UTG limps, Alpha folds, Crafty limps. Action on Hero with There isn't a standard raise this game - anything from $5 to $20+ Should Hero limp, fold or raise, if raising how much?
Your LAG's are both limping? I'd raise to somewhere between $14-16 preflop here
*** Ok on to the flop ***
Hero expects to get called in many seats with bets $30 or less. Wouldn't be shocking for villains to call bigger bets than $30. Hero decides to go for a high SPR situation and raises to $10. Everyone but BB calls. $42 in the pot, four way action.
Flop is
Three checks to Hero, check or bet? If betting how much? (This table is crazy sticky, someone will generally call modest bets with almost nothing. A slow play line might be intended as tricky for later in the hand but do not overly fear the dry board might cause everyone to fold.)
I'd c-bet somewhere in the $25-27 range as played. Hope someone plays back at you, thinking to themselves "fuck this guy, he's got AK and is trying to buy it!"
*** onward ***
Hero takes Ben's advice, essentially to the letter. Small bet will get the guys with two over cards to call. If they hit the overcard, it will be a $200+ payday for Hero !!!!! Oh such wishful thinking.
Hero bets $20, Crazy and Crafty call, but we get one fold. $102 in the pot, three way action to see the turn.
Turn is: < >
Two check, now it is Hero's turn. Check or bet, if betting how much? (crazy has $470 left, Craft covers Hero's $870)
There's only one gutshot that has us beat at this point, I keep firing expecting to be ahead most of the time. $75-82 seems good to me.
*** And now the river ***
Hero bets $99. Crazy calls, Crafty folds. Heads up, $300 in the pot. Effective stacks $371.
About this time Crazy charts chanting "nine, nine, nine, nine ......" You get the idea
River is: < > Well that sucked.
Crazy starts his happy dance, hollering "sucker fish" and pretending he is big game fishing and about to land a whopper.
The questions of the moment:
1. What is the biggest bet Hero should call from Crazy? (If any, maybe Hero should plan a check/fold line.)
2. Should Hero raise Crazy?
3. If Crazy checks, does Hero check behind or bet? If betting how much? Bet / fold or bet / call?
1. If someone hit their hand and wants to get paid off, do they usually make such a big show of it, potentially scaring off their opponent from paying them off? I guess there's the drunkenness factor to consider, but still seems out of character for someone to scare off being paid off.
2. Did Crazy bet? We can't raise if there's no bet. If you're asking a hypothetical, it's going to depend on what the bet amount is and other reads we get from villain.
3. If Crazy checks, Hero can either shove or bet $125-150 hoping Crazy check-raises all-in. Crazy is going to assume Hero doesn't have the 7x, 7J or QJ here, and could very well pay off with two pair in this spot. I don't think Hero can bet-fold in this spot, given stack and pot sizes.
Why not check behind you're wondering? Because Crazy I'm assuming would know Hero would check behind on this scary river with an overpair type hand, with all the straight draws and two pair combos possible. As such, Crazy would HAVE to bet the river from the SB first to act if he had the straight because he expects Hero to check behind if it's checked to him (i.e. if Villian is checking it's significantly more likely our hand is good and we can bet for value and get looked up by two pair hands here)