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Cell Therapy Account Manager - 175K/year median salary

Hematology Oncology Consultant - 325k/year median salary

Territory Manager - 84-130K/year

From my recollection of what she said on Joeys podcast, she claimed to have been in a "Director" position, which I don't see, although all of her positions do have 6-figure salaries (although she's working in Los Angeles so the cost of living is significantly higher, reducing the impact of those incomes).

In addition, she said something about having left that line of work to "try poker out". And if you look at the salary difference from her previous listed job to her current one, it's almost been cut in half. So there could definitely be a money motivation to cheat if you're accustomed to a certain lifestyle and are instead living on half that salary while costs of living are increasing.

No idea on whether she received a bunch of money from an ex-husband though.
She played the hand like someone who learned the game 10 minutes ago despite having a decent amount of experience in the game from what I understand.

Her excuse of saying “but I had the best hand” seems like gaslighting because she knows full well that while J high was technically the best hand at showdown, there’s almost no chance of that being the best hand when she called. What the hands were at showdown is almost irrelevant.

She’s framing the hand as if was her chance to “take a stand” against Garrett’s aggressive play but I don’t think even the fishiest of fish would choose that spot to pick off a bluff.
I have news for ya'll. Account managers and consultants for pharmaceutical companies don't make enough scratch to play comfortably in a 100/200/400 high stakes poker game. I make not much less and I would wince at losing 200BB's in a 2/5 game.

Something's not passing the smell test here.
I have news for ya'll. Account managers and consultants for pharmaceutical companies don't make enough scratch to play comfortably in a 100/200/400 high stakes poker game. I make not much less and I would wince at losing 200BB's in a 2/5 game.

Something's not passing the smell test here.

Supposedly she was backed by that cowboy hat guy Rip who she claims has more money than the poker world could ever offer him
Question you should be asking is what does Rip do? Watch him blow up back in the room after she gives the money back and tell me that he’s not rolling her. That’s not the rant of a guy worried about a business associate. It’s a guy who just lost half of $150K.
Question you should be asking is what does Rip do? Watch him blow up back in the room after she gives the money back and tell me that he’s not rolling her. That’s not the rant of a guy worried about a business associate. It’s a guy who just lost half of $150K.
Question you should be asking is what does Rip do? Watch him blow up back in the room after she gives the money back and tell me that he’s not rolling her. That’s not the rant of a guy worried about a business associate. It’s a guy who just lost half of $150K.
Yup, hence my post earlier today. He's 100% staking her.
Thank you:

Cell Therapy Account Manager - 175K/year median salary

Hematology Oncology Consultant - 325k/year median salary

Territory Manager - 84-130K/year

From my recollection of what she said on Joeys podcast, she claimed to have been in a "Director" position, which I don't see, although all of her positions do have 6-figure salaries (although she's working in Los Angeles so the cost of living is significantly higher, reducing the impact of those incomes).

In addition, she said something about having left that line of work to "try poker out". And if you look at the salary difference from her previous listed job to her current one, it's almost been cut in half. So there could definitely be a money motivation to cheat if you're accustomed to a certain lifestyle and are instead living on half that salary while costs of living are increasing.

No idea on whether she received a bunch of money from an ex-husband though.
Someone mentioned in Reddit that her husband is loaded, so she might have a lot of side income in additional to her main income
At somewhere after the 44 min mark , berkey mention that Feldman (who is the third person in the conversation) confirm that Gman did ask for his money back.

Thus, Robbi story on Gman asking his money seem to be true and not as what Gman tweeted

Question you should be asking is what does Rip do? Watch him blow up back in the room after she gives the money back and tell me that he’s not rolling her. That’s not the rant of a guy worried about a business associate. It’s a guy who just lost half of $150K.
He has side conversation that you can hear on the stream later in the session with I believe, Persson, about how he's in real estate development and has a bunch of ranches in Cali and Vegas.
I'm leaning toward not cheating, but I'm not super confident about it.

My read on it given her play prior is that she either conflated her hand with the previous hand when she did in fact have J3, or she knew she was calling with J4 high and was doing it more as a "fuck you, you aren't going to run over me" kind of thing. Christian Soto today said she made a bizarre call against him at the WSOP this year too, and berated his play after the hand when she won. And she seems to have a chip on her shoulder a bit about being a woman and being pushed around by men in poker. Berkey today said that he has seen this mentality several times in female's he has coached.

I think she just got defensive and masked her embarrassment with arrogance.

She may have cheated, but I think it seems more likely that she is just terrible.
I’ve been wavering back and forth, but I think this makes the most sense. Why offer to give Garrett his money back though?
I’ve been wavering back and forth, but I think this makes the most sense. Why offer to give Garrett his money back though?
If you were a rec player and a guy as intense as Garrett cornered you and accused you of cheating and said millions of people are going to see this, you might panic too.

Other report came out (forget the pro) and said that Garrett asked for it back.
She said initially in an interview while still playing that she voluntarily offered to give the money back, she only changed her story later. Also I might be intimidated but no way I’m voluntarily giving up that money if I didn’t feel like I did anything wrong.
She said initially in an interview while still playing that she voluntarily offered to give the money back, she only changed her story later. Also I might be intimidated but no way I’m voluntarily giving up that money if I didn’t feel like I did anything wrong.
That’s me and you, others may react differently. One thing I would not react well to is being called a cheater, particularly with zero proof except them getting looked up with a ridiculous hand.
That’s me and you, others may react differently. One thing I would not react well to is being called a cheater, particularly with zero proof except them getting looked up with a ridiculous hand.
Understandable, you gotta win first before people should even consider calling you a cheater
She said initially in an interview while still playing that she voluntarily offered to give the money back, she only changed her story later. Also I might be intimidated but no way I’m voluntarily giving up that money if I didn’t feel like I did anything wrong.

