What a joke! (8 Viewers)

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The problem is that there are just way too many valid reasons for the first "dibs" to not get the sale.

- Mr. Dibs follows up his "dibs" with a PM saying "Hey, I'll take these. Can you do $250 instead of $300 though?"
- Mr. Dibs follows up via PM requesting, "I'll take the set of Mapes, do you ship to the Philippines?"
- Mr. Dibs follows up via PM saying, "Sweet, I've been waiting for these. Do you accept credit cards?"
- Mr. Dibs follows up via PM, "I'll take them. Can pay in trade. I've got some red starbursts for you!"
- Mr. Dibs posts "dibs" in the listing but it isn't seen by the seller because Mr. Dibs spams every thread he posts in, landing him on the seller's ignore list.
- Mr. Dibs has had some shady deals in the past and the seller doesn't want to sell to him as a result.
- Mr. Dibs is just generally an asshole to the seller and he just doesn't want to sell to him.

and on and on...

The fact of the matter is, no deal is done until payment and terms are agreed upon privately via PM anyhow. Out of the more than 100,000 sales that have occurred here, every single one of them gets finalized via PM. There is no reason whatsoever for people to need to call "dibs" and have that be meaningful. It just causes way more problems than it avoids.
The rule is/should be that when you post that you will buy the item for sale then you have to comply with the terms that are laid out by the seller in the thread. In no way should #1 happen...ever! #2 is simple, you post "I'll take them if you ship to the Phillippines", then it's up to the seller to ship but honestly shipping constraints should be spelled out in the OP of the sale thread anyway. If I saw that in a for sale thread and I wanted the chips too, I would simply say that I would take them if first deal falls through. All the rest of the scenarios could be handled in the same way. People have every right to keep posting "I'll take them" or "Dibs" or "Mine" until the thread is marked SOLD. But as a seller, I would hope that they start with the first non-asshat who posted interest and go from there.

I don't know, this has never been an issue for me so again, I might just be naive.
You’re not allowed to say the words funny and funnier. You’re an emoji troll enslaved by the Angry Emoji Mafia. Shut your trap.

Can't wait until you host a meetup down the road. I know what I'm wearing...

To who ever runs this place:
You want to encourage a more inviting environment and get rid of a lot of toxic posts and threads, GET RID OF DIBS immediately!

The difficulty is there is no definition of "dibs." No one that runs the place has defined it any way. You asked the question in another thread and we are now seven pages and counting ;). As near as I can tell "dibs" is just a widely used word but unfortunately has different meanings and usually the meaning is crafted to most benefit the person posting it.

Not that "must recognize dibs" would be remotely enforceable anyway.

So I agree with you, "dibs" and the entitlement that goes along with it is toxic. But I don't think the fact is this way is remotely the fault of anyone who runs this place.
In no way should #1 happen...ever!

What happens to me a lot is a variation of #1, where someone will post "PM coming" in the sales thread, then follows up with a low-ball offer. It's annoying, especially on an ad that is just recently posted. I realize this isn't exactly the same as "dibs", but could be interpreted that way by others looking at the ad.
I realize after reading the 181 posts in this thread that it is never too late for one to experience a dysfunctional childhood.

If you want another thread where you can witness some real dysfunctional shit, I'll be happy to provide you with the link. Over four thousand replies and about 158 pages of it to be specific. Fair warning though, you probably won't be normal after combing through it.
If you want another thread where you can witness some real dysfunctional shit, I'll be happy to provide you with the link. Over four thousand replies and about 158 pages of it to be specific. Fair warning though, you probably won't be normal after combing through it.
You swore you wouldn't tell anyone! I shared my journal with you in confidence!

Is it the 4 letter word "dibs" that people have an issue with? LOL What's the problem with it? It means you'll take it so pay up.

What happens to me a lot is a variation of #1, where someone will post "PM coming" in the sales thread, then follows up with a low-ball offer. It's annoying, especially on an ad that is just recently posted. I realize this isn't exactly the same as "dibs", but could be interpreted that way by others looking at the ad.
Yeah "Pm coming" is the most vague/confusing thing you could ever write in a sales thread...and I hate it personally. It doesn't mean anything other than someone wants to haggle or they have a question. It certainly doesn't mean that they are first in line for anything.
Is it the 4 letter word "dibs" that people have an issue with? LOL What's the problem with it? It means you'll take it so pay up.

Yeah "Pm coming" is the most vague/confusing thing you could ever write in a sales thread...and I hate it personally. It doesn't mean anything other than someone wants to haggle or they have a question. It certainly doesn't mean that they are first in line for anything.

PM coming:vomit: I think it used to mean "I'll take them", but I very much agree. Super vague and confusing and I hate it as well.
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What happens to me a lot is a variation of #1, where someone will post "PM coming" in the sales thread, then follows up with a low-ball offer. It's annoying, especially on an ad that is just recently posted. I realize this isn't exactly the same as "dibs", but could be interpreted that way by others looking at the ad.
That's such horse crap. If I say "dibs" it means I'm taking it at asking price per the sale guidelines. I'm not offering more via PM to snake any public offer at asking price nor am I low-balling for a better price.
That's such horse crap. If I say "dibs" it means I'm taking it at asking price per the sale guidelines. I'm not offering more via PM to snake any public offer at asking price nor am I low-balling for a better price.
Gotta agree. "PM incoming" can be vague and ambiguous. "Dibs" is anything but.

