The Redneck Poker Card Database (9 Viewers)

Dude...i can hit you up with whatever you need of these (blue & red)

You pay what I pay buddie ;) (I'll show you the receipt)
I checked the reference number on the pictures from the eBay seller and these are identical to mine.
Barcode too

Would be very very surprised if these turn out to be bridge size
I'm betting they will be Poker size as well.

An incorrect description might be more than enough to dispute the eBay deal but hardly worth it. If 2818's I will probably let them go at cost or a loss. I'm sure they will be great cards just don't like Poker size.
ANGEL - Club Poker

I've been scratching my head on this review for a while. But, what the hell... here goes nothin'...

@Marhault got these from the Angel GB. He wasn't overly thrilled with the feel & offered 'em up for sale, so I bought 'em mostly out of curiosity.

Now, they are bridge size, so i can't really post 'em in the database as the weight & flex rating wouldn't directly compare to the rest of the list.

That said however, they're PVC with an average thickness of .0125". Flex-wise I'm going to say they're in the medium-soft range. Probably slightly stiffer than a bridge size Copag, but definitely softer than Dal Negro Poker Stars, which is the only other set of bridge size I have for direct comparison.

I can understand Marhault's disappointment with the finish & feel. Backs are smooth with a matte face. In fact, they're kind of like a Copag they forgot to apply the finish coat to on the backs. They riffle & deal fine, but I prefer the feel of a Copag. Although, with them being a bit beefier than Copag I'd assume they would hold up better over time. So I guess there is that. Still, they are PVC. Now I'm really curious as to what Angel's acetate line is like.

The matte finish on the faces is kinda strange, it's the 1st finish I've seen where you can actually see the finish "printed" on the faces. If I had to describe it, think of the "grid" you would see if you magnified a portion of an LED screen displaying a white background & you'll get the idea.

In fact, you can get it to show up in a photo even (image from another topic)....


In spite of that, it's not as prominent in feel as it looks. which is strange.

Another curiosity (& one I'm not crazy about) are the pips.

The font used is fine. I actually like it in fact. Nice & bold, easily readable at a distance. But, the suits look like they took the same center pip artwork stretched it to jumbo size & then squeezed it to fit bridge size indexes. This makes 'em look a little weird, especially the clubs.


& this oddity is unique to the bridge size. For comparison, here's a pic of the poker size from another topic....


I'd still be up for a few sets if the GB happens. Mostly for "why nots?" & the fact that the poker size actually looks better & then I could also test the weight & flex for the database.


OK... for those of you who have been waiting for this in the GB topic, get your asterisks off the fence & buy some. :D

GB topic here: Angel PVC Cards

I really didn't expect these to show up until tomorrow. However, Neither did I (or the Post Office it seems) expect to see a Priority Mail box. So, that meant my local PO had to give the old mule a day off & fire up that old 1956 Ford Sedan Delivery so they could meet yesterday's deadline. I guess that puts me off the Christmas Card list. :D

@JMC9389 did a review of his own on these, located here if you're interested:

For those wondering.... here's what I found out & think....

Are these the same as ANGEL's "Club Poker" line?.... NO, not at all.

Sure, they're both made of PVC, but, other than that and the font used on the faces (& that isn't identical), any similarity ends right there.

The Club Poker are medium-soft with an average thickness of .0125". While the Aristos are much thinner at a mere .0110" and a "soft" flex rating on the scale of 20.5. Very similar in flex to old Desjgn, Modiano Texas Poker, & Cartamundi (Belgium-made) Casino.

In fact we now have a new PVC flex meter champ.

The potential downside here is that they're likely to be on the brittle side of things a-la Copag & Cartamundi Classic. However, given the feel, finish, & price-point, it's hard to really take off many points for that. Given that Copags are what.... nearly twice the price?

