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Get possessed by the spirit of rock n roll! EODM at Lowlands FTW!

Nice! I'm a fan of EODM too Mike... I wish Homme would play more live concerts with the band though... Huge Homme fan here, since Kyuss...

Kyuss > QOTSA > EODM imo but they are all awesome!
I can't link to it because I can't find it anywhere that is linkable, but Erykah Bahu's mix of Hotline Bling is outstanding. It's been played quite heavily the last week or so on my iPhone. :D
Listening to some Bob and some Songs: Ohia this morning.

I still haven't gotten through the Bootleg Series release which has another version of this, but the original on Vol. 1-3 is obvoiusly stunning imo.

And I can always do with more Jason Molina (RIP).

Sad, but not unexpected with his history of drug problems. Core was one of the albums that I played so much it was pretty much a back drop to my high school days along with Ten and Dirt.
^^^^^This, except it was middle school for me.
Opening this thread and seeing the previous post by @jbutler was such a shock to me right now... Dammit man this sucks
RIP Scott Weiland
This would come on shuffle shortly after reading about headlines about his death...

RIP Scott Weiland

I saw a tweet in my feed from Dave Navarro very soon after he was initially found and the reporting was still kind of up in the air whether or not it was true. Unfortunately it was.

I never got into any of the "Seattle" bands at the time they were just getting huge (high school). It wasn't until my senior year (95/96) when I took my GF to see STP at the Rosemont Horizon that I gave them a good listen. This was the infamous show that got Dennis Rodman in trouble for getting on stage and saying "Fuck the NBA" on the mic. That show blew my mind wide open for music. I learned to reserve judgement on bands if I hadn't seen them live. It also made me give bands like Alice In Chains and Soundgarden an honest chance.

I saw STP 5-6 times and they were one of the best live bands I have ever seen. They consistently put on a fantastic show and the couple times I saw them as the non-headliner they blew the main act out of the water (*cough* Red Hot Chili Peppers *cough*). I always held out hope for a reunion and am sad that it will never come to pass.

In other news I am currently listening to this...

Having fun learning to play and sing this one......for some reason I am struggling with the timing on the singing/playing...seems so simple!

Man did I feel like a moron this weekend. The newest Sleater-Kinney album (and the first one in ten years) came out almost a year ago now (January 20, 2015) and I hadn't even bothered with it until Saturday. I guess I had just resigned myself to believing that all comeback albums/tours are embarrassing affairs that never live up to the hopes of the fans.

But holy shit was I wrong. I heard approximately the first 15 seconds of the first track on their new album and was shocked at how great it sounded. Then I put on the live show below and within the first 15 seconds of the actual music starting knew: (1) the band is as good now as it ever was (astonishingly); and (2) that Carrie Brownstein is a fucking rock star.

You don't have to watch the whole thing obviously, but you have MUST watch the first track. Ridiculous. These chicks are in their early 40s and sound as immediate and energetic as Courtney Barnett who at 27 put out the best record of the year imo.

You could look back through this thread and see me talking about her previous record (a compilation of her first two EPs) and gushing about how good it was, but Courtney Barnett's debut LP was even better. Yeah, in some ways some tracks are extremely Nirvana-esque, but in the best way and there is still plenty of diversity elsewhere. But the energy is insane and her lyrics are for the most part a lot more David Byrne than Kurt Cobain. Fabulous album and fabulous single.

Australia, you're having a fucking hell of a year. The best record from Courtney Barnett and Mad Max: Fury Road in legitimate running for the best movie. Haven't been more psyched to see artists from Australia get their due since I saw Animal Kingdom in 2010.
Honestly, the whole album (100% Fun) is great, but this song is incredible imo. The guitar solo is pretty much the best you're going to get out of pop music apart from some sick George Harrison shit.

Was really digging both of these folks' full albums doing yardwork today. Evidently I'm way behind on Perfume Genius since I didn't hear him first until just a few months ago.

Of all the Christmas songs, this is my favorite

Happy holidays!
R.I.P. Lemmy

R.I.P.?????? WTF?
(onto google he goes.....)

Added: Sad news indeed. The exit was "Fast and Loose". Have to play some. And play it loud. Think also I'm gonna listen to Lemmy, when on slopes at Austria this winter.

Crazy how Motorhead became sort of the like the metal version of the Velvet Underground in the past decade or so. Very few young people listened to them and yet all the young people's favorite metal bands absolutely worshiped Lemmy and Motorhead.

You know I'm born to lose
and gambling's for fools,
but that's the way I like it baby,
I don't wanna live forever.


At least we know he and Ronnie James are knocking them back together again.

Yesterday I listened to Still Crazy After All These Years and today I am suffering through Beggars Banquet.
link to YT video of album


Received this as a gift and am halfway through my first listen.

If you like the original, you will probably like this.

Don't bother if you think the first Buena Vista Social Club album is garbage.

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