If you forget about the insane amount of money this is, and consider it just another buyin of the stakes you are comfortable with playing (asuming she is both loaded and staked), it's not that far fetched to just say fuck it and give it back. Giving back $200 just to get this guy to stop harrasing you and hopefully make the accusations go away. She's under a whole lot of pressure in that situation, and might think it's a good idea. (Even though it didn't seem to help her situation, to me it does make some sense to do that in the heat of the moment.) Garret asking for it back is pretty horrible though imo, if that is how it happened.

And by the way, to everyone that is saying this is a horrible call (myself included). Please note I've done similar calls in my time playing poker. If you have never called with J high you haven't lived. That being said, this is definitely not the best spot to do it though.

And as for changing explanations, that might also be attributed to her being under so much pressure. Maybe she just didnt have a proper thought process throughout the hand and just wanted to say fuck it in the moment with a hunch he's bluffing. Then after the fact she realizes her logic was bad or simply not present at all (when she says "I thought you had A high"), and shes trying to come up with something to save face because she doesn't wanna come of to the world as a complete idiot. I'm sure many of us are guilty of doing something similar. I'll be the first to admit that I dont always feel good after making a bad play, and sometimes wanna "cover it up" a little. For example after making a bad call, maybe I pretend to have had two pair when in fact I called down with second pair and I feel embarrassed when the opponent shows a flush and having outplayed me and taken me to valuetown. Or try to come up with an explanation after the fact when others criticise my play and the fact of the matter is that I wasn't thinking through the hand properly, and should in fact have done something differently. Its hard to just admit that one suck at poker, and I guess many would rather get defensive and come up with an explanation that at least seems to makes more sense. The difference from situations like that and this, is that she is on video and every little move she made, any thing she said and obviously every discrepancy will be analysed by thousands of poker nerds with the popcorn ready. I think the discrepancies here come from human psychology rather than cheating.

And lastly, and I've said it again in this thread. If you are cheating in a streamed game, this is not the spot to apply your god mode. It makes zero sense. And if she is in this game cheating, she has to know that.
If you forget about the insane amount of money this is, and consider it just another buyin of the stakes you are comfortable with playing (asuming she is both loaded and staked), it's not that far fetched to just say fuck it and give it back. Giving back $200 just to get this guy to stop harrasing you and hopefully make the accusations go away. She's under a whole lot of pressure in that situation, and might think it's a good idea. (Even though it didn't seem to help her situation, to me it does make some sense to do that in the heat of the moment.) Garret asking for it back is pretty horrible though imo, if that is how it happened.

And by the way, to everyone that is saying this is a horrible call (myself included). Please note I've done similar calls in my time playing poker. If you have never called with J high you haven't lived. That being said, this is definitely not the best spot to do it though.

And as for changing explanations, that might also be attributed to her being under so much pressure. Maybe she just didnt have a proper thought process throughout the hand and just wanted to say fuck it in the moment with a hunch he's bluffing. Then after the fact she realizes her logic was bad or simply not present at all (when she says "I thought you had A high"), and shes trying to come up with something to save face because she doesn't wanna come of to the world as a complete idiot. I'm sure many of us are guilty of doing something similar. I'll be the first to admit that I dont always feel good after making a bad play, and sometimes wanna "cover it up" a little. For example after making a bad call, maybe I pretend to have had two pair when in fact I called down with second pair and I feel embarrassed when the opponent shows a flush and having outplayed me and taken me to valuetown. Or try to come up with an explanation after the fact when others criticise my play and the fact of the matter is that I wasn't thinking through the hand properly, and should in fact have done something differently. Its hard to just admit that one suck at poker, and I guess many would rather get defensive and come up with an explanation that at least seems to makes more sense. The difference from situations like that and this, is that she is on video and every little move she made, any thing she said and obviously every discrepancy will be analysed by thousands of poker nerds with the popcorn ready. I think the discrepancies here come from human psychology rather than cheating.

And lastly, and I've said it again in this thread. If you are cheating in a streamed game, this is not the spot to apply your god mode. It makes zero sense. And if she is in this game cheating, she has to know that.
there has to be a better way to play it if you are cheating and jam somewhere so it looks like you just went on monkey tilt and jammed and J high held up

The give back the pot part is just bizarre
And as for changing explanations, that might also be attributed to her being under so much pressure. Maybe she just didnt have a proper thought process throughout the hand and just wanted to say fuck it in the moment with a hunch he's bluffing. Then after the fact she realizes her logic was bad or simply not present at all (when she says "I thought you had A high"), and shes trying to come up with something to save face because she doesn't wanna come of to the world as a complete idiot. I'm sure many of us are guilty of doing something similar. I'll be the first to admit that I dont always feel good after making a bad play, and sometimes wanna "cover it up" a little.

And lastly, and I've said it again in this thread. If you are cheating in a streamed game, this is not the spot to apply your god mode. It makes zero sense. And if she is in this game cheating, she has to know that.

You know who else can't keep stories straight? Liars who are cheating and trying to cover it up when caught

Also, plenty of criminals are not smart or sophisticated in applying their cheats to avoid detection. They allow greed, ego or both to take lines that draw suspicion to them.

I can't wait to see what HCL releases in 48 hrs
Feels to me like it’s clickbait for HCL. They get a hot woman to play backed by another player and some other people off screen. Then she has a brain fart and fucks up. Suppose she’s achieved the intended objective. This will get more clicks than any other game they’ve run.

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