I play with guys whose beliefs span the full political spectrum, and if nothing else we agree on two things:Ha! I occasionally play cards with a group that is crazy split when it comes to politics, and they love to talk about it (and surprisingly remain civil and friends, go figure!). Several ultra conservative, hunter-type folks with amazing gun collections, and several bleeding heart liberals that are horrified by all that. I sit in the middle while they banter back and forth about how the world is falling apart because of the "potential" of what the other side will do, me happily drinking away. When pressed about what would it take for me to "get more involved", my answer is always the same.
"Try to take my whiskey and see what happens...."
It would be the war to end all wars lol
And seriously though, that ruling has me fascinated. As a chemical engineer by education, I'd love to take a hack at distilling. If I had less responsibilities I'd quit my job tomorrow to learn how.
1) Take my whiskey and see what happens,
2) STFU about politics at the table.
I would LOVE to dabble in some home distilling, and I hope this ruling makes it possible.