COVID-19 (Corona virous) and your home game? (10 Viewers)

According to official Government estimates (and statements) in Greece, the true infected cases should be at the very least 10x the verified (tested) ones, worldwide.
There is no reported cases in our county, therefore, I will be playing tomorrow night. We typically have 12 to 14 players, but only 8 showed up last week. Thankfully all but one stayed for cash.

I am happily looking forward to the DDM cash set from BR Poker. Prohibiting cases of the virus being confirmed in our area, I plan to carry on with my life as normal.

I have not succumbed to the frantic buying of paper towels, toilet paper, meats, bottle water, disinfectants and other end of day bunker goods like many in the community. Crazy to see how irrational and selfish people are, even in a relatively isolated small town like ours.

By all indications, everyone here must have built up their stockpiles. Unlike last week, there was very little traffic in town yesterday, including shoppers. Things are calmer again today. We will see.
There is no reported cases in our county, therefore, I will be playing tomorrow night. We typically have 12 to 14 players, but only 8 showed up last week. Thankfully all but one stayed for cash.

I am happily looking forward to the DDM cash set from BR Poker. Prohibiting cases of the virus being confirmed in our area, I plan to carry on with my life as normal.

I have not succumbed to the frantic buying of paper towels, toilet paper, meats, bottle water, disinfectants and other end of day bunker goods like many in the community. Crazy to see how irrational and selfish people are, even in a relatively isolated small town like ours.

By all indications, everyone here must have built up their stockpiles. Unlike last week, there was very little traffic in town yesterday, including shoppers. Things are calmer again today. We will see.

Do you really think that people not showing symptoms or COVID-19 not being reported in your county conveys any sort of assurance that people at this game won’t be infected and in turn infect you?

It doesn’t, FWIW. You go at your own risk (and the risk of the 2.3 people on average that you will subesequently infect, most likely your immediate family).

This is why I am resigned to the fact that containment of the pandemic will ultimately fail in this country. Because these generations aren’t strong enough to do what is necessary. Thank god WWII didn’t happen in the 21st century because I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t have even moved the response needle for us. Really is pretty sad and pathetic what’s happening here and the fact that the President wants to “reopen the country”.

I’ll keep saying this (got the numbers from someone else but they look right):

330M Americans
40% Infectious rate
132M Infected
2% Morbidity Rate
2.64M Americans dead in 12 months
5-10M Americans with lifelong lung complications seriously affecting their quality of life

The first rule of the pandemic is to respect the pandemic. Do not fuck with it because you are fucking with science, probabilities, logic, and mathematics, and those things don’t give a fuck about your hardships or your feelings. They are unforgiving and so is this pandemic.
There is no reported cases in our county, therefore, I will be playing tomorrow night. We typically have 12 to 14 players, but only 8 showed up last week. Thankfully all but one stayed for cash.

I am happily looking forward to the DDM cash set from BR Poker. Prohibiting cases of the virus being confirmed in our area, I plan to carry on with my life as normal.

I have not succumbed to the frantic buying of paper towels, toilet paper, meats, bottle water, disinfectants and other end of day bunker goods like many in the community. Crazy to see how irrational and selfish people are, even in a relatively isolated small town like ours.

By all indications, everyone here must have built up their stockpiles. Unlike last week, there was very little traffic in town yesterday, including shoppers. Things are calmer again today. We will see.
There were no reported cases in my county last week, there were 8 the last time I looked. Just because the are no REPORTED cases, that doesn't mean much. If it was just YOUR health at stake, I would say good luck, but you are risking the health of everyone you come in contact with, and everyone they come in contact with, and so on and so on.

If I happen to get it and pass it on, I won't have much guilt because I know that I did all that I could to prevent it.
We have a 30 y/o female in the hospital right now. Last I heard she was on a respirator. Her and her friends were hanging out, but "nobody was sick".

How wrong she was.

I'm pulling for her, but also SMH - do you really think the CDC announced "stay at home" because this is just a flu? Do you really think the CDC announced "stay at home" because it's easy to detect? Do you really think the CDC announced "stay at home" for all areas of the country, except your county?

