Here is an update on the chips after I have had a chance to rack them all.
$.25 chips - very good overall condition. All the hot stamps are in excellent shape, sharp edges, not dirty
$.50 chips - these have the most variations in condition. Some are like new and they go to fairly worn. All of the hot stamps are in good condition. Some are very dirty with edges starting to wear.
$1 chips - very good condition. All of the edges are still sharp. Very well rotated. A little dirty, but not bad.
$5 chips - very good overall condition. Not rotated as well as the $1s. Some are like new while the most worn chips are starting to slightly round on the edges. All will stand on edge.
$25 chips - very good overall condition. The most worn chips are starting to slightly round on the edges. Pretty clean.
$100 chips - like new to very good condition. Very sharp edges. Some are slightly dirty on the pink spots.
$500 chips - very good condition. Very well rotated, since there were not many. All in the same great shape.
I will try and get some racked pictures up tomorrow