Speaking of the finish, Jeff gave 'em a smooth back/matte face description. I'm going to disagree slightly & give the faces a genuine "linen" rating. My difference between the two comes down to how noticeable the finish is. To me a "matte" finish is only just barely noticeable from being smooth. While "linen" is definitely noticeable to the touch without even really paying much attention. (smooth & "glossy" are kind of self-explanatory... with "smooth" being non-glossy)

Now, I don't actually mind faces & backs having different finishes. In fact, as a dealer this usually makes a cheap way for inexpensive cards to be easier to pitch off the deck one at a time, & these are no exception. I do have a preference for the backs to have the coarser finish, but that's just me being a nit. These deal out no-brainer easy. They felt a tad slick during shuffling for a bit at first, but once I wore the bacon grease off my fingers they weren't bad in that dept. either. :D

Another difference between these & the Club Poker are the faces. Club Poker have plain white centers while these have the light yellowish-beige centers. And you could be forgiven if you think the font used is identical between the two lines. But, compare the "5" in the bottom image (Club Poker) to the "5" on the faces of the top 2 images (Aristo Club)



(Above: Aristo Club / Below: Club Poker)


Also, that funky "grid pattern" the face finish of the Club Poker line has is not on the faces of the Aristo. The face finish is really very nice indeed. I wish they'd used it on the backs as well. If they had, these would absolutely crush Copag in more than just price-point.

All-in, I have to give these the absolute bang-for-buck price/performance crown. With the caveat that you really need to be buying in bulk to make that work. Otherwise the Bird 888 deal on Amazon is your best bet if you're only after 3 or 4 sets. Or @Josh Kifer has a deal on some Cartamundi Bravo decks if you're into bridge size:

As always, specs are now up in the database:

& one last time, here's a link to the GB topic:

Go ahead, click the above link & buy some... they're worth the price all day.... twice on Sunday.
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@Dix Thanks for getting this up here so fast! I will definitely up the size of my order. Can't wait to get my hands on these!!!

FYI, I think you have the finishes turned around in the database. Linen face and smooth back, correct?
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When I saw these decks that @Josh Kifer was offering up, I thought the back design & index font looked familiar. I kind of suspected they were a bridge sized version of Cartamundi's USA made "Casino" line. At a $4/deck price, that put what is normally $6/deck down in the same range as the cheap-o Ace/Classic of Cartamundi's offerings. If my suspicions were correct, that was a heck of a deal. So, me being me, I couldn't resist taking a gamble on some tourney stock.

And the verdict is..... guilty as charged. :D

Differences are purely cosmetic.

Yep, exact same stock & finish as the USA-made Casinos. Meaning, amongst Cartamundi's value-priced decks, these are the top of the heap. Which, for a limited time, you can get for the same price as the cheap crap. So long as you don't mind bridge size. As stock for our tourneys, I don't care what size they are, so long as they're cheap enough to make sense budget-wise. And, unlike the cheap Ace/Classic versions, these actually have a finish that's not slick as snot out of the box that then tends to get sticky after 2 or 3 uses. The finish is smooth, but flat, not glossy.

Or as I stated in my original review.... "An Ace that they actually finished".

That full review, including comparison to Ace & Classic is here:

Are they slicker than say, a Copag or something similar? Well, yea, but not unmanageable, & not 7 bucks/deck either.

Thickness is 0.0120" & flex is medium-soft. (17 for the poker size - with a weight of 2.47gr)

There are a couple differences in these vs the Poker size Casinos....

Most obvious is the red ink used in the printing. It's a lighter red vs the Casino's use of the dark "Security Red". & I'm not sure I'm a fan of the shade of red used. Normally I do prefer a brighter red vs Security Red, but this shade leans somewhat toward the yellow end of the red scale.

Top = "Casino" / Bottom = "Bravo"

That said however, I do appreciate that the indexes are a true "Jumbo" rather than the kinda-Jumbo Blackjack-ish size of the Casinos.

Final difference is the Bravos have that yellow-ish beige center color, while the Casinos do not.

All-in though, for the price they're hard to beat. If you need some budget cards & don't mind bridge size, you'd be crazy not to scoop up a few sets of these while you can.

Josh's sale topic:
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Actually, I've been a little slack in that department of late. I've got 3 or 4 other sets I've yet to manage to give a going over.

Although, life has kind of been getting in the way a bit lately. Getting the Legion Post tourneys back up & running was a big part of that. Seems people have been chomping at the bit to play some poker over the summer. Our crowds have been near overflow once word got out we were back up & running.

In that process, I've added a couple large flatscreens to the room for the blinds timer. The browser-based software was the brain-child of @HobokenNJ about a year ago. Which I modded to be able to use without an internet connection. Took some work getting 'em up & wired, but was well worth the effort.


