COVID-19 (Corona virous) and your home game? (6 Viewers)

How many people showed up?

I will find out tonight. We normally have 12 to 14 players for the tournament, with a full ring cash game at the end. I did not play on the 11th. Eight people showed up last week, seven stayed for the cash game.
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According to official Government estimates (and statements) in Greece, the true infected cases should be at the very least 10x the verified (tested) ones, worldwide.
This would literally mean the mortality rate is somewhere in the neighborhood of 10x lower & is the opposite of a good reason to panic.

This should not be a surprise and has been brought up repeatedly, the sky still isn't falling. But end of days is more flashy.
This would literally mean the mortality rate is somewhere in the neighborhood of 10x lower & is the opposite of a good reason to panic.

This should not be a surprise and has been brought up repeatedly, the sky still isn't falling. But end of days is more flashy.
***Mortality rate is 10x lower for those already categorized as low risk*** I’d venture a guess that the number of 70+ year olds with the virus is much closer to the actual number tested/reported with having it then say 20 year olds who are much less likely to need medical attention and end up getting tested. 10x means 10x more people would have it and are spreading it without knowing and it would mean it’s 10x (or some factor) more likely to reach the high risk populations. It’s not a reason to panic in either case but let’s not forget those that this virus is actually a real risk to.
I think if more states would get off the “woe is me bandwagon” and start posting this kind of info it would go much further in helping people calm down. This is Oklahoma’s daily report in hospital status. There’s no fluff, no hyperbole, no Batman comic effects in the headlines, just the numbers of how the hospitals across the state are doing.

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Totally agree - nice post. This is what I got from Virginia. I think they are slightly delayed in updating the numbers, but its not too bad

This would literally mean the mortality rate is somewhere in the neighborhood of 10x lower & is the opposite of a good reason to panic.

This should not be a surprise and has been brought up repeatedly, the sky still isn't falling. But end of days is more flashy.

It wouldn’t necessarily mean that the death count would be 10x higher.
It could mean that the death rate is 10x less than we thought, but that’s not going to be popular

It could mean that there’s 2.7 million people out there who have it and it’s so minor they don’t even know. And 4% of them are dying of undiagnosed or misdiagnosed conditions, which is a pretty big number to attribute to something else. This won’t be a popular either.

It could mean that we should all just panic and buy useless shit and demand money from our governments.
***Mortality rate is 10x lower for those already categorized as low risk*** I’d venture a guess that the number of 70+ year olds with the virus is much closer to the actual number tested/reported with having it then say 20 year olds who are much less likely to need medical attention and this get tested. 10x means 10x more people would have it and are spreading it without knowing and it would mean it’s 10x (or some factor) more likely to reach the high risk populations. It’s not a reason to panic in either case but let’s not forget those that this virus is actually a real risk to.
That's incorrect. The reported deaths are not broken down that way, it's just a total. If you believe total cases is 10x reported but total deaths is already accurate then it is just 10x lower death rate period.

The distribution of mortality rates across categories does not change in ratio (still higher in the elderly) with the addition of this data and is consistent with virtually all illnesses. The old and infirm are at higher risk.
Yes, mortality rate should be 10 times lower in the population as a whole, for the time being; still contagion is high enough to overwhelm the health systems of even the most advanced and affluent nations, and hence produce a much higher mortality, not just from this virus (No intensive care beds for accidents, strokes, serious cancers etc).
In Spain, already, a doctor reported being informally told to shoot enough morphine on anybody above 65, to free the bed and respirator for younger patients...
No one’s still playing, right? Unless you’re on a 50,0000-acre ranch in Montana which no one has left in a month?

Just online. We started a FB group for Poker Players in our 3 small Atlantic provinces a few months before this. We rallied the masses and have about 190 players who have joined our PokerStars home game, which was started on the day after our casino closed. It's 10c/25c NL cash, a PLO/NLHE round for round and a 50c/1, 8 game table as well as tournaments every night with two on the weekends. Buyins range from $5 rebuy to $33 with 1R+1AO. Last night's $5 rebuy had like 94 players.

There's even been a @GIANTDustySquid spotting, donating to the tourneys.

So definitely nothing for live games. It'll almost certainly be months before one happens.

