It’s sad that we have to populate a great sale thread like this with speculation and negativity.
I didn’t get what I initially wanted, but I wish the best to those that did! Even as a newer chipper I understand and recognize the lengths Jim has gone to in attempts of ensuring a semblance of fairness.
@Fishmonger, humility and patience will go a long way if you choose to stick around. Your comments and number of messages indicate you probably don’t quite understand how everything here works, and that’s okay.
I’ll share that on my end, I actually sat there for a couple minutes after Jim answered you. Then I went to see if I could get some of what may be useful for me, and shared what I took. I didn’t have to do either of those things. The only value add comments you might make are:
Thanks Jim.
How can I do better next time?
Shucks, I was looking for (insert here), let me know if anyone has extras!