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She had J3 the previous hand. She did not check her cards after saying “3s no good?”. Very odd… I’m guessing Garrett will give the money back.
she checks them before she says "3s no good". Right after garrett shoves, she looks at her cards for a good 5 seconds - you can hear them slap back down on the table
The only defend I can think of that make any sense is she just played J3 Suited in the previous hand.

So she might see her Club J (thinking she have J3 of club) thought that she have a flush draw plus a pair of 3 and want to gamble with the All In

That will also explain why she say she put Gman on A high

*just notice someone had mentioned the same thing as I did after posting
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Probably will need to see the whole stream in order to check if there’s other suspicious hand, if this is the one off hand I actually is more inclined to think it’s a misread All In call

I don’t blame Gman calling out suspicious as it will not be the first time people cheat in live poker too

I can’t wait to see the video by Bart on how he feel about the incident, I don’t think the rest of the players think it a cheating event as they continue to play on after Gman left
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This is Postle 2.0. She gives the money back which does not do her ANY favors. I think she got a signal somehow to call off her stack like that, and feigned misreading her hand after it looks immensely shady when it's tabled.

What say you @Windwalker ?

This is tough all around.

On one hand, it’s entirely possible that she made a hero call after misreading her hand as J3, and putting him on ace-high at best.

On the other hand, because she checks her cards before making the call, she’d have to have put him on exactly the hand he had to make the call.

But, if she knew exactly what he had, it seems ridiculous to pick a flip equity situation where you’re the slight underdog to put your entire stack at risk.

And then there’s the fact that she actually gave him the money back — and I can confirm that he never asked for it back, she offered. It’s possible that she felt bullied, but anyone with half a brain would see how giving the money back feels like an admission of guilt.

The most perplexing thing in all of this is her lack of a proper explanation for why she did it, and the flip-flopping of reasons.

I’ve suggested to all that the money be put in escrow while HCL conducts a thorough investigation. Having been there in person several times, I doubt there’s any way for cheating to have happened.

It’s a sad situation all around.
Doesnt seem like cheating to me initially. But real wierd explanation for sure. Maybe she's just not so good at poker? lol
*IF* someone is cheating in this game I imagine it's because the RFID table is compromised/hacked. I would very much like to look at the design and what type of computer is hooked into the RFID antennas. I imagine it could be a Pi or something under the table. If someone has physical access to the device it is probably hackable.

I made a Poker RFID table more than 10 years ago and have a very good understanding on how this works. It's definitively doable.

1. Hack computer that reads RFID tag data
2. Have 3rd party analyse hands in real-time. (you only want to cheat when it really matters)
3. Send sekret message to Villain using wifi-enabled anal beads.
4. Profit.
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When I accused the Cubans of cheating I was met with similar disbelief

"They just play bad, they're fish!"

"How could they possibly be cheating, we use a burncard"

Two weeks later they were banned for life, caught marking cards

I would suspect the card reader is compromised as well. People say "oh a cheater wouldn't call in such an obvious spot", but we've seen with Postle they do

Whether greed, ego or just not thinking sophisticated enough, they cheat in a way that doesn't make sense, and that is how they get tripped up.

I believe Garret, something is rotten in Denmark. I just hope they catch it AND he is exonerated. Lots of people bashing him right now
I think @Anthony Martino might be on to something with the marked cards / glasses thing. If so, there should be evidence left on the cards and I’m sure HCL will evaluate that piece in their investigation.

Not to say hacking the stream isn’t possible but that would be harder to do.
When I accused the Cubans of cheating I was met with similar disbelief

"They just play bad, they're fish!"

"How could they possibly be cheating, we use a burncard"

Two weeks later they were banned for life, caught marking cards

I would suspect the card reader is compromised as well. People say "oh a cheater wouldn't call in such an obvious spot", but we've seen with Postle they do

Whether greed, ego or just not thinking sophisticated enough, they cheat in a way that doesn't make sense, and that is how they get tripped up.

I believe Garret, something is rotten in Denmark. I just hope they catch it AND he is exonerated. Lots of people bashing him right now
Seems like a horrible spot to get it in if she is cheating. Also a really strange line if she in fact did known Garret's cards. Why minraise the turn if you know he has a straight flush draw. He will never fold, so it's so much better to wait until the river and raise there instead (or even call, lol). Really makes no sense.
The play is illogical from both the cheating and straight scenario. It seems unfathomable that anyone can mark the edge of the deck to know the river. Maybe I’m way off and people can mark the edge good enough that they know the river from the edge of 2nd card of stub. Insane. Edit: it’s not hand shuffled. There’s a shuffler. That’s what needs to get checked
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This is such a fascinating situation. I saw the hand, and it’s super weird in every aspect. I don’t know much about cheating or the mechanisms it takes to cheat in this situation, so if I’m totally off-base here, I apologize, but…

What if it’s as simple as someone / thing signaling to her that she has the “best hand” in a given situation? It’s insane that she would have called the all-in knowing that she was behind, statistically, and any solver / person would have known not to call at that point, if that person / solver knew what both hands were. So what if it’s something that doesn’t analyze the situation, just the literal cards in play?