@GenghisKhan - let me know if you're interested.
Yes, mortality rate should be 10 times lower in the population as a whole, for the time being; still contagion is high enough to overwhelm the health systems of even the most advanced and affluent nations, and hence produce a much higher mortality, not just from this virus (No intensive care beds for accidents, strokes, serious cancers etc).
In Spain, already, a doctor reported being informally told to shoot enough morphine on anybody above 65, to free the bed and respirator for younger patients...

Can we rename this thread to “Baseless rumors designed to induce panic”
That's incorrect. The reported deaths are not broken down that way, it's just a total. If you believe total cases is 10x reported but total deaths is already accurate then it is just 10x lower death rate period.

The distribution of mortality rates across categories does not change in ratio (still higher in the elderly) with the addition of this data and is consistent with virtually all illnesses. The old and infirm are at higher risk.
Data on death mortality rates by age are available but I don’t think you understand what I’m saying. What your statements assume is if 100 people aged 20-30 had the virus and 100 people aged 80-90 had the virus, you’d believe, each group would have the same number of infected but unreported cases. That’s incorrect.

Since the lower age group is significantly less likely to have critical or even severe symptoms they are significantly less likely to be tested. That means they are significantly less likely to be a reported case when compared to the 80-90 age group. So if the statement that “10x more people are infected but not reported” were true, it would not mean that 10x the number of every age group are infected but not reported but simply 10x the number of the people in the total population.

That means the highest age groups & others at highest risk population do not share the same factor of decreased mortality rates (they do have data on each age groups mortality rates) as everyone else.
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Can we rename this thread to “Baseless rumors designed to induce panic”

I am taking this virus seriously, playing outside and using my lungs is my life, I couldn’t imagine never snowboarding again because I have 30% less lung capacity which some people are experiencing. I don’t care how low the odds are of an otherwise “healthy” 40 year old dying or experiencing reduced lung capacity are, I have been one outed before and if that time comes and I need help I want the health care system to be able to put me in a bed. That alone is enough for me to do my part, let alone keeping it from vulnerable parts of our population.

That being said though I agree with you that I wish there was less spin on everything and the “it’s being reported” stuff could be cited. The coverage of this pandemic skews quickly to sensationalism after the first few sentences of an article in a lot of cases.

One of the text threads on my phone is myself and two other buddies that used to be our “drone” thread when they were still flying with me...... for the last day or two these two opposite end of political spectrum dudes have been going back at forth with each other and it seems like neither of them have read anymore than the headline from their favorite “sources”. One is railing about “haha should have been prepared” and the other is going off about how it’s Trumps fault a couple in Arizona drank fish tank cleaner. I am just astounded. And also so, so sad that all of our votes count the same. So frustrating.

stay safe and be smart all.
@200 Motels
My friends and I played 2 simultabeous tourneys last night on PS. Started a 5K at 7h for $11 no RB no AO. Then a 3K an hour later for $5 with unlimited RB and 1AO. It was great having both tables run at the same time. We decided we'll do this every 2 nights.
I might join your group if ours cancels one night. Or maybe have my whole group join in one. I'll pm you to get more info.
In Spain, already, a doctor reported being informally told to shoot enough morphine on anybody above 65, to free the bed and respirator for younger patients...

I heard that in India, if you test negative they don’t tell you, they just take you into the back and harvest your kidneys. They tell your relatives you tested positive and died.

I heard that in China, if you test positive and are female they kill you right away cause they just want boys.

I actually heard these rumors back in grade school, but they seem relevant to these posts.
The higher stakes game I co-host is going to run the game without me. With a few exceptions they are right leaning trending towards very right. In their opinion this is almost totally a hoax to make Trump look bad.

It is unfortunate in that the group is demographically at risk - older men who smoke. Even so, the actual risk isn't exceptional. Probably less than 1/1,000 of getting sick. Still, it seems like a poor idea at this time.