Link to the timer topic:

Next project for that is a final table build. I've already got @T_Chan brainstorming the felt. I just need to finish up some work on the rest of the graphics & get that out to him, as well as make a final decision on the overall color.

I also need to get back in touch with @David Spragg on the custom final table chipset idea I was bouncing off him before the WooHooHan Flu hysteria shut everything down.

Then there's the usual suspect regular real-world life stuff on the To-Do List.... Bikes need to get put away for the winter, sleds need to get pulled out & gone over (one of 'em should get a top end job), plow truck needs a brake job before the snow flies.... crap like that.

Stay tuned... I'll get to 'em, it's just a matter of time.

When I saw these decks that @Josh Kifer was offering up, I thought the back design & index font looked familiar. I kind of suspected they were a bridge sized version of Cartamundi's USA made "Casino" line. At a $4/deck price, that put what is normally $6/deck down in the same range as the cheap-o Ace/Classic of Cartamundi's offerings. If my suspicions were correct, that was a heck of a deal. So, me being me, I couldn't resist taking a gamble on some tourney stock.

And the verdict is..... guilty as charged. :D

Differences are purely cosmetic.

Yep, exact same stock & finish as the USA-made Casinos. Meaning, amongst Cartamundi's value-priced decks, these are the top of the heap. Which, for a limited time, you can get for the same price as the cheap crap. So long as you don't mind bridge size. As stock for our tourneys, I don't care what size they are, so long as they're cheap enough to make sense budget-wise. And, unlike the cheap Ace/Classic versions, these actually have a finish that's not slick as snot out of the box that then tends to get sticky after 2 or 3 uses. The finish is smooth, but flat, not glossy.

Or as I stated in my original review.... "An Ace that they actually finished".

That full review, including comparison to Ace & Classic is here:

Are they slicker than say, a Copag or something similar? Well, yea, but not unmanageable, & not 7 bucks/deck either.

Thickness is 0.0120" & flex is medium-soft. (17 for the poker size - with a weight of 2.47gr)

There are a couple differences in these vs the Poker size Casinos....

Most obvious is the red ink used in the printing. It's a lighter red vs the Casino's use of the dark "Security Red". & I'm not sure I'm a fan of the shade of red used. Normally I do prefer a brighter red vs Security Red, but this shade leans somewhat toward the yellow end of the red scale.

Top = "Casino" / Bottom = "Bravo"
View attachment 558132

That said however, I do appreciate that the indexes are a true "Jumbo" rather than the kinda-Jumbo Blackjack-ish size of the Casinos.

Final difference is the Bravos have that yellow-ish beige center color, while the Casinos do not.

All-in though, for the price they're hard to beat. If you need some budget cards & don't mind bridge size, you'd be crazy not to scoop up a few sets of these while you can.

Josh's sale topic:
Thanks, as always, great job with the review.

I have thought from the beginning that these cards seem like a bridge version of the Cartamundi Ace cards. As you pointed out though, the stock is different, these are thicker than the Ace cards. And the faces are different too. I actually love the PIP size of the Ace cards. IMHO, they are the perfect combination of big enough to see on the board, and small enough so that when peeking at the cards you don't have to bend them up much. On the good side, the Bravos are whiter than the Ace, and I prefer the brighter red vs. security ink red, but I agree with you, these are a little on the light side. I think it is just that the ink overall is lighter. The black is also a lighter shade.

The one thing that I am surprised about is people are saying these are not as smooth as the Aces. They seem identical to me. In fact, I took three of each, closed my eyes, shuffled them, and tried to pick out the smoothest ones. Each time I tried that, I picked a mixture of the Bravos and the Aces.

I agree that the Bravo cards are a bargain at just $4 per deck for those looking for inexpensive cards.
I actually love the PIP size of the Ace cards. IMHO, they are the perfect combination of big enough to see on the board, and small enough so that when peeking at the cards you don't have to bend them up much.
The Ace indexes aren't bad. They're actually larger than the Casino. Which is what I was comparing to.

