Here’s the problem, and it’s all WSOP’s making.
They’re forcing tables to break from Paris (YUGE ballroom) and bag their chips and then walk through the Paris and Bally’s casinos to play at Bally’s. Everyone follows one of the TDs in a line, but it’s not like someone is watching players or it’s a tight line. It’s a long unorganized string of players.
It’s beyond easy to walk back to your room with a bag of chips. Like there is absolutely zero way to protect against this.
Someone trying to sneak in chips using this method is the least surprising thing at the WSOP. I’d be shocked to hell if people weren’t already doing it in significant quantities.
Stop moving people between facilities, WSOP TDs. You have many many tables at Paris, where it’s one room, air conditioned (unlike Bally’s which had zero air circulation) and plenty of spare tables.