They are even going back to the case of dice chips, ICK -=- DrStrange

PS But the menu is fish tacos made from freshly caught gulf coast fish. It sounded delicious!
It wouldn’t necessarily mean that the death count would be 10x higher.
It could mean that the death rate is 10x less than we thought, but that’s not going to be popular

It could mean that there’s 2.7 million people out there who have it and it’s so minor they don’t even know. And 4% of them are dying of undiagnosed or misdiagnosed conditions, which is a pretty big number to attribute to something else. This won’t be a popular either.
It's been stated multiple times before, but the fact that the virus is asymptomatic in a large percentage of cases is actually why it spreads so well. The problem is if you're part of the percentage that runs into complications because the complications are fucking brutal. Being young and "healthy" is no guarantee you'll be fine either as detailed in the article.

It could mean that we should all just panic and buy useless shit and demand money from our governments.
This is tiresome. You keep disingenuously using panic buying to dismiss legitimate concern/caution over the the virus. Panic buying is stupid and no experts or people here disagree with that. Stop bringing it up as an argument against caution.

As for "demanding money", the point of money is to help people stay isolated. If people don't feel like they need to work when they might be sick, that helps stop the spread of the virus.

We all want this to end and get back to our normal lives. Continuing to enforce social isolation, promote policies that help people maintain it, and getting as many people tested as quickly as possible is the best way to achieve that.

This is for Australia, but it explains why buy in from everyone is so critical:
Screen Shot 2020-03-25 at 10.20.11 AM.png
@David O @DrStrange
Seems that stating a non-affiliated groups opinion over the seriousness of the virus is hardly making the topic political. It’s a statement of how that group feels and adds to the reason they are still playing.
@David O @DrStrange
Seems that stating a non-affiliated groups opinion over the seriousness of the virus is hardly making the topic political. It’s a statement of how that group feels and adds to the reason they are still playing.
His statement was not making it too political. The post after, which has been removed, was.

Also, I am not looking to debate this and making a statement as to not politicize this thread.
It's been stated multiple times before, but the fact that the virus is asymptomatic in a large percentage of cases is actually why it spreads so well. The problem is if you're part of the percentage that runs into complications because the complications are fucking brutal. Being young and "healthy" is no guarantee you'll be fine either as detailed in the article.

This is tiresome. You keep disingenuously using panic buying to dismiss legitimate concern/caution over the the virus. Panic buying is stupid and no experts or people here disagree with that. Stop bringing it up as an argument against caution.

As for "demanding money", the point of money is to help people stay isolated. If people don't feel like they need to work when they might be sick, that helps stop the spread of the virus.

We all want this to end and get back to our normal lives. Continuing to enforce social isolation, promote policies that help people maintain it, and getting as many people tested as quickly as possible is the best way to achieve that.

This is for Australia, but it explains why buy in from everyone is so critical:
View attachment 428463

I was merely pointing out that the original post was stupid and could mean any number of stupid things. I agree with all your points and am not arguing anything but common sense.
A note you folks living in rural or remote areas:

It is likely your county doesn't have any "known" cases of the Coronavirus. That doesn't mean there are actually no cases because it is also likely no one in your county has qualified to be tested. Even so, I agree with the assessment of the moment that rural America is not significantly affected by the virus.

If we agree about that, then yes it is safer to host a game in your house than it is to host one in my house. Maybe an order of magnitude safer. As of today anyway.

It is likely that some remote areas will not be infected even by the end of the year. This doesn't mean you are immune, just that by random chance there will be a few pockets of the population that avoids the disease.

we know the progression of the illness is slow at first and then in a crescendo becomes devastating. Rural America is going to feel the affects of Coronavirus but they get extra weeks to prepare. New York, California, New Orleans and Washington State are the current bullseye, they will not be the only ones.

Rural health care typically sucks. The nearest hospital can be an hour or more away. And said medical facilities are often poorly funded, professionally backward and thinly staffed. You don't want to be critically ill in these areas. And when problems start happening, they will get out of control a lot faster than in NY City. Perhaps not worse problems, but the health systems will degrade faster - fewer medical professionals, fewer reserves of supplies, i.e. less resiliency.

This all might mean, while your chances of a illness in a rural poker game are lower for now, the consequences if you do get sick or spread the illness to others are more severe. And in a matter of a month or so, your area will be facing its own crisis. One for which it is less well prepared than the large urban areas.