Moreover, how do you host if you haven't stockpiled toilet paper? Is it BYO-TP?
29 y/o woman the youngest patient on intensive care unit today in Greece.
40 y/o Marathon runner, who 's never smoked, just recovered, after being on intensive care.
64 y/o mountain climber, map drawer and founder of "Trekking Greece" dead.:(
Edit: Obviously, none of them with underlying illnesses.
Edit2: 41 y/o mother of three dead practically in her home; didn't bother to go to the hospital in order not to burden the latter, due to "mild symptoms". Symptoms got too wild before she could reach the hospital. She was diagnosed with the virus after being dead.
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There is no reported cases in our county, therefore, I will be playing tomorrow night. We typically have 12 to 14 players, but only 8 showed up last week. Thankfully all but one stayed for cash.

I am happily looking forward to the DDM cash set from BR Poker. Prohibiting cases of the virus being confirmed in our area, I plan to carry on with my life as normal.

I have not succumbed to the frantic buying of paper towels, toilet paper, meats, bottle water, disinfectants and other end of day bunker goods like many in the community. Crazy to see how irrational and selfish people are, even in a relatively isolated small town like ours.

By all indications, everyone here must have built up their stockpiles. Unlike last week, there was very little traffic in town yesterday, including shoppers. Things are calmer again today. We will see.
You cannot rely on "0" reported cases to mean the virus isn't there. Testing has been an absolute disaster and is only now ramping up, and a large percentage of cases are asymptomatic. I can almost guarantee the virus is already in your county. We can't stop you but the sooner everyone gets on board with socially isolating and maintaining it, the sooner we can end it. When people keep mixing with others it prolongs the spread of the virus and the lockdown for everyone else.

Crazy to see how irrational and selfish people are
Yeah, we know, crazy.
There is no reported cases in our county, therefore, I will be playing tomorrow night. We typically have 12 to 14 players, but only 8 showed up last week. Thankfully all but one stayed for cash.

I am happily looking forward to the DDM cash set from BR Poker. Prohibiting cases of the virus being confirmed in our area, I plan to carry on with my life as normal.

I have not succumbed to the frantic buying of paper towels, toilet paper, meats, bottle water, disinfectants and other end of day bunker goods like many in the community. Crazy to see how irrational and selfish people are, even in a relatively isolated small town like ours.

By all indications, everyone here must have built up their stockpiles. Unlike last week, there was very little traffic in town yesterday, including shoppers. Things are calmer again today. We will see.
This is why the curve will not be Flattened anytime soon because people still think that oh I can't get it because no one around me has it. The 6 players who stayed home did the right thing. This is no better than all the kids at Spring Break in Clearwater Beach Florida saying on the news if, "I get the Corona Virus I get the the Corona Virus". It's not just about you guys playing poker together it's about your wives, Kids, and older parents and older family members who can't afford to get sick from the Virus.
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Oh I forgot to mention that this week some of the spring breakers from Clearwater Beach tested positive for Covid-19.
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There is no reported cases in our county, therefore, I will be playing tomorrow night. We typically have 12 to 14 players, but only 8 showed up last week. Thankfully all but one stayed for cash.

I am happily looking forward to the DDM cash set from BR Poker. Prohibiting cases of the virus being confirmed in our area, I plan to carry on with my life as normal.

I have not succumbed to the frantic buying of paper towels, toilet paper, meats, bottle water, disinfectants and other end of day bunker goods like many in the community. Crazy to see how irrational and selfish people are, even in a relatively isolated small town like ours.

By all indications, everyone here must have built up their stockpiles. Unlike last week, there was very little traffic in town yesterday, including shoppers. Things are calmer again today. We will see.
I’m encouraging you to reconsider.

As we all know the cases don’t seem to be confirmed until after about two weeks from the date of infection, due to the incubation period.

As grim as things are in the US currently, today’s numbers are really only a reflection of the situation 12-14ish days ago.

What are the consequences of being cautious and cancelling the game, vs the potential consequences of providing a breeding ground for this virus?
@Tarheel4Life, and @Jake14mw,

Lifestyle, location and a host of other things are part of the equation when making decisions. I live a fairly secluded life in a small community of 550 people 10 miles from a town of 3000 that is at the end of nowhere. Our county is 3258 square miles with a population of roughly 27K to 28K. There are 9 to 10 times as many deer. (No joke.)

I did not participate in the rush for groceries, choosing to shop early in the morning for the items I needed for the week to avoid the "crowds", a misnomer by the standards of those who live in more heavily populated parts of the country.

In other words, I am not going to live my life based on fear or irrationality by self quarantining, just as I didn't join the swarm of people going out on a buying binge the likes not seen since Black Friday at the mall. Like poker, I calculate the risks. There have been no reported cases in two of the three adjacent counties and four in Penobscot County, which is the commerce and service center for the less populous neighboring counties like ours.