The one thing that I am surprised about is people are saying these are not as smooth as the Aces. They seem identical to me. In fact, I took three of each, closed my eyes, shuffled them, and tried to pick out the smoothest ones. Each time I tried that, I picked a mixture of the Bravos and the Aces.
Depends on which side of the Ace you're talking about. :D

Ace are Classics on thicker stock. Both have smooth (flat finish) faces & unfinished glossy backs. (which is why they're slick as a bucket of eels in Jello out of the box & get sticky after some use.

Casino (& Bravo) are similar in thickness (& flex) to Ace, but both sides have a smooth, flat finish. which is why I called 'em "an Ace they actually finished".
I ordered a few decks of these



Poker size & jumbo index...should be the same as Cartamundi casino BE stock....these were made in 2008/ these cards have been under the PCF radar for a LOOONG time.

Besides the dutch seller...these ('casino' order) & the Tobago Casino Club that @surfik is selling here...are the only ones I could find on this stock.
A few tries to reach out to Cartamundi direct all gone bust :(

Link to cards -> here
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I ordered a few decks of these

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View attachment 561275

Poker size & jumbo index...should be the same as Cartamundi casino BE stock....these were made in 2008/ these cards have been under the PCF radar for a LOOONG time.

Besides the dutch seller...these ('casino' order) & the Tobago Casino Club that @surfik is selling here...are the only ones I could find on this stock.
A few tries to reach out to Cartamundi direct all gone bust :(
Could you provide link for the shop?

About Cartamundi... Recently found out that Polish Legal Poker Iniciative have ordered Fournier via Cartamundi. 4000 decks.
I updated my post, decks are now on sale (6 EUR vs 9 EUR)...the new EPT cards are also 9.99 now and they have Piatnik & Cartamundi casino BE stock in poker size available
About Cartamundi... Recently found out that Polish Legal Poker Iniciative have ordered Fournier via Cartamundi. 4000 decks.

I have been thinking to start a small online card shop (+ PCF vendor) so I have access to wholesale channels at Cartamundi (incl. all brands), Piatnik, ...
Have shipped enough stuff international (experience wise) to match small businesses...and would have access to cheaper shipping quotes.
Investment in stock is limited...the paperwork is what is holding me down.

Would combine this with other (poker related) stuff...the EU chippers army is growing big ;)

I'll know more in a few weeks.

When I saw these decks that @Josh Kifer was offering up, I thought the back design & index font looked familiar. I kind of suspected they were a bridge sized version of Cartamundi's USA made "Casino" line. At a $4/deck price, that put what is normally $6/deck down in the same range as the cheap-o Ace/Classic of Cartamundi's offerings. If my suspicions were correct, that was a heck of a deal. So, me being me, I couldn't resist taking a gamble on some tourney stock.

And the verdict is..... guilty as charged. :D

Differences are purely cosmetic.

Yep, exact same stock & finish as the USA-made Casinos. Meaning, amongst Cartamundi's value-priced decks, these are the top of the heap. Which, for a limited time, you can get for the same price as the cheap crap. So long as you don't mind bridge size. As stock for our tourneys, I don't care what size they are, so long as they're cheap enough to make sense budget-wise. And, unlike the cheap Ace/Classic versions, these actually have a finish that's not slick as snot out of the box that then tends to get sticky after 2 or 3 uses. The finish is smooth, but flat, not glossy.

Or as I stated in my original review.... "An Ace that they actually finished".

That full review, including comparison to Ace & Classic is here:

Are they slicker than say, a Copag or something similar? Well, yea, but not unmanageable, & not 7 bucks/deck either.

Thickness is 0.0120" & flex is medium-soft. (17 for the poker size - with a weight of 2.47gr)

There are a couple differences in these vs the Poker size Casinos....

Most obvious is the red ink used in the printing. It's a lighter red vs the Casino's use of the dark "Security Red". & I'm not sure I'm a fan of the shade of red used. Normally I do prefer a brighter red vs Security Red, but this shade leans somewhat toward the yellow end of the red scale.

Top = "Casino" / Bottom = "Bravo"
View attachment 558132

That said however, I do appreciate that the indexes are a true "Jumbo" rather than the kinda-Jumbo Blackjack-ish size of the Casinos.

Final difference is the Bravos have that yellow-ish beige center color, while the Casinos do not.

All-in though, for the price they're hard to beat. If you need some budget cards & don't mind bridge size, you'd be crazy not to scoop up a few sets of these while you can.