It is all about the accumulations of tiny risks that eventually generate serious collative consequences, Stay safe out there.
Credit to @Poker Zombie for exposing a blind spot in my thinking regarding my "return to normalcy' statement in post 414. More on that later.

Disclaimer: I understand how easily this virus is transmitted in relation to the common cold and the harm it does to a person's repository system. Furthermore, I am not a faith based person. We live in the 21st century, science informs my worldview.

As of Wednesday night, 142 people tested positive for the Coronavirus out of 3300 in the State of Maine. 75% of those cases were in the two counties with the largest urban population. There are no reported cases of Coronavirus in the county in which I live. The same is true for two of the three adjacent counties. Penobscot County, population 153,000, had reported four confirmed cases of the virus and two presumptive cases which later tested positive.

The following information provides a fuller picture of where I live as well as the dynamics of the people and the economy.

As stated in my earlier post, I live in a rural community of 550. The area has seen a significant loss of jobs in the timber and fishing industries over the last 25 years. Correspondingly, the major population centers of Washington County whose people depended on these natural resources for their livelihood has shrunk by 25 to 30 percent.

Sadly, I do not know of anyone who I play cards with in my age group or younger that hasn't lost a family member to opioids.

The players in my group are fiercely pro-Trump. (Donald Trump won Washington County by 19 percentage points.) I listen, but I do not engage in political conversations at the table, although my political leanings are well known based upon my brief answers to direct questions on the subject.

I have come to realize that cards are an important outlet for this particular group, the majority of whom are over 50. They have enjoyed playing NLHE (and Omaha-hi) together for 16 years.

I cut my participation to every other week late last year when the game started to grow stale. I know what I am about to say will offend some people on this site. I have made a conscious decision to support this game on a weekly basis during this pandemic until such a time that the virus is closer to home or is spreading in the counties surrounding us.


@Poker Zombie post made me rethink how quite the town is in comparison to last week. People are self isolating. The grocery store now has a bulletin in the entrance-way asking that people maintain a distance of six feet from other shoppers. There is a strip of blue tape on the floor six feet in front of the checkout line for people to stand behind while waiting their turn to check out. Acrylic panes supported by wooden braces separate the cashier from the customer. Like you might see in banks, there is an opening for money at the bottom. Surreal to say the least.

The five member Planning Board is not meeting this month due to, and I quote, "sleeper cells" carrying the virus. No joke.

I believe in being rational. I intentionally stayed at home during the two weeks when people were storming the grocery stores and Wal-Mart in droves buying a year's supply of toilet paper and provisions for a six month lock-down. I began to feel like I was on a Hollywood movie set that I had not been giving a script too. I could feel my stress levels build from witnessing everyone's irrational behavior on the few occasions I left home during this period.

I realize from my own experience that others in our poker group may be suffering from similar amounts of stress due to feelings of isolation and what they perceive as irrational behavior. Joining together when the world has gone mad gives oxygen to life. Maintaining this group's 16 year tradition of playing cards on Wednesdays at 7 o'clock has, in my judgement, psychological value that outweighs the risks involved.

Seven players showed up for the tournament Wednesday night versus eight last week. Only one player was over 60, the rest her age and older chose not to leave their homes. All but one stayed for the cash game, same as last week.

For reference, we normally have 12 to 14 players. I did not play cards on the 11th.
I felt this was an interesting follow up to the TED talks that Bill Gates gave 5 years ago saying that the world won't be prepared for the next pandemic.

I'm trusting this guy over any politician or religious figure.
At some point in the future we will look back on this and say one of two things: Either we overreacted and did more damage than the virus, or, thank god we acted quickly and decisively because only xxx number of people died.

i actually think if people think we over reacted and it wasn’t a “big deal” that means the social distancing worked. It’s either going to be bad or really bad. Only time will tell.
We just had our first county death due to COVID and it turns out I knew/would interact with the guy on a regular basis. He worked as a delivery driver for our local food delivery service and would pick up stuff from the restaurant where I was usually handing the food off to him. I might have actually interacted with him when he was infected, but even if I didn't some of my co-workers certainly did.

Anyway, it seems like most are on board, but this much hammers home how important it is to freaking stay home as much as possible.

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