I am the one exposing myself to risks by going out to play tomorrow night, not vice versa. There may not be much difference between the two, I am not qualified to say. If the turnout rate is anything like last week, we will have 8 players, half of whom reside in Eastport, Maine. Google map:,0.017166&z=14&output=embed.

In short, I have a greater risk of hitting a deer on my way to or from the game tomorrow night than I do of coming in contact with the virus.
Hard to argue with that.

That said, boasting about a card game while the rest of us are responsibly locking down is still a dick move. I hope you stay safe.
@Tarheel4Life, and @Jake14mw,

Lifestyle, location and a host of other things are part of the equation when making decisions. I live a fairly secluded life in a small community of 550 people 10 miles from a town of 3000 that is at the end of nowhere. Our county is 3258 square miles with a population of roughly 27K to 28K. There are 9 to 10 times as many deer. (No joke.)

I did not participate in the rush for groceries, choosing to shop early in the morning for the items I needed for the week to avoid the "crowds", a misnomer by the standards of those who live in more heavily populated parts of the country.

In other words, I am not going to live my life based on fear or irrationality by self quarantining, just as I didn't join the swarm of people going out on a buying binge the likes not seen since Black Friday at the mall. Like poker, I calculate the risks. There have been no reported cases in two of the three adjacent counties and four in Penobscot County, which is the commerce and service center for the less populous neighboring counties like ours.

I am the one exposing myself to risks by going out to play tomorrow night, not vice versa. There may not be much difference between the two, I am not qualified to say. If the turnout rate is anything like last week, we will have 8 players, half of whom reside in Eastport, Maine. Google map:,-66.990681&spn=0.021274,0.017166&z=14&output=embed.

In short, I have a greater risk of hitting a deer on my way to or from the game tomorrow night than I do of coming in contact with the virus.
This might be true as of tonight; not as of tomorrow night. It's spreading exponentially, exactly because of attitudes like this.:(
@Tarheel4Life, and @Jake14mw,

Lifestyle, location and a host of other things are part of the equation when making decisions. I live a fairly secluded life in a small community of 550 people 10 miles from a town of 3000 that is at the end of nowhere. Our county is 3258 square miles with a population of roughly 27K to 28K. There are 9 to 10 times as many deer. (No joke.)

I did not participate in the rush for groceries, choosing to shop early in the morning for the items I needed for the week to avoid the "crowds", a misnomer by the standards of those who live in more heavily populated parts of the country.

In other words, I am not going to live my life based on fear or irrationality by self quarantining, just as I didn't join the swarm of people going out on a buying binge the likes not seen since Black Friday at the mall. Like poker, I calculate the risks. There have been no reported cases in two of the three adjacent counties and four in Penobscot County, which is the commerce and service center for the less populous neighboring counties like ours.

I am the one exposing myself to risks by going out to play tomorrow night, not vice versa. There may not be much difference between the two, I am not qualified to say. If the turnout rate is anything like last week, we will have 8 players, half of whom reside in Eastport, Maine. Google map:,-66.990681&spn=0.021274,0.017166&z=14&output=embed.

In short, I have a greater risk of hitting a deer on my way to or from the game tomorrow night than I do of coming in contact with the virus.

You don’t have enough empirical data to assess what your risk for coronavirus is, because you don’t have contact tracing. You have no idea with 2-3 degrees of separation who the people you’re playing with were in touch with people who were in touch with other people 3 days ago. That’s how a virus spreads, and it’s particularly virulent when it can spread before symptoms demonstrate. That’s basically COVID-19.

I know this sounds harsh, but I’m trying to stay in and get food delivery and avoid this if someone I “know” needs to die from a statistical probability perspective, I guess I hope it’s someone who blatantly ignored social distancing and not someone older or with underlying conditions that really tried hard to avoid this.

Stultus in morte.
NC is starting to take more extreme measures this week. "Shelter in place" for Charlotte area and I suspect we will be seeing statewide restrictions before the week is out. Haven't hosted or participated in a game for going on three weeks, as it isn't worth the risk to me.

We have talked about setting up an online game, but some of my players are a little older and "technologically challenged", so we have not been successful with implementation as of yet.
NC is starting to take more extreme measures this week. "Shelter in place" for Charlotte area and I suspect we will be seeing statewide restrictions before the week is out. Haven't hosted or participated in a game for going on three weeks, as it isn't worth the risk to me.

