Tip: how about having one sale page, with options for adding all of the denominations in the sale, which actually shows the quantities remaining?? This would make the process a little bit less of a guessing game/lottery!
Just wanted to point out that this is likely much more complex than you're making it sound. Should the counts of each chip update in real time? It's not a trivial thing to create an automated system which can reliably communicate rapidly-changing data to the user. And if the counts are not live, this isn't really much better than the current system, as the numbers change so quickly that once the page is loaded the data is already obsolete.
That said, I appreciate your post. Honest feedback from knowledgeable customers is a valuable thing to any company. Given what I've read, I agree that the current setup seems to be a weak point in the process. Props to you for communicating that clearly without falling into boo-hoo territory.