COVID-19 (Corona virous) and your home game? (4 Viewers)

I hope you're doing well, my friend! And I agree with you 100%!

Regarding virtual poker, I'm trying to set-up a game using the pokerrrr2 app, which is super customizable. It will be a Hold'em MTT and if it works well, I'll replace my next couple live games with it. I'll let you know how it goes IF I get the game going.

As far as P* is concerned, I'm not a fan at all for home games. The customization is terrible for tourneys (IMO of course). Or at east it was last time I play there with some PCF folks.

Paulo, I sincerely hope you and family are doing well staying safe. Let’s start a new thread about this, and discuss the pros and cons of various apps/sites, as opposed to here where most of the discussion will probably be related to the virus and it’s life impacts. Cheers, my friend.
Got a new one for the redundancy list: "global pandemic". Other favorites:
-ATM machine
-PIN number
I have a friend with relatives in the biotech industry and they’ve got a team looking at this virus and the associated worldwide analysis and papers for the last 3 weeks.

This virus was seemingly naturally engineered to kill the elderly and infirmed. The morbidity rates statistically skyrocket after 50 years old with increasing numbers as you get into 60-70 and 70+.

Overall, best estimate right is 80% recover with minor to moderate experiences. 18% recover but need hospitalization. 2% will die.

These numbers might be somewhat artificially high because the US has been so bad about getting tests out there.....but once the healthcare system is overwhelmed and hospital beds and respirators run out, the death toll will rise, and quickly. This is playing out in Italy right now. My friends family member that is heading up the research thinks this will peak in 5 weeks at the current rate.

Even those that recover after hospitalization will likely have permanent lung damage (roughly equivalent to COPD - google “lungs and crushed glass”).

They’re estimate a 40% average infectious rate. 40% X 300M Americans is 120M infected. 21.6M will need to be hospitalized and at least 10M will have complications. That’s 1 in 30 people. You will have immediate or extended family members affected by this disease for life.

2.4M Americans will die. This number will rise if the infections are not spread out - that is the entire purpose of the social distancing, which the younger generations don’t seem to understand and/or care about because statistically they have a much better recovery and survival rate.

Let’s say it’s 3M people dead, though the folks working on this problem think that’s optimistic. This means 1 in 100 people will die of this disease. If there are 10,000 people registered on this site, 100 of them will die of this disease.

Let those numbers sink in and then realize that we are at an inflection point where the infectious rate in the next 6 months could be 60%, 40%, or 20% (or obviously anywhere in between). Millions will die. If you think this is like H1N1 or anything we have seen in our lifetimes, try to find a school that is open or any professional live sports on TV.

You have to get the infectious rate down to 10% before it the American healthcare system has any chance to respond to this problem and avoid having to triage patients as you would in a war zone, leaving some to die and saving only those that you can with extremely limited resources.

Please check out YouTube videos regarding “Flatten the curve”, stay safe, and practice social distancing. The elderly and the vulnerable need us to spread this thing out as much as possible to give them a fighting chance.
This virus was seemingly naturally engineered to kill the elderly and infirmed. The morbidity rates statistically skyrocket after 50 years old with increasing numbers as you get into 60-70 and 70+.
So there is a chance that it's a plot to cut Medicare and Social Security? Well, that's one way -- kill off the recipients.

Just kidding. I hope.
Something to think about for you “death rate” people.

“That's why World Health Organization (WHO) officials - who said last week that 3.4% of the people worldwide confirmed as having been infected with the new coronavirus had died - were careful not to describe that as a mortality rate or death rate.”
What I learned from this thread: Two people are too ignorant for me to deal with, and have been sent to the ignore file.

On the plus side, it makes @Hornet 's sandwich comment sound so brilliant in comparison, I'm releasing him from the ignore void.
I don’t know how I didn’t see this until today, but this is the best news I’ve had all week!
What I learned from this thread: Two people are too ignorant for me to deal with, and have been sent to the ignore file.

On the plus side, it makes @Hornet 's sandwich comment sound so brilliant in comparison, I'm releasing him from the ignore void.
What an honour for him lol
The “A” edges were chalky too when they were new. I don’t remember if they were more or less though.

Regardless, I definitely need to wipe them down before even thinking of oil.
Or shower them (instead of wiping one by one), before oiling
Or shower them (instead of wiping one by one), before oiling

For this set, I’m just oiling the edge; thus before, I’ll likely wipe the edges a barrel at a time.

Any other conditioning will come via handling from normal play.