Technically, she had the better hand, so such a setup would have recommended a call. However, it was the wrong poker play, so any situational analysis would have recommended a fold.
Hustler is doing a great job at collecting players I don’t want to watch. This collagen face cheating chick, that muscle head old guy who yelled at Helmuth, that tattooed weirdo who says he beats baccarat, that obnoxious guy who scams women in Florida - these are just off the top of my head.
And I know this is exactly what casino poker is - a cross section of society with a heavy dose of the dregs. But come on hustler, you could have something good here. Do better!
I think @Anthony Martino might be on to something with the marked cards / glasses thing. If so, there should be evidence left on the cards and I’m sure HCL will evaluate that piece in their investigation.

Not to say hacking the stream isn’t possible but that would be harder to do.

It could always be an inside job with an employee who has access to the card reader and is sending signals if they know the outcome of the hand and that she will win

Seems like a horrible spot to get it in if she is cheating. Also a really strange line if she in fact did known Garret's cards. Why minraise the turn if you know he has a straight flush draw. He will never fold, so it's so much better to wait until the river and raise there instead (or even call, lol). Really makes no sense.

If she is being fed info they have from an employee with access that knows the outcome of the hand (maybe possible with the shuffler reading cards and the system knowing what the result will be?)

On the Joey Ingram emergency podcast there's a guy who's been in contact with Nick and Ryan and says they saw something in their investigation that they're delving into further that may indicate cheating (around the 6 hour and 15 minute mark or a bit after, I'm at 6 hours and 19 minutes to find the part where Joey talks to this lady plus Shaun Deeb)

All the GTO geniuses are reading WAY more into this because of the way they would play the hand. She was intimidated, bullied, embarrassed, let some pride get in the way and made alot of mistakes about the entire situation.

One of the better Twitter replies I saw to Garrets response was to the effect: "so she doesn't play the hand the way I would have played it so she must be cheating".

She literally made a bad play, caught Garrett on a bluff/draw and had the best hand hold up twice, and everyone loses their heads? 'Cmon . . . So the 8th wonder loses a hand. It happens. . .
All the GTO geniuses are reading WAY more into this because of the way they would play the hand. She was intimidated, bullied, embarrassed, let some pride get in the way and made alot of mistakes about the entire situation.

One of the better Twitter replies I saw to Garrets response was to the effect: "so she doesn't play the hand the way I would have played it so she must be cheating".

She literally made a bad play, caught Garrett on a bluff/draw and had the best hand hold up twice, and everyone loses their heads? 'Cmon . . . So the 8th wonder loses a hand. It happens. . .

I know lots of bad players, none of whom would call 130k with jack-high. Even garrets bluffs have her crushed a lot of the time

Garret has lost pots WAY bigger than this and kept his composure. She was cheating somehow
Just throwing out there that just having access to the current state of the hand (RFID info or being fed info from the production stream) wouldn't be enough to make the cheating scenario make sense. I think she'd be LESS likely to call if she knew Garrett's exact hand and she wouldn't have asked to run it twice (when Garrett wanted to go once IIRC).

The only way the cheating scenario makes sense to me is if she knew how the board would run out which means either the deck was compromised (i.e. the decks that are edge-marked and can be read deck-at-a-time), the shuffler was compromised (see the DM2 thread lol), or the dealer was in on it. These all seem less likely than she got nervous, made a dumb play, was embarrassed, got confronted by one of the biggest names in poker, and panicked.
I know lots of bad players, none of whom would call 130k with jack-high. Even garrets bluffs have her crushed a lot of the time

Garret has lost pots WAY bigger than this and kept his composure. She was cheating somehow

Again, she didn't play the hand the way you or "lots of bad players" would have played so "she was cheating" . . .

Terrible play? Yes. Cheating? TBD but I'm saying nope.
The only thing is that it make no sense for her to call if she is cheating unless she somehow know what the river card will be

I watch her stream before and she like to give information about her hand when she was thinking, probably to see how the other player reaction in order to pick up on something;

so when she mention is 3 no good? I thinking she doing the same thing

I personally think she just embarrassed that she misread her hand/ make a bad call and somehow won both board. That’s why she seem flustered after wining
She literally made a bad play, caught Garrett on a bluff/draw and had the best hand hold up twice, and everyone loses their heads? 'Cmon . . . So the 8th wonder loses a hand. It happens. . .

Agreed, the turn raise was a bad play. The call is ridiculous, unless she does really think she had a pair of 3s. This seems unlikely based on looking at her hand pre-call.
Not enough evidence yet to be certain, but i am 80%+ on the side that something sus went down. I’m sure more evidence will come to light one way or another. The fact she gave money back is very interesting.
Again, she didn't play the hand the way you or "lots of bad players" would have played so "she was cheating" . . .

Terrible play? Yes. Cheating? TBD but I'm saying nope.

Check her Hendon

She's not brand new to poker, she's been playing a long time and has some results

Her flip-flopping explanations made zero sense, not even Alex Keating makes this call and that dude doesn't gaf about money

Something is way off here, her giving the money back, Rips blowup. It's a combination of multiple things that combined with the crazy call lead me to believe there was cheating
it will be interesting to find out how cheating occurred, if it did, given these shows are normally on a 1-2hour delay.

i'm defo on the side of bs given that she called off a 3bet turn jam of $135,000 with jack high yet her hendonmob suggests thats more than her entire lifetime earnings.
Alex Keating

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