We have talked about setting up an online game, but some of my players are a little older and "technologically challenged", so we have not been successful with implementation as of yet.

I heard this as well but there is a question regarding how long they’ll keep that in place for.

No reported deaths yet but we’ll see. 2/3 my family lives in NC and several have health complications (including me but I’m staying away from home for now). This is terrifying.
NC is starting to take more extreme measures this week. "Shelter in place" for Charlotte area and I suspect we will be seeing statewide restrictions before the week is out. Haven't hosted or participated in a game for going on three weeks, as it isn't worth the risk to me.

We have talked about setting up an online game, but some of my players are a little older and "technologically challenged", so we have not been successful with implementation as of yet.
The Problem I have is that each state is in charge of making it's own decisions regarding "Shelter in Place". Why not make a National decision. Lockdown everyone now for a few weeks. Why wait until people start getting sick and die before a state issues a directive. We need to prevent the virus and not react to it.
Moved my home game to Pokerstars with PayPal/Venmo buyins/payouts. Attendance is through the roof.
This might be true as of tonight; not as of tomorrow night. It's spreading exponentially, exactly because of attitudes like this.:(
It's not even the increased illness at this point. The fact that so many are ignoring scientific advice means the rest of us who are following it will be asked to remain isolated even longer.

I'm hosting a game, so those of you who do follow advice can't for another month! :banghead:

Why not make a National decision.
That would take a national leader.
Hard to argue with that.

That said, boasting about a card game while the rest of us are responsibly locking down is still a dick move. I hope you stay safe.

That perspective didn't cross my mind. I have largely remained huddled inside my home for the past ten days (two weekends) while people were wiping the shelves clean en masse at Wal-Mart and the grocery stores. I think my attitude stems from a relief in stress that there has been a return to normalcy. Maybe I am mistaken. The relative calm could be explained by people isolating themselves.

I can see your p.o.v. Didn't mean to be a dick.
that there has been a return to normalcy.


Maybe I am mistaken.


Things are going to continue to get worse for the next few weeks because people are still not staying home. If we can get people to do that, then this thing will get better/go away. Otherwise, it's gonna be a hot mess for the foreseeable future.
I can't wait to get back to hosting, but it will be a while.

I run a poker group and recently posted this as folks in the hotspot COVID-19 areas in PA and NJ were still posting games.

No politics, no bullshit. I get that we are all grown ass adults, but I couldn't live with myself if a member contracted a potentially deadly virus at a game posted in my group.

That perspective didn't cross my mind. I have largely remained huddled inside my home for the past ten days (two weekends) while people were wiping the shelves clean en masse at Wal-Mart and the grocery stores. I think my attitude stems from a relief in stress that there has been a return to normalcy. Maybe I am mistaken. The relative calm could be explained by people isolating themselves.

I can see your p.o.v. Didn't mean to be a dick.
Hi Mojo,

I appreciate you participating in a real dialogue here, rather than just giving a snarky reply. If we can all just hear each other, that would help. I'm listening to you. When I started this thread two weeks ago, my game was still on, and I was wondering if people were blowing things out of proportion. I was thinking people have to still live their lives. I also was thinking more about the risks to me than the risks to everyone else from my actions. I kept my mind open and listened to the information from sources I trusted. I changed my attitude based on this. We are all counting on each other to flatten the curve. Stay safe, and thanks for contributing to the discussion.
That perspective didn't cross my mind. I have largely remained huddled inside my home for the past ten days (two weekends) while people were wiping the shelves clean en masse at Wal-Mart and the grocery stores. I think my attitude stems from a relief in stress that there has been a return to normalcy. Maybe I am mistaken. The relative calm could be explained by people isolating themselves.

I can see your p.o.v. Didn't mean to be a dick.
I don’t think it’s dickish. That’s exactly what this thread is about. You’re not boasting; you’re reporting.
(I think you’re wrong, but you’ve gotten enough lectures)
How many people showed up?
I think if more states would get off the “woe is me bandwagon” and start posting this kind of info it would go much further in helping people calm down. This is Oklahoma’s daily report in hospital status. There’s no fluff, no hyperbole, no Batman comic effects in the headlines, just the numbers of how the hospitals across the state are doing.
Im pretty sure that if there were hospitals in trouble that’s all we would see in the headlines, not empty grocery store shelves.


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