Site I'm looking at shows different numbers for total deaths daily. Increasing regardless of source is the key piece of info:

in Total
Mar. 19​
Mar. 18​
Mar. 17​
Mar. 16​
Mar. 15​
Mar. 14​
Mar. 13​
Mar. 12​
Mar. 11​
Mar. 10​
Mar. 9​
Mar. 8​
Mar. 7​
Mar. 6​
Mar. 5​
Mar. 4​
I would still go if I was invited. Nobody I know is worried about the virus. It’s not like if it’s outbreak the movie virus. I might of had this virus you might of had it. it’s just something that no one can just get tested for.
It’s like the movie Outbreak if you carry it and expose the elderly or people with existing health complications to it. And they have tests for it but the smart people are staying away from people for now and trying to limit the velocity at which this thing spreads.

People like you that don’t understand what this virus is and what it can do is the biggest problem right now. Please spend some time getting educated about this.
I would still go if I was invited. Nobody I know is worried about the virus. It’s not like if it’s outbreak the movie virus. I might of had this virus you might of had it. it’s just something that no one can just get tested for.
This seems to go against what the WHO, CDC, and other organizations made up of scientists whose jobs, careers, and focus of study has been these types of viruses, have been saying. Maybe I’m misunderstanding you but if I’m not, is there a particular reason you don’t believe them or think their statements should be taken seriously?
Right. Ignore all the world's scientists, because "nobody's worried". I guess It's ok if people get sick or die because of your ignorance, because "nobody's worried".

Fucktard probably has a basement full of toilet paper too.
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I live in Trump country. The age range of the players in our group is 35 to 75. I called the host Wednesday to see if there would be a game. His response, "Are you fucking stupid?!" "Yes, we are playing."

I found it humorous that none of the older players showed. (An observation I kept to myself.)
I would still go if I was invited. Nobody I know is worried about the virus. It’s not like if it’s outbreak the movie virus. I might of had this virus you might of had it. it’s just something that no one can just get tested for.
I hope you are trolling

Otherwise it's the most stupid post that I have ever seen.
I would still go if I was invited. Nobody I know is worried about the virus. It’s not like if it’s outbreak the movie virus. I might of had this virus you might of had it. it’s just something that no one can just get tested for.
Pure comedy, epic
Can't speak for anyone else but where I live (Windsor ON) pretty much everything is shut down (work, schools, restaurants, bars, libraries, community centers, concerts, and any kind of public gatherings.) The only thing that is open are grocery stores and the beer store (limited amount of customers at a time). Basically the whole city is unofficially under quarantine. Everyone is staying home and is only going out to grab groceries. This has been going on for about two week. I don't see the problem in having a small gathering of 5-6 young guys to play a home game for a few hours. Those who preferred to stay home did so and I respect their opinion. Those that wanted to come came. Everything was wiped down. Players were required to wash their hands and rinse their mouths after entering.
Can't speak for anyone else but where I live (Windsor ON) pretty much everything is shut down (work, schools, restaurants, bars, libraries, community centers, concerts, and any kind of public gatherings.) The only thing that is open are grocery stores and the beer store (limited amount of customers at a time). Basically the whole city is unofficially under quarantine. Everyone is staying home and is only going out to grab groceries. This has been going on for about two week. I don't see the problem in having a small gathering of 5-6 young guys to play a home game for a few hours. Those who preferred to stay home did so and I respect their opinion. Those that wanted to come came. Everything was wiped down. Players were required to wash their hands and rinse their mouths after entering.
There’s probably not but I think the argument against it is that there could be. You don’t have to show symptoms to have it and be able to spread it and like an STD and sex, ie you’re coming into contact with everyone else each player has in about the last 4 days (takes up to 4 days to start showing symptoms I believe). If one of the players did the same thing the a night or two before, you’d be coming into contact with the 5-6 of them + the people they’d all recently been in contact with. That’s the reason... now, is that worth missing out on playing live poker at this movement? It’s for each individual to decide.

PS thanks for sharing! I don’t mean to come off as judging your choice at all. Your group seems to definitely understand the risks and if you’re going to meet up knows and is willing to take the right precautions. Just wanted to share why others may decide to skip playing live poker. If I lived in a more rural place I’d probably be more keen to the idea (right or wrong) but living in a city has made me a lot more aware of how many people/peoples germs I could come into contact with just walking to the grocery store.
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Can't speak for anyone else but where I live (Windsor ON) pretty much everything is shut down (work, schools, restaurants, bars, libraries, community centers, concerts, and any kind of public gatherings.) The only thing that is open are grocery stores and the beer store (limited amount of customers at a time). Basically the whole city is unofficially under quarantine. Everyone is staying home and is only going out to grab groceries. This has been going on for about two week. I don't see the problem in having a small gathering of 5-6 young guys to play a home game for a few hours. Those who preferred to stay home did so and I respect their opinion. Those that wanted to come came. Everything was wiped down. Players were required to wash their hands and rinse their mouths after entering.
Well the precautions you mention is for the 5-6 guys, not the ones they come in contact with going to the game etc...

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