't disagree more. New CM chips feel and look very similar to RHC as it stands. Casinos have enough variation in chips (different runs, promo chips, etc.) that I doubt a dealer would bat an eye to a RHC CM chip mixed in.

Sure, a PCF chipper would question if the chip was real, but mixed in at a live Casino setting I'd think it would get a pass.
I do not agree they feel the same at all. But I guess if they were mixed in a rack, the most important thing would be a matching colored edge spot, so I guess it could potentially be made pretty accurate. But that's actually regardless of mold, as long as the chip diameter and colors are spot on.

If anyone (even someone unversed in chipping) put a barrel of 19x clay RHC and 1x TinaHC out on a table, I'd be surprised if they didn't notice real quick. A trained casino employee should notice immediately just by looks if laid out flat on a table. However again, mixed in a rack they could potentially pass (regardless of mold).

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