It's funny, given the online persona I wouldn't have thought we'd be on extreme opposite ends, but I don't see it.
I've personally never meant negativity when saying good hand, I mean at worst I'll be exhaling while I say it and shaking my head when I truly was caught off guard in the hand and completely misread the situation.
I also don't take anything personal that's said regarding gameplay at the table. I think if there was a reg that truly, honestly *meant* to needle folks and make them feel uncomfortable/upset/poopy, do they really belong at the game?
All that being said, I truly don't get the "mean girls" aspect of poker. People talking to host after games, the 40 different channels of communication, etc. If you bug me at the table, I'm going to say hey you're bugging me at the table, chill. If I'm bugging you at the table, "Barrie chill" with eyebrows raised will do wonders.
I'm not here to gatekeep, poker how you poker. But if the rules, demeanor, and etiquette of your home game match that of a professional golf match, I'll likely be a one and done (best for the both of us
edit: I would take everyone saying pretty much this same thing with a grain of salt. So much depends on delivery and who it's coming from. Like I hope the games I attend and players know me well enough that 99% of the time if I'm being a dick it's with love. Given how even-keeled you are online of all places, I'd have to guess this dude is a straight jackwagon.