Since you are getting technical over terms:In a game with $3bb, the initial bet post flop is not $3 unless the player actually bets $3. It can be any amount above $3.
Pre flop. Actions are either "fold" , "call" , or "raise"
Original post says "$1/3 game. Players raises to $6"
That means the player has made a raise, to a total of $6.
Post flop. Initial actions are either "check" or "bet". The initial action IS NOT "raise".A raise to $6 preflop is a raise of $3. A bet of $6 postflop is a raise of $6.
Thus, if it's post flop, and it's a RAISE , it can only have been that there was an initial bet of $3, and the player is raising to $6.
A bet of $6 is not a raise of $6. It's a bet.
And fwiw, my initial thoughts on the whole matter was that it was a raise, but after thinking about it, and then reading more of the thread, I would agree with the position that it is just a call. With those specific two chips, you can not make a call, by removing 1 chip. Now, had the player put in a $5 and 5x$1 chips, without saying anything (because they somehow misread the bet or whatever), it would be a raise.