Classic poker chips is selling their company?? (2 Viewers)

It’s actually been months since I got a “fuck off” PM, I’m hoping you will pull through for me.

All you have to do is admit CPC resell value is good. Not a big ask.
I don’t think CPC resell value is good. HOWEVER. In a few years +++ once you can no longer order them, they will in fact hold value/maybe increase along w inflation. Similar to BCC.

Haha and no fuck off. Enjoy the banter. Can’t tell if ur seriously upset or not, but it’s a forum and we r taking about chips. A business closing is no funny matter. I assumed this was a safe space to discuss.
I don’t think CPC resell value is good. HOWEVER. In a few years +++ once you can no longer order them, they will in fact hold value/maybe increase along w inflation. Similar to BCC.
Hahahahaha!! lol. Nice way of saying you spoke hastily without thinking and now you don’t agree with your original statements.
Whelp this turned into fun. But for real, I've always thought of CPCs like tattoos.

You better LOVE what you make because if not your effed. CPCs you aren't getting ANY resale on unless you created one of the top top top sets. Everyone is quick to praise everyone's custom set because - well we should! They're personal labors of love, and beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

I would buy the black cats. Moonlights. And another 2-5 sets. But the rest, they aren't personal to me and I'm not spending the 3-7k they cost the original owner. IMO, there are a few that would sell, and the rest (majority) would and do simply sit.

That being said, I take a wash on chips regularly so maybe it shouldn't be considered that much of a detriment. However it's objectively laughable comparing CPC to Tina resale just based on what we've seen here for years and recently.
I don’t think CPC resell value is good. HOWEVER. In a few years +++ once you can no longer order them, they will in fact hold value/maybe increase along w inflation. Similar to BCC.

Haha and no fuck off. Enjoy the banter. Can’t tell if ur seriously upset or not, but it’s a forum and we r taking about chips. A business closing is no funny matter. I assumed this was a safe space to discuss.
Ya I'm worried about some of the awesome customs that were made years ago and the owner doesn't have extras for a sample. A lot of them planned on adding on at some point in the future, I sure hope they get orders in! Or else samples won't ever be available (or if they are, will be by someone reselling theirs for probably 5-10x+ original cost).
I don’t think CPC resell value is good. HOWEVER. In a few years +++ once you can no longer order them, they will in fact hold value/maybe increase along w inflation. Similar to BCC.

Haha and no fuck off. Enjoy the banter. Can’t tell if ur seriously upset or not, but it’s a forum and we r taking about chips. A business closing is no funny matter. I assumed this was a safe space to discuss.
By your reasoning then everyone’s idiots for not buying CPC sets now while they are “heavily discounted” and basically giving them away because in about a year they will be highly sought after grail chips.

I agree with you by the way.
CPC shaped textured inlays are gonna be missed…
You can say that again...(now just to plot a final set of some sort...wanted to see these in-hand before trying to decide add-on vs. different set altogether...I think I need to go H-mold or Ewing).

It isn’t funny. And it isn’t cool to bash their products while they are down. No matter your spin, thats what you meant at the time.
I think the only thing I “bashed” was there nonexistent advertising over the years. If you or they can’t take it, then an internet forum isn’t for you/them, nor is running a business. I also simply stated, along with many others, why Tina chips have hurt their market share.
Oh. Shit. I just realized, this might be the end. And @wonderpuddle is on like chip #49 of his customs.

Man. So many sets that are probably primed for add ons, specialty chips, etc. that won't get them. As a custom sample whore, it's a little sad how many amazing ideas are going to be left on the cutting room floor.
I think the only thing I “bashed” was there nonexistent advertising over the years. If you or they can’t take it, then an internet forum isn’t for you/them, nor is running a business. I also simply stated, along with many others, why Tina chips have hurt their market share.
Nah, what you said was that CPC didn’t resell at all and that they had to be heavily discounted to sell in the secondary market.

I called bullshit and you’ve been back pedaling since.
Nah, what you said was that CPC didn’t resell at all and that they had to be heavily discounted to sell in the secondary market.

I called bullshit and you’ve been back pedaling since.
I’m such an awful person. I still think that’s true lol. 90% of custom sets don’t sell well. Regardless the manufacture.
Why is that? Only asking because I bought one today lol
My thinking was they most buy them to plan out their purchases. If there’s no CPC then that purpose is moot. But people still trade in Paulson color samples so maybe I missed the mark on the true use. Just a thought
My thinking was they most buy them to plan out their purchases. If there’s no CPC then that purpose is moot. But people still trade in Paulson color samples so maybe I missed the mark on the true use. Just a thought
No I think you nailed it as far as why people buy them because that's why I bought mine. Assuming I make a set & CPC does disappear won't they still have served their purpose though?

I guess I just look at them as a necessary expense & tool to have while making a set.