Josh's sale topic:
You mention the casino line like they were only made in poker size. Are these new to the market or previously unknown? I mean they're bridge sized and they say "casino" so I assume they're the same thing?
If I had to render a guess based on what I know (& suspect),....

Those are likely a straight-up bridge version of the US-made poker size Casino, right down to the printing.

Where the Bravo decks are the same stock, just different print touches.

Just ordered a set for sh*ts & giggles, I'll let you know. :D
You mention the casino line like they were only made in poker size. Are these new to the market or previously unknown? I mean they're bridge sized and they say "casino" so I assume they're the same thing?
The casino line has a wonderful texture to them that most people feel is superior to most of the other Cartamundi cards that have a smooth finish. As Dix said, I suspect that the one you linked has that same smooth finish as the other ones.
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If I had to render a guess based on what I know (& suspect),....

Those are likely a straight-up bridge version of the US-made poker size Casino, right down to the printing.

Where the Bravo decks are the same stock, just different print touches.

Just ordered a set for sh*ts & giggles, I'll let you know. :D
The casino line has a wonderful texture to them that most people feel is superior to most of the other Cartamundi cards that have a smooth finish. As Dix said, I suspect that the one you linked has that same smooth finish as the other ones.
Mine came in last night. They have a great feel. definitly some texture - I wouldn't describe them as smooth.
Mine came in last night. They have a great feel. definitly some texture - I wouldn't describe them as smooth.
Great. Can you say which other cards they feel most like? To me, the Cartamundi casino line has the same texture as most Modiano cards, whereas the Cartamundi Bravo has the same smooth texture as Cartamundi Ace cards.
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Interesting. Well, I'll have all 3 examples here to compare when they get here.

Here's a couple other possibilities....

They may indeed be on a different stock then the Bravo & current poker size Casino. I have noticed a few "marketing differences" that may be a clue...

The one's you linked to on Amazon always seem to be packaged in sets & labeled "CCP" (Cartamundi Casino Plastic). While the poker size are always seemingly sold in individual decks & simply called "Casino". Which may indeed be two distinctly different product lines.

However, the CCP bridge are "out of stock" at most places, & heavily discounted where you can still find them. This usually indicates a discontinued product.

Hence the "Casino" moniker may have been transferred to a now currently produced product.
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I would rather say that Casino Cartamundi are like Modiano but Bravo have more of DalNegro feel but even more smooth.
Do not bring Ace to that equation.... At first they feel like Fournier but lack durability

All that is said above is based on impressions from 5 years old. Cartamundi is now biggest producer of plastic cards and they started to shift technology of brands they own.
To me, the Cartamundi casino line has the same texture as most Modiano cards
You either have some very different Modiano cards than I've got, or some very different Casinos. :D

'Cause to me, they're not even close.

whereas the Cartamundi Bravo has the same texture as Cartamundi Ace cards.
Same as the Ace faces..... yes. On the Bravo & Casino they actually put a flat finish on the backs as well. Like I said, "an Ace they actually finished". :D
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Great. Can you say which other cards they feel most like? To me, the Cartamundi casino line has the same texture as most Modiano cards, whereas the Cartamundi Bravo has the same texture as Cartamundi Ace cards.
Less texture than Modiano texas poker, les texture than the bicycle prestige. I guess they're on the smoother side, but I'd say they have just enough texture? They kinda feel like piatniks.
You either have some very different Modiano cards than I've got, or some very different Casinos. :D

'Cause to me, they're not even close.

Same as the Ace faces..... yes. On the Bravo & Casino they actually put a flat finish on the backs as well. Like I said, "an Ace they actually finished". :D

You either have some very different Modiano cards than I've got, or some very different Casinos. :D

'Cause to me, they're not even close.

Same as the Ace faces..... yes. On the Bravo & Casino they actually put a flat finish on the backs as well. Like I said, "an Ace they actually finished". :D
Seriously, we MUST be comparing different cards. I thought the Cartamundi casino line were the Cartamundi Tobago Casino Club cards, great texture. And the Cartamundi Bravos I got were the small circle ones. The finish is identical to Cartamundi Ace Authentic cards. I did a blind feel test numerous times and could not tell them apart. I am including a picture so everyone will know better which cards I'm comparing.

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