Personally, I don't see what the problem with "dibs" is. To me, it's a public message (meaning not only "to the public" but also "publicly visible") claiming the item(s) for sale.

Many sellers treat their PM inbox as "dibs" territory anyway, i.e. whoever PMs them first gets the deal. I have missed out on multiple sales over the years by taking the time to post my interest in the thread first, instead of just going right to PM. By the time I finish my PM, someone else has already beaten me to the punch.

All of which is to say: What's so bad about "dibs" posts? How is that the end of the world? And more to the point, what do you have that's better?? Because going strictly with PMs is orders of magnitude worse. Dibs is public and verifiable. PM is hidden and secretive.
Yeah "Pm coming" is the most vague/confusing thing you could ever write in a sales thread...and I hate it personally. It doesn't mean anything other than someone wants to haggle or they have a question. It certainly doesn't mean that they are first in line for anything.
"PM coming" is sometimes used for feedback purposes, in that case sometimes after the deal has been done.
It does not by any means mean the same as "Dibs" or "I'll take'em".
So if we’re hung up on the word ”dibs”, all we need is another short little word that also takes 2 seconds to write down but one that more clearly conveys the message ”I’ll take them as per the terms stated in the OP”. Me, that’s what I mean with ”dibs”, but I really don’t care what word we use; ”mine”, ”sold”, whatever
So if we’re hung up on the word ”dibs”, all we need is another short little word that also takes 2 seconds to write down but one that more clearly conveys the message ”I’ll take them as per the terms stated in the OP”. Me, that’s what I mean with ”dibs”, but I really don’t care what word we use; ”mine”, ”sold”, whatever
Sometimes, by the time you write "I'll take them!", they're gone. Been there, missed on nice chips, but it's the game and life goes on.
Yeah "Pm coming" is the most vague/confusing thing you could ever write in a sales thread...and I hate it personally. It doesn't mean anything other than someone wants to haggle or they have a question. It certainly doesn't mean that they are first in line for anything.

I interpret it exactly as you wrote....I'm not exactly sure why that would be annoying though (to me at least). "I'm letting you know that I am interested, but I may have a question or my valuation may be different." Is it unnecessary/redundant vs just sending a PM? Absolutely. I have realized though that it's a bit difficult sometimes to track PMs and notifications and I see the value in the extra message. Haha if anything a motivated third party should say to themselves, "Shit! Someone else is interested so I should buy these quickly." I think buyers should have an opportunity to ask questions and make offers with the knowledge that they may offend, lose out on a deal, etc

Sellers have the prerogative to sell as they see fit. I personally honor my agreements when an offer of my asking price is made, but does it necessarily have to be that way? House goes for sale for $250k - gets 10 offers ranging from $250k to $270k. No one gets mad when the top offer is accepted even though the first submitted offer may have been for $250k. I realize that the purchase of a house is almost always more nuanced than a purchase of chips. I also realize that this forum has more of a community feel.

I think a lot of this could be helped out by upfront communication. I don't sell a lot, but right when I first joined and sold occasionally I used to include a message similar to this: "This is not a 'dibs' thread. Please indicate your interest or post your offer in this thread. Offers by PM will not be accepted." In my more recent sales I didn't do that because I just wanted to sell quickly rather than invest more time in being the best community member I could be (sorry, life).

I think if you hate offers that don't fulfill the requested price you could include in your posting, "If you make a lowball offer I will virtually decapitate you and place you on my 'ignore' list forever you sleezy cheap scumbag!" A warning like that would certainly dissuade me from making a low offer :)
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So if we’re hung up on the word ”dibs”, all we need is another short little word that also takes 2 seconds to write down but one that more clearly conveys the message ”I’ll take them as per the terms stated in the OP”. Me, that’s what I mean with ”dibs”, but I really don’t care what word we use; ”mine”, ”sold”, whatever
I don't care for "mine." It seems presumptuous and vaguely rude.
I seriously have never replied "mine" because I don't want to jinx myself.
I'm a little stitious
"I'm letting you know that I am interested, but I may have a question or my valuation may be different."

I guess this is the problem. To me, that is definitely not what "dibs" means. Dibs means I will take it, at the stated price/terms/conditions.

ANYTHING ELSE is not dibs. Want to make an offer? Want to ask questions or clarify something? Propose a trade? Great -- go nuts. But that is NOT dibs.
I guess this is the problem. To me, that is definitely not what "dibs" means. Dibs means I will take it, at the stated price/terms/conditions.

ANYTHING ELSE is not dibs. Want to make an offer? Want to ask questions or clarify something? Propose a trade? Great -- go nuts. But that is NOT dibs.

Sorry Chris, I was talking about "PM coming". I'll edit that to make it more clear in my post. I'm with you that the term "dibs" is implying that you are willing to pay the requested price
I don't care for "mine." It seems presumptuous and vaguely rude.
I seriously have never replied "mine" because I don't want to jinx myself.
I'm a little stitious
Fine, I’ll leave it up to the native speakers to come up with a good word :)
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