BTW thanks to @TheTrout in offering to loan their CPC color sample set to me. (Love this place)
My thoughts regarding all these comments about the negatives of CPC (from a customer standpoint and not from a business one). To some, including me, custom CPCs are the top of the top…the pinnacle of chipping. Fully custom clay casino grade chips should take awhile to make…they should cost a lot of money…the whole process should be exhausting for everyone. They are special. Not everyone has them and shouldn’t. Cherish your one-of-one clay chip sets and stop looking for that instant gratification all the time.

^^This! 100%

Custom CPCs is the primary reason I'm interested in chipping. I have little to no long-term interest in the vast majority of mass-produced random casino Paulsons that dozens of people have the same sets of. Don't get me wrong, I think Paulson makes the best chips quality-wise, particularly the vintage leaded THCs, but that's just not enough to make them the best overall chips to me. The only exception for me is the Paulson Binions WSOP chips because of the combination of their design, feel, and historical significance. But the ability to produce custom chips with your own designs and the security of knowing nobody can sneak a $100 or $1000 chip into your game are worth a lot to me. I've owned a ton of beautiful Paulson sets over the years, but nothing beats a nice set of clay customs. And while maybe the feel of CPCs isn't quite as good as Paulsons, they still look and feel great and whatever delta they have doesn't even come close to overcoming the ability to design your own set.
I just searched and all I can find are CPC sets for sale that didn’t sell or sold for almost half of what they paid lol

That depends entirely on how well done the set was. If they're a beautifully designed set with a nice breakdown and a transferrable theme that anyone can appreciate, you can resell them for exactly what you paid (been there, done that). But if your design is shit (most are, sorry) or if the inlay read "Sally's Poker Room" or "Wednesday Night Poker Crew" then you're going to get pennies on the dollar.
I just searched and all I can find are CPC sets for sale that didn’t sell or sold for almost half of what they paid lol

Isn’t that mainly because most CPC sets are highly-customized and personal (and thus less likely to find a buyer who doesn’t want someone else’s custom idea)?
New management might be able to:

(1) Figure how to shorten turnaround times. I understand it is very challenging to make fully-customizable true clays. But I suspect that some potential buyers walk away because they want the chips soon, not in an undefined 3-16 month timeframe when batches finally accrue/line up enough to run them. Maybe the number of molds and colors offered needs to be fewer, or something... with those wanting something more exotic or complicated paying a big premium and having to wait.

(2) Offer more off-the-shelf sets at a lower price point. There is a constant flow of posts from new members looking for clay chips at a non-degen price. This strikes me as a market waiting to be addressed (currently being filled by Tinas, but those just aren't clays). Similarly, there might be some premade sets with simple labeling options for those wanting a fast custom set. CPC has a few offerings like Rounders, Eagles, Atlantics. But I don’t see a lot of those chips posted. So either people don’t cotton to those specific designs, or the price point is too close to customs so people just go that route instead.

Neither of the above is meant as any criticism of CPC. Just something for potential new owners to consider.
I’d rather have THC > RHC > Tina Hybrid > CPC > card mold Tina.
That honestly surprises me and makes me wonder, all things being equal, what the general preference would be between these options.
Tina hybrid over CPC? Can you explain why that is your preference? To me, there is no comparison on materials/quality. But, maybe variety of colors/edge spots and shorter leadtime is what sways you?
Today, I'm firmly in the THC > IHC > 43mm hybrids > CPC (a few molds, not all) > anything else camp. My current collection reflects those top four choices, and not much else.

For me, it's about feel, sound, stackability, color and design, and to some degree, weight (within reason).

Cost of those sets ranges from $1.28 to $12.00 per chip for THC, $1.56 to $7.00 for IHC, $.56 to $.70 for 43mm hybrids, and $1.20 to $3.75 for CPC. When price is factored in, the 43mm hybrids are clear winners. And the quality of the hybrids rivals that of CPC products.

As much as I'd like to order a custom diasqr, cirsqr, or jockey mold set before they become permanently unavailable, justifying the cost is really difficult given other available options.

CPC sets can sell for more than bought. I've had offers on my Cactus Pete's and have a standing offer on the Whirligigs. But it's a rare feat. Generally unless it a top tier set, you might get 70% of current cost. If they stop making sets, even for a period, I think custom well loved CPCs might actually get it's own market as they won't have the ability to replace. (but again, only for top tier sets.)
The beauty of CPC has always been the ability to create something uniquely yours. I’m going to keep my personal customs personal.

I've tried my hand at CPCs chip design tool and have attempted to create an inlay that actually means something to me, and over the last year or so have failed miserably at both.

No chip set I have ever seen ... and this is going back to the old ChipTalk days even ... has "spoken" to me as much as your Moonlight Cardhouse set. The colors, the progression, the inlays ... IMO, all are just perfection!

If you ever decide to sell it, DIBS! :)
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